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Harry Potter and the Battle of the Ministry

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Harry Potter
and the Battle of the Ministry

I've bean working on this map for a while, but I haven't so much time to work on it. I am crazy in Harry Potter and I think it exist to few Harry Potter maps, so I decided to make one on my self. But I can't say I'm a pro map maker. ^^

This is an AoS map, you choose team; Order of the Phoenix or the Death Eaters. This map takes place on the Wizard Ministry, and I decided quite fast no not follow it at 100 %. I mean that not all heroes I've in this map isn't on the ministry at that time, like Hagrid and Fenrir Greyback.

About the Hero, I try to do so they looks as much as they are doing in the movies and books. But if you wonder why all units the attack with magic without to say something, I defend myself with that these spells are nonverbal spells.

I have recently made a floo powder network, so you can move faster around the map. So if you want to visit Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, just go to a fireplace and a dialog will appear, with all destenations.

Cloak Request
Floo Powder Network Dialog

I'm pleased for good ideas and hints. Pllz try it and say what you think. And I know, I must work on the terrain, it isn't finnished everywhere... Not the Diagon Alley either, I will add much more shops :D

Edit: I removed the map, cause it where to many bugs, it will soon be here again!


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Im looking forward to see how this turns out.
Good luck with this project :)

I will soon add the map to this thread, I'll tell ya!

I like the idea!
I dont really like AoS maps, but i like Harry Potter =D,,
Can you make a screenshot of the Death Eaters? I would like to see them! =D,,
I can help you with some little triggering IF you need help ;),,

Thx. Check my requests and try to help me ;)

U can see death eaters on the archway picture (nr 2), I hope u understand that the Death Eaters are the left ones o_O
Level 16
Oct 12, 2008
Ok,, GL with it!
And JASS, that is what you are doing, we only call it GUI, since Blizzard made it alittle easier to script, but it actually IS what you are making,,
(When you save the map, it converts every trigger to JASS,,)
Level 2
Oct 30, 2008
The birds just damage their target for their damage now, without any special effects/spells.
The hero says "Oppugno" whenever a bird leaves, but only once in 2 seconds.


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Level 18
Aug 3, 2008
: / im a tad disappointed.

this s a very good idea..but the factthat its aos makes me sad.
i think harry potter should be an RPG, since its very story based.

however i do think its a good idea and i like it alot ! keep up your progress ! and get better terrain !
if you need trigger help, just give me a PM, there are many out there willing to lead you a hand.

Thx, but I got an IRL friend that I can ask the most stuffs about ;) So I survive and actually learn more and more ^^

: / im a tad disappointed.

this s a very good idea..but the factthat its aos makes me sad.
i think harry potter should be an RPG, since its very story based.

however i do think its a good idea and i like it alot ! keep up your progress ! and get better terrain !

The thing is that I don't like RPG maps and thought of this instead, so I started to make it. When I am finnished with some more spells, I will add a preview when they are finnished.

Please tell me what I can do to make the terrain better. I would be greatful!
Level 15
Dec 18, 2007
Since its Order of Phoenix vs. Death Eaters, Death Eaters should, in theory, have more reinforcements.
So maybe you could make there be more Death Eaters but make them weaker than those from the Order. That is quite the case in the story of Harry Potter yes?
Since they chant stuff anyway, just use Floating Texts to display the name of the spell cast so it looks as if they chanted something. Add some magical sounds and you have a so-called Magic War thingy.
Finally, will Voldemort and Dumbledore (pardon any spelling errors, haven't read the book in a year) fight at the end of the battle? Will they apparate and use spells against each other? If not, add that :D. If it is already planned, make the players able to help but make little difference as the two Wizards are too powerful to be overcome by normal Wizards.
I like the idea a bit and the screen shoots look epic can't w8 for you to finish your map.

Thanks! I hope it lives up to your expectations!

You might want to re-model Haary a bit though. I don't remember him being all mucled.

I agree, I have searched for a better model, but cant find any1, and I dont want him to look like the other units, he has at least glasses... If u find some1, so pllz tell me!

Since its Order of Phoenix vs. Death Eaters, Death Eaters should, in theory, have more reinforcements.
So maybe you could make there be more Death Eaters but make them weaker than those from the Order. That is quite the case in the story of Harry Potter yes?
Since they chant stuff anyway, just use Floating Texts to display the name of the spell cast so it looks as if they chanted something. Add some magical sounds and you have a so-called Magic War thingy.
Finally, will Voldemort and Dumbledore (pardon any spelling errors, haven't read the book in a year) fight at the end of the battle? Will they apparate and use spells against each other? If not, add that :D. If it is already planned, make the players able to help but make little difference as the two Wizards are too powerful to be overcome by normal Wizards.

Maybe the Death Eaters got more reinforcements, but the soon the whole Order of the Phoenix is there as well.

I have already added Floating text to the spells, and what do u mean with the sounds? Shall I record myself, when I'm saying the spells and add them? Maybe would be cool, but I dunno how much size it takes...

About Lord Voldemort and Dumbledore then, I have thought to make a movie in the start and in the end, but 2 diffrent movies in the end. So if the Death Eaters win they'll kill Dumbledore and the rest of the team, maybe catch Harry. But if the Order win, some Death Eaters flees (like in the book) and some get catched!

I hope I can upload it soon, but I have to add some more spells first, and if u look at the minimap on some of the pictures, there is quite much spaces that is just black...

Thx for comments guys!
Level 12
Aug 31, 2008
Since its Order of Phoenix vs. Death Eaters, Death Eaters should, in theory, have more reinforcements.
So maybe you could make there be more Death Eaters but make them weaker than those from the Order. That is quite the case in the story of Harry Potter yes?
Since they chant stuff anyway, just use Floating Texts to display the name of the spell cast so it looks as if they chanted something. Add some magical sounds and you have a so-called Magic War thingy.
Finally, will Voldemort and Dumbledore (pardon any spelling errors, haven't read the book in a year) fight at the end of the battle? Will they apparate and use spells against each other? If not, add that :D. If it is already planned, make the players able to help but make little difference as the two Wizards are too powerful to be overcome by normal Wizards.

Well, If you've ver played Dday Judgement ( it is on the hive) Uther and Archimonde (I think) come down and fight.) They can be killed, but they can also finish the game if it lasts that long. I think they should come down at like 30 min or something to decrease endless battles, cause face it, when youre lvl 9999 you don't get killed and it dont end.
Level 1
May 9, 2009
Can i Have your models?

Can i have your models plsss plsssssss plssss cause im working on a map like FOC but i need your Harry Potter model so plss reply,tnx.

Level 18
Feb 2, 2008
I got a couple of item ideas

Broomsticks: like the nimbus2000 it increases your attack and walk speed.

Chocolate frog: heals for 100 points

Owl: summons an owl that attacks your enemys for 20seconds

Death wand: The wand of the 3 brothers this wand is the strongest wand. +damage dont know how many :p

Hope this helps a little :p im a fan of harry potter and i know much of it so if you want any help just PM me :p
I got a couple of item ideas

Broomsticks: like the nimbus2000 it increases your attack and walk speed.

Well, if I should use broomsticks, shouldn't the unit fly then instead? And then I want a model for the broom... But it would be really cool with broomsticks.

Chocolate frog: heals for 100 points

Good Idea, I maybe shall add it. But for healing, I already have potions and spells...

Owl: summons an owl that attacks your enemys for 20seconds

You can buy owls in the Diagon Alley...

Death wand: The wand of the 3 brothers this wand is the strongest wand. +damage dont know how many :p

I have thought of the 3 relices of death, but if I add them, it will be later!

Thx for ideas! I will try to add a test before the premier... Shit, I will have to work a lot tomorrow ^^ But maybe I can add a test. Would be fun to get comments...
Level 18
Feb 2, 2008
Ok well i got som more ideas i dont know if you like them but here thay are.

Dragon egg: Summons an dragon for 30seconds (like the bulgarian horntail)

High class students cloak: Provides the user with +armor (dont know how much)

I also got a shop idea and i think alot of people would love this one :p

Dont know how the shop is called in english but the weesley topfop shop it has rare items like a love potion that confuses your enemy who it needs to attack for example :p

i hope you like the new ideas :p
Ok well i got som more ideas i dont know if you like them but here thay are.

Dragon egg: Summons an dragon for 30seconds (like the bulgarian horntail)

Or maybe buy dragons instead!? I want them to be summoned forever instead ^^

High class students cloak: Provides the user with +armor (dont know how much)

I have already shield cloaks and shield gloves that works like that.

I also got a shop idea and i think alot of people would love this one :p

Dont know how the shop is called in english but the weesley topfop shop it has rare items like a love potion that confuses your enemy who it needs to attack for example :p

i hope you like the new ideas :p

I have thought of that 2, and he become ally with the caster or something. This model would be great for it!

Thx for ideas!
Level 31
Apr 17, 2009
So you're making a Harry Potter map, too.
I do, too. This sounds very interesting. +rep
I look forward to playing it.
The terrain is in my opinion very ugly and a bit boring.
The textures of Harry Potter and Ron don't look that good. The villager model just don't fit. It's to fat and muscular.
I'm also making a Harry Potter map (RPG) and I try to make a Harry Potter texture, too.
When it's ready, I will tell you and show it to you, maybe you will like it.
But it will take some time.
Greets chilla_killa
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