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GUI Mastery: Mini Game Contest

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Level 10
Nov 28, 2008

GUI Mastery: Mini Game Contest
A test of one's GUI mastery! Using limited GUI triggers each entrant will attempt to create the greatest mini game possible!

Contest Rules And Conditions

  • No submission may violate any of the site rules.
  • If a submission does not follow the map submission rules the creator will be disqualified.
  • All submissions must follow the current theme. If any model does not fit, a moderator will tell you as soon as possible as to avoid confusion.
  • Your submission must be posted before the deadline. The post containing your final submission must also contain the following:
    • Several screenshots of terrain and gameplay.
    • The file in the appropriate format.
  • You must show at least one unfinished preview of your submission, before the deadline, as proof that it’s yours.
  • Your submission may not be started/made before the official launch of the contest.
  • Judges and/or hosts may participate.
  • Your final submission must be bug free.
  • Teamwork is not allowed.
  • The map must support at least 4 players.
  • All entries must be under 1mb.
  • Imports may be used in the map, however they must all be credited.
  • All the entries must be unprotected so that the submission may be judged.
  • Each map may only contain triggers created with the GUI provided by Warcraft III World Editor.
    • A maximum of 10 triggers are allowed.

Contest Prizes And Winnings

  • First Place: 30 reputation points and a special award icon
  • Second Place: 20 reputation points
  • Third Place: 10 reputation points

Contest Judging And Voting

  • Judges:

  • Judging Criteria:

    The game should be original or drastically different. Ex. Freeze tag is NOT original./10

    Each trigger was used to the fullest extent./10

    The terrain, custom units, etc.. all fit in a proper way./10
    FunThe game should be fun, and have a high replay value./10

  • 100% of the winner shall be determined by the contest's appointed judge(s).


If you would like to enter the contest simply make a post in this thread, stating the information about your entry.

Entry NameContestant Name

Contest Dates And Deadline

  • The contest shall begin on Date of Approval and conclude [rainbow]Thirty days after approval[/rainbow] (GMT)
Level 10
Nov 28, 2008
Sounds interesting. I have an idea already, I'll have to test if it can be squeezed in under 11 triggers. If it can, I'm definately in too!

I was trying to test myself to create a map with as few triggers as I could, and was having trouble trying to create one with that few triggers, and I was having a LOT of difficulty...

This would be a great way of really challenging everyone here, even the crazy JASS guys, to see how much they can do with as few triggers as 10.

I think it could get interesting, :thumbs_up:
Level 10
Nov 28, 2008

No one really interested, eh?

Well, I dare you all to try to make one of those maps with that few triggers, tis freakin hard to do, and if it were a competition, that would drive people to be inventive with their code!




Level 6
Feb 20, 2009
There's crazy JASS ppl here? scary.... thought that was at the other sites hehe.

Well I am in since I most likely will win :D.
Level 14
Nov 18, 2007
The crazy JASS guys will not join a GUI competition forcing them to use inferior tools.

However, if you let them use JASS, they can fit just about anything into 10 triggers (you could even fit everything into the custom script section).
Level 10
Nov 28, 2008
The crazy JASS guys will not join a GUI competition forcing them to use inferior tools.

However, if you let them use JASS, they can fit just about anything into 10 triggers (you could even fit everything into the custom script section).

I would be happy with that, it is just that some of those JASS custom scripts are 50-100 lines of code, and that defeats the purpose of this idea...
Level 14
Nov 18, 2007
they can fit just about anything into 10 triggers
triggers being those sheets in the treelist in the trigger editor.

You could introduce a maximum number of lines of code.
Then again...thatd make me write shitty code and itd not fit the name of the contest; so just live with it that you wont see many JASS cracks turning up and participating.
Level 10
Nov 28, 2008
From the contests templates from Hawkwing:Here
Here are the mini game rules:
  • No submission may violate any of the site rules.
  • If a submission does not follow the map submission rules the creator will be disqualified.
  • All submissions must follow the current theme. If any model does not fit, a moderator will tell you as soon as possible as to avoid confusion.
  • Your submission must be posted before the deadline. The post containing your final submission must also contain the following:
    • Several screenshots of terrain and gameplay.
    • The file in the appropriate format.
  • You must show at least one unfinished preview of your submission, before the deadline, as proof that it’s yours.
  • Your submission may not be started/made before the official launch of the contest.
  • Judges and/or hosts may not participate.
  • Your final submission must be bug free.
  • Teamwork is not allowed.
    • Finding testers and voice actors to help you with your submission is not considered teamwork.
  • The map must support at least 4 players.
  • All entries must be under 4mb, so they are playable on battle net. Having them under 1mb is recommended.
  • Imports may be used in the map, however they must all be credited.
  • All the entries must be unprotected so that the triggers and scripts can be looked at.

So yell at him, not me, :thumbs_up:
Level 20
Apr 22, 2007
tagg1080 said:
It was ment to see what you guys could do when limited by the number of special things used.

When you go out and write games, you have limits
When you make something, you use whichever tools will make the job yield the best result.
This is a competition, though. I'm aware that restrictions can apply. But there's no point to putting restrictions when they don't amount to any challenge and all they do is fuck you over. It's like you'd get all of the best painters in the world and ask them to paint using their toes only: the end result will inevitably be ugly and worthless in comparison to what they're able to do.
Level 10
Nov 28, 2008
When you make something, you use whichever tools will make the job yield the best result.
This is a competition, though. I'm aware that restrictions can apply. But there's no point to putting restrictions when they don't amount to any challenge and all they do is fuck you over. It's like you'd get all of the best painters in the world and ask them to paint using their toes only: the end result will inevitably be ugly and worthless in comparison to what they're able to do.

Then what would the contest have to be, if the challenge was to paint the best thing you could do with two colors?

You can still make things with two colors, it is just much harder.

I was trying to come up with an interesting way to limit the creation of maps, if anyone has another idea, they are free to speak up.
Level 18
Aug 23, 2008
The 2 color comparison sucks, I'll be honest with you on that. However, HINDYhat simply can't take it that this is a contest that will limit his resources. A GUI limited contest is just fine, but the theme and trigger limits are pointless.
Level 10
Nov 28, 2008
would something like:

x < 10 triggers = 5/5 points
10 < x < 12 = 4/5 points
12 < x < 15 = 3/5 points
15 < x < 17 = 2/5 points
17 < x < 20 = 1/5 points
x > 20 = 0/5 points

be more applicable?

Or just keep it at a flat number?

Think of what people did with the model contest with the crazy low triangle count, it brings out the VERY creative people.
Level 18
Aug 23, 2008
No, that would not be more applicable. Just remove the limit. It will allow people to widen their creativity and actually use advanced triggering techniques. And isn't that what this is all about?

As for Lord: Don't open your upper crack unless you got something coming out that's actually true. I see 3 maps on your profile of which 1 is rated 2/10 for scripting, 1 is a Blizzard rip-off and the last is only an update on an already existing map. The word master is far away from your triggering...
Level 14
Nov 18, 2007
Theres no such thing as GUI mastery. When you want to master GUI, youll have to learn what it compiles to first. That means, you have to learn JASS. And youll reach a point where people will simply tell you, "go learn vJass". And after that, you wouldnt want to code in GUI ever again (this does not apply to morons like redscores (hey! - its just my personal view on things!)). GUI is crap. Restricting an already restricted environment doesnt further creativity. It limits it. It makes you pack all spells into one trigger, every FUCKING LOOP into one trigger (i hope you get the point by now). It doesnt even allow decent gameplay mechanics.

Avator, if this is a GUI only contest... fine by me, but dont expect me to join a contest where ill lose because some fuck with no skill whatsoever but a dozen of friends who vote for him will win because they think hes the bestest GUI mastar evar (keep concentrating on the irrelevant, im not scared of losing. I dont want to lose to certain types of people.).

People who use GUI usually dont know JASS/vJass. They cant grasp the limitations they impose on themselves. And they have no fucking clue what programming really means (its not just writing syntactically and semantically correct code).
They might have great ideas. Theres nothing to prevent that. But JASSers/vJassers can have equally good ideas (and i bet that statistically speaking theres no difference in the ration of ideas/user for any of those languages).
(v)JASSers can implement their idea. GUIers will have problems with certain constructs and efficiency (Not to mention that the resulting code of a vJass master will be a few thousand times better than anything the GUIer could EVER create).

Im sick and tired of those people who hold GUI up high. GUI is crap. Face it.
Im not preventing you from using it. You only have to accept that you willingly choose the inferior of two (three) possibilities.
People who hold GUI up high can burn in the deepest depths of hell, if you ask me. Ignorance should be punished.

I know this will not get through to you dickheads. Youre a lost cause. I only hope that others who are not that stubborn will one day wake up and acutally use their head for something other than denial.

DISCLAIMER: This is my own opinion. I am in no way affiliated with anyone else.
Level 1
Aug 2, 2009
I'm down, I'll join.

As for the 10 GUI limit, it does show the ability of the User's GUI skill. But GUI isn't a skill anymore, more like a disease :p
Haha I'm kidding, But I'd enjoy the contest more, if it were limitless, or raise the cap a bit more.
Otherwise I'm still in, I just would be less satisfied with it.

The limit on triggers, limits the creativity of the map, IMO.

But, I'm in.
So, are there any other suggestions then removing the trigger limit? i think the trigger limit would also reduce the quality a map can reach because you cannot take advantage of many systems and extra features. also putting a single system in one trigger isn't easy as well because you usually need an initialization + an additional trigger.

Also, maybe make the theme more specific and not just 'minigame'
maybe something like 'shooter' or 'sports' or 'zombie' that might make the competition more interesting and the results easier to judge
Level 5
Oct 26, 2009
Yes, I'd very much like to keep my entire posts as they were entirely valid and weren't even discussing JASS versus GUI. They were discussing the nature of the contest, which in itself is flawed (as I clearly explained). Guess what I was saying just got mixed up in the other peoples' posts.
Duragon said:
Not liking something is one of the best kind of suggestions, because it tells you that your idea is either poorly constructed or poor in principle, of which this contest is both. This contest is poorly designed for the same reason that a JASS-only spell contest is poorly designed; it excludes people. Imagine if we had a modeling contest where you could only use 3DSM5 or Vertex Modifier, but not both. You'd have an uproar in the modeling community over that.

Please try to understand that. No one here is going "OMFG n00b u r teh suck", people are just letting their feelings get in the way of the basis of the contest. Step back, ignore that JASS and GUI debate for a second, and realize that this contest just fails on principle. If you want another mapping contest, then Godspeed and suggest it in a new topic, but don't make the mistake of limiting it to JASS or GUI.
Level 10
Nov 28, 2008

-Remove the Trigger Limit
-Call it a Map contest (is this really that big of a sticky point?)

But then how to limit people?

How about a time limit on the games? Yes/No?

A mini game contest would be fine, but limiting them to a tiny game was the original idea.
Level 18
Aug 23, 2008
If the map size is only to prevent imports, then just make a no imports rule instead of map size limits.
I still don't like the theme though.

As for Insincerity: You better stop the GUI vs JASS thing, since we just removed all that. Also, you're a total newbie here, so you have no saying over what's going to change here (especially since you're apparently not going to participate)
Level 10
Nov 28, 2008
Hmmmm, it would make to much work for the judges to ask them to make it 100kb before the imports, so I don't know.

Once again Hindy, any suggestions would be appreciated.

If you wanted to limit the creation of a map, what would you place as a limitation?

Lines of code? trigger number? map size? None of those seem to please you, so what are your suggestions.
Level 4
Oct 23, 2009
As for Insincerity: You better stop the GUI vs JASS thing, since we just removed all that. Also, you're a total newbie here, so you have no saying over what's going to change here (especially since you're apparently not going to participate)

Uh huh. I know my way around forum communities, and I know my way around modding. I'm not really a newbie at all. It's just new people for me.

And of course I won't participate if it's a GUI contest. Something that silly would never be approved in the first place, so I would never have to bother with it at all.
Level 5
Oct 26, 2009
It really isn't approvable, though...
Duragon said:
Not liking something is one of the best kind of suggestions, because it tells you that your idea is either poorly constructed or poor in principle, of which this contest is both. This contest is poorly designed for the same reason that a JASS-only spell contest is poorly designed; it excludes people. Imagine if we had a modeling contest where you could only use 3DSM5 or Vertex Modifier, but not both. You'd have an uproar in the modeling community over that.

Please try to understand that. No one here is going "OMFG n00b u r teh suck", people are just letting their feelings get in the way of the basis of the contest. Step back, ignore that JASS and GUI debate for a second, and realize that this contest just fails on principle. If you want another mapping contest, then Godspeed and suggest it in a new topic, but don't make the mistake of limiting it to JASS or GUI.
Sorry for quoting myself again, but I was globally ignored when I made my last post.
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