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Heart of the Swarm trailer leaked

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Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
Heart of the Swarm teaser leaked

Heart of the Swarm main page

Source and Full Information (all videos, interviews, FAQ, detailed information): http://wellplayed.org/forum/114/thread/3805016/show









Source: http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/media/screenshots/
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Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
Highlight, highlight! There is a video that's been removed from YouTube but is currently still up in one of the websites linked by Imtor. Check it out before it's deleted there as well!

Also, it seems Blizzard hasn't given up on the idea of running a money-based service using maps:
As far as Battle.net improvements, one primary focus will be on getting the StarCraft Marketplace up and running at some point around the launch of Heart of the Swarm. (...) The Marketplace will also eventually include a commerce element that will allow mapmakers to charge a fee for their work. (...)
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
I was awaiting the Snow/Ice tileset. Even BW with the poorer graphics had an awesome snow terrain and was nice to work with the Campaign Editor. SC2 had so far Niflheim textures that are not in any default tileset but can be made custom. The only map (and I mean custom and melee map) that I've seen using it is GSL Crevasse. I even thought it was Xel Naga Caves/Ulaan? tileset just made more pale then I saw it is using Niflheim textures. Now what you see in the campaign is tilset&planet Kaldir that seems has a pulsar star as a sun which is a good match with a cold planet.
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Heart of the Swarm - On Battle.net!

Battle.net Version

The Queen of Blades is gone. On the hellish planet Char, Jim Raynor harnessed the power of an ancient Xel’Naga artifact in a desperate bid to stop the zerg Swarm from overrunning the Koprulu sector, and the artifact restored Sarah Kerrigan to her human form. Without their queen to guide and unify them, the Swarm has fractured into several broods scattered throughout the Koprulu sector. One of the greatest threats to the galaxy has been neutralized... or so it seems.
Sarah Kerrigan is on the loose. Even without the terrible powers of the Queen of Blades or the might of the Swarm at her command, the former Ghost remains a foe not to be taken lightly. But if the artifact really did set her free, then why is Kerrigan seeking out zerg broods scattered throughout the Koprulu sector? What happened to Jim Raynor? Is she still pursuing her quest for vengeance, or has her transformation given Kerrigan a new purpose?
Who is Sarah Kerrigan?

Introduction to Heart of the Swarm expansion by Blizzard.

More info at http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/game/heart-of-the-swarm-preview/story
Level 14
Mar 23, 2011
Protoss Players were like :goblin_jawdrop: AWW SH*T!,why does zerg be next?,we want Protoss!lol
But I Like It!:thumbs_up:
Looks like they were smart and realized to make the game more like WC3 by including hero gameplay. It makes SC2 look much more appealing to me.

Theres actually a fairly large demographic of people who didn't like the hero system in wc3. (especially sc players) who are actually kinda dissapointed.

I myself am not sure, on one hand, kerrigan dying repeatedly is gonna be so annoying for me personally, but on the other hand, playing as kerrigan again? = foreverpermahappy
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
Protoss Players were like :goblin_jawdrop: AWW SH*T!,why does zerg be next?,we want Protoss!lol
But I Like It!:thumbs_up:

We knew that the Zerg expansion was coming next, and THEN the Protoss expansion even before SC2 was even released. They announced it in BlizzCon, I think.

I love everything about this, really! Yetis, snow, Kerrigan, the ability to mutate your units and turn them into awesome-er units... Just perfect! I love it! :D
Can't wait for HotS!



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
I liked heroes in WarCraft, but I'm not too sure about this either. This sort of upgrade system is much like the old one even with the stirp system. Zerglings are also quite fragile but Kerrigan managed to do most of the work against Za'Gara with only a few. I'm not sure how to put it in words, but it made me a little uneasy.
In Wings of Liberty I was thrilled about everything in the game, but I don't feel the same about Heart of the Swarm. Maybe it's just the feeling of disappointment with StarCraft II speaking. The storyline's going to have to be really promising for me to buy it (and I'm not sure if I'll actually buy it).
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Of course you will, we all will. I don't even play WoL anymore, I played melee on and off for a month or two after buying it - Like literally tens of games, not hundreds and I know I'll buy this - I don't know if I'll like it but I'll buy it, I like to think I won't, but I know I will O_O

About Za'Gara, she might have been playing on easy! The noob :p
Level 25
May 11, 2007
I hope the campaign is a lot darker than it was, instead of the "we send in the geeky hero unit, we need to fight together bla bla bla".

I want the campaign to be as dark and deadly as the starcraft universe is.
Level 14
Jan 2, 2007
And after HotS imagine epic psionic powers. The best for the end.
Until then, lol I won't sleep until I finish HotS.

You mean the whole 8 hours of gameplay ?

Cuz HOTS has only 20 missions or so, while WOL I believe had a little above 30 ? and WOL took me ~12hours to complete while looking at all the cutscenes and interacting with everyone I could, everytime I could.

Will be fun to see rolling Banelings splitting up into two minor Blings as they attack the Terran defenses.

However storywise, I expect a big letdown, again. Btw what happend to 'this is a story about a boy and a girl' ? Seems like old Raynor is gonna settle for "NEXT TIMEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Even if it's the last thing I do !!!!!!!" again.

Well yes, just like they did with Forzen Throne expansion.

Actually, they will change and remove some units from the multiplayer game, such as the Reaper and the Overseers. Afaik the Overseer will just have a complete rework while we can expect Reapers to be gone.

I hope the campaign is a lot darker than it was, instead of the "we send in the geeky hero unit, we need to fight together bla bla bla".

I want the campaign to be as dark and deadly as the starcraft universe WAS.

Fixed it for you. Right now the SC Universe is... a sci-fi/fantasy jibberish about prophecies, beings of power and darkness beyond anyones imagination and..... last but not least ! Teh Chosen One.
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Level 27
Jul 6, 2008
Wait, so how will that work like? I mean, will we who haven't bought the Hots will like get to play with new melee game units, too, or what?

Also, I'm a bit sceptic about storyline. Well, see, it doesn't seem that they were very sucessful with WoL campaing, and zerg are kinda more weird than terrans, and they are pretty much, well most of them are mindless drones, so I doubt this campaing will have storyline immproved a lot comparing to WoL... altrough I think Protoss may have a very intresting storyline...

Wait, who said sci-fi can't have ancient evils and chosen ones?
Level 14
Jan 2, 2007
Wait, so how will that work like? I mean, will we who haven't bought the Hots will like get to play with new melee game units, too, or what?

Also, I'm a bit sceptic about storyline. Well, see, it doesn't seem that they were very sucessful with WoL campaing, and zerg are kinda more weird than terrans, and they are pretty much, well most of them are mindless drones, so I doubt this campaing will have storyline immproved a lot comparing to WoL... altrough I think Protoss may have a very intresting storyline...

Wait, who said sci-fi can't have ancient evils and chosen ones?

Uhm, u will need WOL to play HOTS, and yes there will be separate Bnets like wc3 roc and tft.

Star Wars is sci-fi/fantasy aswell. With the Force and all that mumbo jumbo. But I didn't say that the presence of 'ancient evil' and 'the chosen one' makes it a sci-fi/fantasy. No. The artstyle of the game, alongside with dead spirits who talk, these make the game and story be sci-fi/fantasy. And these elements tell of a story about a prophecy, an ancient evil and the chosen one... oh sry, I mean about a boy and a girl... no wait, I forgot what Metzen said, he says a lot.
Level 27
Sep 24, 2006
We're going to be the color orange for the campaign :(

Heh i thought zerg color was purple just like undead in warcraft. Looks better on them than orange :s

I find this whole seperate b.net and ladder feature annoying, i can understand the seperate b.net but they could've also made a filter or something in the next WoL patch? ... And does seperate mean that everything including, launcher executable... patches... etc. will all be seperate? How is that usefull. Kinda confusing. You end up having three icons on your desktop for the same game.

(WoL has 29 missions i believe =p)



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
Of course you will, we all will. I don't even play WoL anymore, I played melee on and off for a month or two after buying it - Like literally tens of games, not hundreds and I know I'll buy this - I don't know if I'll like it but I'll buy it, I like to think I won't, but I know I will O_O

About Za'Gara, she might have been playing on easy! The noob :p
Well, when I buy a game, I like not to regret a single spent cent of my money. With Warcraft III, I didn't. In Wings of Liberty, I have; melee games take longer and have lesser probabilities of being fun, the custom games out there are boring for this or the other reason and there's really none with replay factor, the editor is complex and lacks help tips... and a few other reasons I don't recall right now.

However storywise, I expect a big letdown, again. Btw what happend to 'this is a story about a boy and a girl' ? Seems like old Raynor is gonna settle for "NEXT TIMEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Even if it's the last thing I do !!!!!!!" again.
...? Which part led you to believe that? Because I think Raynor's actually trying to help her in the trailer. But the coolest part of the storyline is that Blizzard are seemingly attempting to tell people that the Zerg are not just mindless monsters -- I could be wrong, but I hope that's it. I've only been playing StarCraft for a year and the «evul Zerg» cliché is getting tiresome already.

Edhel-dur said:
Actually, they will change and remove some units from the multiplayer game, such as the Reaper and the Overseers. Afaik the Overseer will just have a complete rework while we can expect Reapers to be gone.
Huh, source? Because what I've read is that they're actually un-nerfing the Reaper. What I was hoping is that they'd make it useful against other Terran somehow. They can't harass mains after a while because a siege tank in siege mode defending the main can blast a group of 5 to 10 Reapers with a single shot, and they can't support your army in infantry fights because they've got 50 HP and about the same range as a Marine and their gas cost is exuberant for such a waste.

Heh i thought zerg color was purple just like undead in warcraft. Looks better on them than orange :s
The Char Brood is, at least, but yes, Blizzard has used purple for all other random Zerg appearances. Even though, the other broods (Baelrog, Tiamat, Grendel, Jormungand...) used different colors, they just didn't have a fixed one.

The_wand_mirror said:
I find this whole seperate b.net and ladder feature annoying, i can understand the seperate b.net but they could've also made a filter or something in the next WoL patch? ... And does seperate mean that everything including, launcher executable... patches... etc. will all be seperate? How is that usefull. Kinda confusing. You end up having three icons on your desktop for the same game.
I'm only hoping that they don't plan to reset portraits, my Lenassa Dark Templar was real hard to get, and I like Ornatus too.
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
They'd better make some Terran unit to make TvT dynamic like countering siege tank/mass vikings turtling. It is the most horrible match to play atm. TvZ and TvP have battles you don't stay, PvP ZvZ ZvP also exciting nothing is like TvT 1 hour games of camping. I know this was maybe typical for Broodwar but that's why it is SC2 to make it different, does this have to repeat again... I hate sleeping matches. I think War3 TFT fixed emptyness with adding Spellbreaker, Warden, Bloodmage, they added what the races were lacking - hu anti caster, elf anti caster (faerie), undead summoning hero etc. Same should be fixed, not sure if it was ever addressed maybe it should be.



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
In Brood War, Ghosts could be upgraded with that Lockdown ability which disabled mechanical units, and between a Nuke, Lockdown and the Science Vessel's protective barrier, I imagine you could still break expo fortifications, but in SC2, without those barriers and with the Marauder and all, it's unbreakable.

And yes, I think we can expect those units to be altered. The Reaper and the Mothership have been highly criticized units, so they might.
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