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Goblin tent by Forgotten_Warlord

Goblin Tent! by Forgotten_Warlord

I made this for my orpg, it has inside textures so you can walk into it. No high tech gadgets in it because, well you can add that yourself when your terraining.

So just a basic empty tent that used ingame textures. Also can be used as a merchant's tent. lol what ever you want.

Model scaling has been increased.

tent, hut, home, goblin, merchant, forgotten, Warlord, basic

Goblin tent by Forgotten_Warlord (Model)

15:45, 10th Mar 2010 DonDustin: looks nice and is aproveable, but you might still take a look at Debode's comment.




15:45, 10th Mar 2010
DonDustin: looks nice and is aproveable, but you might still take a look at Debode's comment.
looks quite nice!
but two things:
1. you can remove the unneeded faces at the bottom of the model, like the ones of the
wood things. so you could save some polies.
2. the bands going through the leather, are pointing up on the left side, and down on
the right side. maybe choose one direction, so it looks better.

but otherwise, very useful for terrain/building/whatever.
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
Hmm. While at first it may seem very "simple", this model is actually quite complex. The polycount is quite low which is a great plus. The fact that there is actually something inside also adds to the quality factor, and it would be great if you could make a few fitting doodads like crude tables or chairs so that users could decorate their tents with fitting doodads. However, there are many geosets which could be merged to form two geosets at most, there are a few holes on the "carpet" and I would recommend fixing the unwrap on tent itself to make the stitches either straight or make them go into one direction, as well as possibly adding team color and\or a few animations.
Level 11
Feb 2, 2010
I dont think such things as this could be made by goblins... they would probaly build some factory instead...
Think about it... the hide on the tents are coming from animals and when i'm thinking how a goblin would hunt down a animal it's like "Let's Get The Animals There, And Plant A TNT Barrel There And Let's See What Happens".
Which dosen't work huh :p ?
Even though i'd say this is great for trollsNtaurens. Great Work.
Level 4
Aug 5, 2009
Great job! Finally a new tent for some Trolls! Glory to the Trolls with new tents! :D!! Although, it could use some 'touch-ups' for it. Possibly the carpet as suggested earlier and the stiches on the tent. Wrapping could use some work xD. Still I think its a great model and I will be using/giving credit to you in one of my maps!! 4.5/5
this models quite nice, it only truely reqiures a work animation (for buildigns that are producing) that has smoke lifting from above, if at all possible.

i find it quite useful as it is and as a doodad u can control its door size. smokes alot harder to add tho.

the stiching isisnt noticible at first, but it is once you notice it, it dosent look right some how, oh well it is som what minor.

this is easyily a 6-7 otu of 10. work animation would garnty 7 possibly 8 in my opnioin.