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Golden Gods Orpg 2.4

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.

Golden Gods Orpg
by ChatiSnake


Golden Gods, Golden City hero, got a lot of power by killing enemies of the city of heaven. The hero then more power to his friends, he realized he could conquer the whole single-handedly, I find a group of enemies and gave them two options, one was killed and the other to survive as their slaves, enemies attempted murder, but could not, the hero conquers all, power-hungry attempt to conquer the city of his birth, with the other two cities, the City of Heaven sought help everywhere, but found, this hero is about to destroy all that is called peace, Can you avoid his attack?, we need your help to kill the great hero who calls himself mighty Zeus.


El juego consiste en tener que matar a zeus, pero no al comienzo no es su principal enemigo, necesitan de armas y items para poder llegar a matarlo, subir de nivel y mejorar su especialización, crear armas en el herrero es un proceso complicado, recuerden que hasta el momento el mapa tiene pocos dungeons, Ice, Undead, Desert, Fire, Holy, Satyr, Hades, Storm, Barbarian, Blood, DragonSlayer, Zeus.
Tu especialización al nivel 10, puedes convertirte en archer, mage, human, orc.
Tu Nivel máximo es 2500, no es difícil de subir niveles.
Puedes limpiar tu alma al nivel 2500, para que te den más puntos de atributo y vuelvas al nivel 1 con tus puntos que tenias y ser más fuerte.
El juego cuenta con Save/Load.
Este juego esta en español, y su creador es de chile.

Change Log

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Special Thanks:
  • Blur16
  • WorldEdit Group

  • Members of Hiveworkshop
  • PeeKay
  • Other Members of Hive
  • Tarreo Gamers
  • Ombuserver Games
  • Others

Author's notes in spanish

Bueno, me gustaría decir primero que nada en español, a todos los que juegan el orpg, que son grandes, ya que ustedes me hacen crear más versiones y mejorarlo, la version beta a la version 1.0 fue un gran salto para el juego, del 1.0 al 2.0, también su reciente version fue la 2.4 en la cual se arreglan bugs y errores.
Gracias a todos ustedes a todos ellos, son grandes me hacen sentir bien, saludos.
Map Description Template Created by
Find more here: Golden Gods ORPG WEB

Golden Gods, Golden, Orpg, Zeus, RPG, Rol, Gods.

Golden Gods Orpg 2.4 (Map)

Date: 2011/Oct/18 16:15:41 Vengeancekael: VM // PM: Rep Received: 0Reasons: Other: If you have any complaints or questions directed towards a moderator, make a thread here: Map Resource Moderation If you think the moderator's judging is unfair or...





Date: 2011/Oct/18 16:15:41
Vengeancekael: VM // PM:
Rep Received: 0
If you have any complaints or questions directed towards a moderator, make a thread here: Map Resource Moderation
If you think the moderator's judging is unfair or you have overall complaints, make a thread here: Admin Contact
Please read the rules thoroughly: Rules

Comment: *No spanish allowed
*Post full credits (everyone by his username)
Level 6
Mar 12, 2023
Hello there!

Thank you for making this map!

But the Spanish >_>

My eyes ; - ;

As usual, I played this map solo. The spanish language by far is the most evident problem when playing this map. gears and items are in Spanish. I don't know what I don't know, and I don't know what I'm doing. To add, the balancing in this map is off by an astronomical amount, I don't even know what I'm looking at. SPOILER AHEAD Your beginner character looks normal in the beginning. Okay, nice, normal character, then off to start leveling up by killing mobs, without knowing that you can get quests from NPC's. Because APPARENTLY, there's no exclamation mark on any NPCs signalling which NPC gives you quests or not.

Other than that, why in the world is the character's aggro so high? I only smacked a single mob with my bare hand, then a bunch of idle mobs who were doing their shananigans started ganging up on me. It makes the beginning of the game almost impossible to be done without dying many times over.

That wasn't even the worst part.

Apparently the higher level mobs and bosses have more than 100k HP with more than 100k attacks also.

Whuh? :v

What are these numbers? I mean, okay, they're huge numbers, but why?

You don't have to make it outrageous just to hint out that they're powerful. Just start at a smaller range, and limit to below 100k HP for the strongest of bosses, no need to go high and beyond and put 5mil HP there.

I mean, the characters can get there, but man, why are we here, just to suffer? insert meme

And you're scaring me there NGL >_>

In general, this is a decent map. A memorable one, even (because of the numbers o -o), but not the one that I would replay in the future.