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Gods and Empires- CITY building/RTS

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Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
I'm afraid not for certain :( as I haven't actually worked with the map in WE... However I can give you an educated guess: If we only release 1 faction and 3 gods and we make good progress in the next few weeks I reckon it's possible you can play in mid December... Again your better waiting for pangahas' to confirm that 1. It's just a guess and you can be sure that we'll have good reasons for postboned releases etc... As Blizzard would say 'It'll be done, when it's done'


EDIT: Reckon I owe you a bit more than that ;)

Ok so assuming all goes well me and Pangahas will finish off the last of the gods (up to ten) and the brief summary of the world's origin (short story/account) this weekend. From there we will focus on the first faction's techtree and attempt to get some unit data input to the WE simultaneously. I may have been a bit ambitious with the mid december date but we'll see... I'll make sure you get something, just might not be the beta, sorry :(
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Level 12
Jul 30, 2009
Well, as long as I can play the map, doesn't matter how beta is it.. Alas, if you can give me even a before-beta release, the beta release will already been balanced enough to play it on bnet (IF I get to get one of the versions you said, I will only play it in pvt with friends, to test, etc. Though If you want I can host them on public)
Level 12
Jul 30, 2009
Good idea. We should reunite everyone here on this forum as soon as you guys finish a playable version (really, really, REALLY basic, but playable) So you can already balance things, etc etc. The problem is... when, and where. All wc3 payers (including THW) live in a wide variation of locations, which at all don't mean nothing, but there are different GMTs... which means there is a specific time that we could all meet at the same time... AND there is the realm problem. On which realm we're going to host the game? And some of people in THW play in Garena... maybe one of us play too... well... though we can still try. It worked with me and Goffterdom, even with our difference of GMTs (mine is -2 because of the summer change in gmts, it is usualy -3. Goffterdom is between 0 and +1 I think. I play in US.East, and him in northrend. At nighttime in here we played in my server since there are more LoE fans there, so... Well, we can work this out.)
Level 6
Mar 27, 2009
Jesus Christ garena is bullshit, i hope we can all agree that we won't be playing there.

Why are you guys rushing the author so badly? Just let him take his time and release alpha/beta when he feels like it.

I'm expecting a lot from this map too but let the guy take his time.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Well, I am wondering if he saw my post, so I will re-say it, Do you want help?

I'm sorry Pangahas (project leader) hasn't posted in the thread or answered my pm's in 3/4 days :(

I'm sure he has a good reason though and will be back in touch soon :)

As for a beta/alpha as I said before we would rather make you wait for a quality product than rush and fail to meet all your expectations ;)

Trust me, when we have a beta date we will tell you! No doubt about it :)
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
looks epic :p

Cheers :thumbs_up:

Means a lot! :cool:

Thanks stormwarriors :)

As for the release, it will looking at the current circumstances be a while yet.

I haven't heard from Panagahas for 4 or 5 days now, I think it is and he hasn't been online for two or three. :/ Hopefully hes just bogged down with some schoolwork and will be back soon.. if not I'll have to get started again without him. =S

Which (him being the project lead, WE and modeller) is not ideal... :p

But don't worry this won't die, just a couple of weeks setback at the most! =/ I'll see if he comes online tomorrow.

{EDIT 2}
Well, looks like Pangahas has yet to appear. I'll consider a course of action to take tonight incase he doesn't turn up tomorrow, if he does then work can go ahead as normal! =)

If he doesn't I'll look at the map and see if I can continue any of his work or start other parts of it, this however, is not ideal as I believe my version is slightly outdated and he is the brains behind the triggering/gameplay sectors.

But it's better to lose some work than let this project fade or die =/ and I have a rough idea of what needs doing.

Come back soon P! :O

Thanks to everyone for your patience and support :grin:
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Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Thanks Redeemer59 :grin:

Well great news, Panagahas is back and were starting work on the first 'Parent Faction' and therefore; it's subfaction's techtree/s.

This is probably all that will be playable in the first beta as your all so insistent upon seeing it =) So we want to do it properly, any suggestions, feedback and of course constructive criticism is most welcome, as always!

If you wish to help with ideas, the faction is based on 'steam punk' themes and love technology/steam/gunpowder, shoot! =)
Level 12
Jul 30, 2009
Hmm... Well, I can't just create things out of nothing... couldn't you specific? What does that faction have that it is different from the others? Or the differences will appear now, in the creation? Does it spawn in a specific place?
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Hmm... Well, I can't just create things out of nothing... couldn't you specific? What does that faction have that it is different from the others? Or the differences will appear now, in the creation? Does it spawn in a specific place?

If you look back a bit you will we see I already described a bit about the faction, ;)
If you need more info,ofc, just say! :D
Level 9
Jul 20, 2009
Hmm... Well, I can't just create things out of nothing... couldn't you specific? What does that faction have that it is different from the others? Or the differences will appear now, in the creation? Does it spawn in a specific place?

The first faction
Concept/Style/Inspiration: Steampunk, Renaissance, Leonardo DaVinci

Steampunk is a sub-genre of fantasy and speculative fiction that came into prominence in the 1980s and early 1990s. The term denotes works set in an era or world where steam power is still widely used—usually the 19th century, and often Victorian era England—but with prominent elements of either science fiction or fantasy, such as fictional technological inventions like those found in the works of H. G. Wells and Jules Verne, or real technological developments like the computer occurring at an earlier date. Other examples of steampunk contain alternate history-style presentations of "the path not taken" of such technology as dirigibles, analog computers, or digital mechanical computers





Name suggestions: The Empire, Impero Macchina,??? suggestions please......
Play Style: The first faction would be a balanced faction.They could either be played defensively or offensively. They would have the sturdiest walls and a wide array of long range artillery but relatively weaker melee infantry units.Various upgrades and improvements on economy are also available.On higher tiers, the faction's stronger unique units(depends on your chosen sub-faction) like the spider artillery tank and the clockwerk colossus can be acquired. The first faction focuses on the following-clockwerk technology, steam engine and gun powder.

I was thinking the 'standard/typical' unit, like wc3's human footman.

Should definatly be a rifleman, Kitabatake's model - or just dwarf rifleman.
Make them powerful, but slow to fire, very weak in combat - slaughtered by melee, think muskets.

Your turtle tank and spider tank are both really good, but I prefer the first if we had to choose. I'm thinking as these look more specialised, perhaps they could be subfaction specific? Or one of them could :p

I think the 'empire (we need to change that...)' should definatly stick to this steampunk theme, make their weakness melee, they rely on obliterating their enemy before they reach them. Perhaps have a few exceptions such as mechsuits? Like the goblin shredder, but these would elite/expensive perhaps faction specific (one faction could be more melee-like than the others as a speciality, e.g. their rifleman get an ability 'bayonets' do more damage in melee? =/ )

So other units would include vehicles/tank/steam thingies and perhaps grenadiers? Horseback rifleman? Maybe some form of weak 'levee/peasent' melee unit, cheap, crap and basically fodder to keep the enemy busy while their gunline tears them apart.
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Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
Impero Machina is really nice !

And I think you can give them only one melee unit (a knight ?) and let all the other units have a ranged weapon.
Level 6
Mar 27, 2009
Steam Fortress - Is the main building of the faction.

Barracks - Recruits the basic troops for the faction.

Telescope - The Telescope is a tower used for gaining great sight and range bonuses.

Smelter - The Smelter can be used for repairing mechanical units, it also generates Clockwork Men automatically.

Nullifier - The Nullifier is a tactical Wonder Building it can 'silence' the whole world for 2 minutes, meaning that no special powers can be used in that time.

Calculator - The calculator is used for selling and buying resources.

Clockwork Spider - Are large powerful spiders, powered by steam. These units can swap between melee and ranged.

Clockwork Man - Clockwork Men are the backbone basic melee units of the faction, due to it being mechanical, it has a great regeneration rate.

Musketeer - The Musketeer is the faction's basic ranged unit, armed with a rifle. It's attack is rather powerful, but has a long cooldown.

Leviathan - Leviathan is a large steam-powered mechanical unit, great for tanking and destroying buildings. Is very durable, but rather slow.
Level 9
Jul 20, 2009
Impero Machina is really nice !

And I think you can give them only one melee unit (a knight ?) and let all the other units have a ranged weapon.

I just googled Italian translation for Empire of Machine..lol
Yup, weaker melee units..then maybe some clockwerk men.durable but slow moving..

DudeSpirit>thanks for the ideas.I particularly liked Steam Fortress..I'm going to make a model for that one of these days..

Keep em comin guys..
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Level 12
Jul 30, 2009
You though it all by yourselfs before I could give any idea... geez I'm getting too old for this xD joking. An army of it would be like if there is 100 army food, 50 would be of 1 food riflemen with deadly attack but rather slow (Something like the sniper rifles from Call of Duty: they're deadly but slow to shoot... which means they're good to take down few enemies or if there is a wave of rifles to just shoot them before they get close.) and another 50 food would be tanks and mecha suits armored, etc. 10 tanking units costing 5 food each... they would be the best that Steampunk could do. Maybe a special unit, or if you choose that technological god that I forgot the name, you already have some upgrades of steampunk. Or even a greater unit, something like that. I've saw a movie once, a anime. Steam boy, something like that... of course that compared to the steampunk thing it is quite old, but could give you guys some ideas about, since it is a pretty revolutionary use of steam for that time. And the movie is pretty good too.

Edit: Impero Machina seems good, though if they are that modern they aren't a empire... they are a force, a country, a wave... empires are old, and I couldn't think on another name, so yeah, it should keep like that. Good idea, you spawn some clockwerk men with that building... though if they do not cost any food or resources, they should be rather weak. I think there is something like that in the movie I mentioned. And you could use Necropolis model to do so, since as far as I remember the steam fortress just look like one. And if anyone here know Ragnarok, using some buildings and ideas from Einbroch would be kinda good. Like a gunslinger hero o/ which could also be the leader (not emperor, emperor is too old) of that revolutionary force, with awesomely powerful (not as the rifles) and fast pistols! And/Or a engineer that made the better mech suit in history, and lives in it. And also fight for his brethren... his machine is so a revolutionary one that it can spawn clockwerk men (too) AND it have a bathroom o/ (have you ever saw a suit with a bathroom? EVER?)
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Nice input Sasuhkun and Dudespirit! =)

Were you suggesting a reskin of the necropolis?

And as for 'empires' being old - although I know what you mean, it's not a common term today but it isn't a very accurate assumption on your behalf, for e.g. 'The British Empire?'. ^.^

But ye... I was thinking along your army terms to! Alot of rifleman and a mix of elite mech /steam suits and artillery, I'm not too sure about these 'clockwork' men, can you explain them a bit more? Sounds a bit to far fetched to me =/ even for fantasy...
I mean are they just robots.. if so what controls them? Or are they just men in steam/piston aided armour? The latter would be cool =P
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Wow, nice pic! I'm still not sure it fits with the theme though :confused: I dunno... might just be me :bored:

I just think it looks much more sci-fi/robot like. :nw:

Meh, Pangahas has the final say and it's still a great idea and concept art! :thumbs_up: +rep

EDIT: Sorry, I gave you the rep - but I think I might have typed it wrong... This PC jumped :p
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Level 6
Mar 27, 2009
Noh.. I didn't do much, just erased a little something. I can use Photoshop quite well, but I'm no artist... I wish i could draw well though.
Level 9
Jul 20, 2009
SasuhKun>I'm still waiting for Grey Nightmare's draft of the faction,which I would combine with mine.Basically the units would evolve around the 3 specializations-clockwerk tech,gunpowder & ballistics and steam engine..The idea was that the faction would be sub-divided into those 3..For example you opted to specialize on clockwerk tech, you have to build the Clockwork Citadel to gain access to unique units(Clockwerk Colossi etc) and upgrades of that subfaction..you could only choose 1 of the 3 subfaction branches.For the steam engine specialization you have to build the Steam Fortress, we don't have a name yet for the subfaction that specialize on gunpowder..Ballistic something?we need suggestions for that..If you guys have suggestions on units that fall on those 3 subfactions' category then feel free to post them.They have to be somehow unique and not generic type.
DudeSpirit> what's your dev accountname?I'll add you there..
Level 9
Jul 20, 2009
Progress Report
Food&Resource System- I reworked the previous system I made, its now more efficient..
Deliverycart System- I started working on this yesterday and currently it works this way> Food items(fish,bread etc.) would be automatically delivered by a delivery cart to your market once its stock reaches a certain amount while stone and iron would be delivered to your Storage warehouse.Initially I planned that the delivery cart would come from the market & storage warehouses, travel to the food&resource buildings then go back but I decided to make it simple.
MilitaryDrafting Sytem- work in progress..
Happiness&Impresiveness System- work in Progress,once I'm satisfied with the other systems Iam currently working on,this one's next on line.
AlignmentSystem-I might not implement this yet on the beta.
Terrain-I tweaked the terrain, I increased land mass on some parts and I also removed most of the animated grasses..
Units/Techtree/Upgrades- Nothing's final yet, what I have now is just a draft..
Custom Models- I decided not to focus on this part for the mean time..I will animate and skin the models I made later once the core systems are done.
Gods&GodPowers-work in progress..


Rui>Thanks for cleaning up the thread, apologies for double posting I was just pissed off..
Here's the screenshot of the revised terrain..
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Level 6
Mar 27, 2009
I don't know about Goff, but i've got my hands full at the time, can barely terrain GoW due to personal life and other WC3 stuff i have to do.
Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
I'm not a graphic artist at all :p
Why did you say so ?

But I got lots of imagination, so if you need ideas I can give you some. But you have to give some infos about what you want.
Level 6
Nov 14, 2008
hey i just had an idea. i don't know much about jass (nothing actually) or the warcraft 3 engine BUT i MIGHT have an idea / workaround for the unit limit bug thing where the build command stops before it starts (you said something about it earlier.)

what if you write a few triggers that

1. create and store a new variable for each civilian created (one can't hurt right?) this variable stores their owning player.

2. imediately changes their owner to neutral.

because you're # of units is still the same the bug MIGHT not affect you. and because the bug doesn't effect triggered unit creation/additions the neutral civillian should be fine to. you could also right a line of code that will switch the civillians back to (red for example) if an enemy unit is within X of the unit however when that unit dies/leaves then the unit becomes neutral passive again

this could also allow you to create a feature where players have the option to enable genocide or not. depending on their preference.
Level 9
Jul 20, 2009
warman45>hmm let me think about that..As far as I know the command bug is per player basis,around 200 units max per player is the limit before the command bug bites in..the problem in making them neutrally owned is that you won't be able to control them instantaneously for example you want them to build something or if you want them to be trained as military units,of course it(selection) can be done using triggers but I'm not an expert coder so.. here's what I thought of..I don't know if this would work or how this can be done atm-I was thinking of assigning 2 player slots for every player,the buildings would be owned by the player itself and the other slot would be for the units that would be created.For example player 1 red build a house, the citizens that would be created will change ownership to player 2..player 2 would be an ally of player 1 and share units control would be enabled so that you could order them commands.That way 200 units(max) can be alloted for both player slots, allowing each user controlled player to have a total of atleast 300 units on his disposal..just an idea though, its plausibility is yet to be determined..
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