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High Warlord Naj'entus

Well.. here we go. Lord Naj'entus himself. ready to crush you little surface dwellers if you even look at him >D

~this was a lill challenge between varsaigen and me to see which model is better. so... be the judge C:

I'd like to thank:
~67Chrome for making me a skin.
~Cavman for helpin' a bit C:

So.... give me credit for using this model or you shall find out what is his shelled claw capable off >D


EDIT: a;so fixed a few things, like materials and weapon attachment
EDIT2: so, after Ralle merged my portraits, I'm going to do a quick update. the models with ears need to match :b

Naga, warlord, najentus, naj'entus, Misha

High Warlord Naj'entus (Model)

Naj'entus Portrait (Model)

Naj'entus with ears (Model)

Portrait with ears (Model)




17:15, 21st May 2009
Beuatiful model. A few problems though.
1) Change "Stand Protrait" to just "Portrait". It's stance is so differnet it make the model look like it has a very bad nervous tic, which is makes it look crappy.
2) In the dissipate, it dosen't rise up, just sits there and sparks. Looks funny.
Optional 3) Modify the normal Naga Male(Myrm and Royal) portrait to make one for this. It's to badass to not have a good one.
Optional 4) Make the back spikes a bit shorter. They look kinda funny.
Fis these and it will be approved.

Required fixes made, approved.
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
Freaking Pawning Time. love it, 5/5, my new favorite model on the hive. Both yours and Var's are epic
Man, i hate that stupid "you must spread rep around" thing. How much do i have to spread around before i can rep you again?
Freaking Pawning Time. love it, 5/5, my new favorite model on the hive. Both yours and Var's are epic
Man, i hate that stupid "you must spread rep around" thing. How much do i have to spread around before i can rep you again?

don't know... and i don't care X3
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
Var's model ate a cow, he's alot fatter then misha's. So the skin might look a little more streched. But still, both are awesome.
Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
comes with leading raiding parties on the surface world :p

Rep spread: about 5-8 reppings :p

We each have our styles. :p I like the design of yours as it looks more demonic and fearsome, ready to ravage the surface world. :p Well done! :D
Mine is more to mimic the appearance of the WoW version. :/ Just seeing how close I could get the model :p
We each have our styles. :p I like the design of yours as it looks more demonic and fearsome, ready to ravage the surface world. :p Well done! :D
Mine is more to mimic the appearance of the WoW version. :/ Just seeing how close I could get the model :p

you did pretty close yourself...
Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
Sorry Var, I prefer Misha's :D Rep for both of you anyways :p

no problems :p I needed to finish the model, and Misha making his own version gave me an excuse to do so. :p Honestly, I prefer Misha's version as it's a new and more realistic veiw of what the Warlord would look like. WoW models look too peaceful and squishable D: more of a lulz design D: Misha's shows a veiw of what the naga would look like in our world if they existed. Besides, it gives map makers the excuse of giving the naga a corruption or Feral Nature spell :p Transforming my Naga Warlord into the fearsom beast of Misha's Naga Warlord :p I think my naga has an ego D: The design says it all D: (based from WoW... yep, he's got an ego D:)
no problems :p I needed to finish the model, and Misha making his own version gave me an excuse to do so. :p Honestly, I prefer Misha's version as it's a new and more realistic veiw of what the Warlord would look like. WoW models look too peaceful and squishable D: more of a lulz design D: Misha's shows a veiw of what the naga would look like in our world if they existed. Besides, it gives map makers the excuse of giving the naga a corruption or Feral Nature spell :p Transforming my Naga Warlord into the fearsom beast of Misha's Naga Warlord :p I think my naga has an ego D: The design says it all D: (based from WoW... yep, he's got an ego D:)

funny... naga with an ego x3
Level 5
Jan 23, 2009
Well. The model itself looks great, and has been incoparated into my map, but the only problem i have is, can you change it's 'weapon' attachment point? It's no where near the model.
Level 3
Oct 21, 2007
The Portrait looks like he's constantly walking, which is a bit annoying.
Also the weapon attachment point is floating way beyond his "hand"
My only problems with it 3.5/5
Level 1
Apr 27, 2009
WOW misha... It looks just like the WoW one, except theleft hand, but it looks great! I would like to give it a 200/5, but since I cant, I'll give you a 5/5 :grin:. I luv it. Andit gave me an ideea for a map too... If they find frozen, giant nagas and the world is half frozen. :cool:
Level 6
Feb 23, 2008
something wrong with the head, why does it look like he wears a big helmet, so big half of his head is covered?
Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
i think it's merged into his skin :p Must be agitating if he used to be a normal naga and the shell grew over his face D: Unable to see anything except the inside of his shell. Having to use magical eyes outside of his shell just to see (flames going up in some pics. Seems to mimic Illidan's Demonic lames as eyes) D: