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Gaulish Village Survival (IS BACK!)

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Spellmaker update

Hi everybody! here's an update on the fire potion spell from the maker:

it's working ok now, it's basically the flame pillar spell that blood mage have, but since it cannot have missile art, that's where i put most of the triggering. so, the solution was to make an in-selectable dummy unit, that lives for 2 seconds or so, and it worked! there's just this little thing, i am actually able to choose between the problem:
1: The Flame pillar goes off too soon, and the flame potion doesn't seem to get there in time, it doesn't make that much matter at close range, which the spell is.
2: you can walk away, and the flame potion spawns, and flies to the location, but no flame pillar happens.

we're dealing with issue #1 atm, because no. 2 would be very annoying.

i just came up with an idea... i'll report back as i find out if it works...
Good news,

The Poison potion spell is ready and works proprely without any triggers! (because i rock!)

It reduce the mouvement speed and the attack speed of the enemis, while they get damage from the poison fog it creates. :D

I based my idea on the old Magic Seed spell.. (only Gamecrafter_DK will understand, yeah i took your idea dude... :D)

screenshot incoming ''in this page''

*note* the Keeper of the Groove is not the model i will use for the druid :D


  • Poison Potion.jpg
    Poison Potion.jpg
    69.4 KB · Views: 134
Hum, what i'm looking for is someone that makes good descriptions of the items, while telling a little story ... as for example the potions..

Potion of Life = Made with powerfull medicinal ingredients and a touch of magic, this potion has the power to heal your wound instantly, more powerfull than the Potion of Vitality.

Roasted Boar Meal = Favorite Gaulish Meal, this well cooked meat gives a strangly cheer up for the gaulish nation. With this, you can feed your hero so he feals better and he's not starving anymore


we can also seperate de job, since correcting is a boring job ...

Ex: anarchianbedlam = Items
Archangel Tidusx = The spells.

as for a not, there will be around

6 okay items (not rare, drops often) = like the White items in WoW
4 good items (Good, drops sometimes) = like the green items in WoW
2 Awesome items (Awesome, drops rarely) = like the blue items in WoW
1 Epic item (Almost never) = like the purple items in WoW

thats for 1 classe, there will be 4, + some items that can be use by anyone..

and for the food = around 25
and for the potions = around 10
and for the spells items (runes, etc) = 10


For the spell, there's 6 spells for each classes and theres 3 cathegorys by classes. So (6x4x3) + the buff of the spells. = 72 + ~20 = ~90 to ~96
Just call me The_Clam, i don't want to pay 20$ to have it changed to The_Clam... I can do alot of the things you need done, i'm a multi-talent, you just ask. there's just the time-difference-problem, you're always sleeping when it's noon at me XD, i'll do what you ask, just name it.

Note on the items: use WoW-like coloring, it makes people relate to the map, if they own WoW (also makes the map easier to get used to / start), and besides, Blizz got it right on, it's great colours.
I'm hoping there are already descriptions with the spells. I'll look over them, but i'd rather not create that myself; seeing as I just did all that for my most recent map.
20 charactersm 5 spells each, 50 levels for the spells total, complete tooltips.

Not fun.
I can correct grammar in the map and the spells, but like I said, I don't want to do the spell section.
Okay, for now Archangel Tidusx i wont need your help.

Let's get it strait so it will be more usefull for me to seperate the job.

Gamecrafter_DK = try to fix the fire potion, and the magic seed spell, if you can,t do it.. send the spell to Redscores and tell him what to do.. (yes he joined the team, and he's a talented spell makker, so he might help you out on this).

Redscores = Create the Vollay of Arrows spell for the Hunter, and create the multiple shot spell for the hunter as well... those are spells that Gamecrafter couldn't do, due to some bugs.. get this job done.. you might find a better way to do it.

Joe_Black_5 = Finish what i have tell you already (the ''joke'' trigger), and forget about the Magic seed spell and the multiple arrows spell too.. Redscores will work on it.


now, i need someone to create the Magic Potion spell.

Description = The Alchemist creates a pot of magic potion, when a hero clicks on it, his hero gains ''an edited Avatar''. Last for 1 minutes. The pot has 1 charge per player only.

I need someone that could create the Cleave attack Of the warrior.

Description = The warrior swings his axe around him, and deals damage to the unit around, by pushing them away.
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i'm calling in sick, redscores, you have to do it... i don't think that i can focus on making the map with this cold -.- really hate it. let me know your email and i will attach the spells i've created so far, including the magic seed spell... i think i have a solution, possibly.

Edit: Olé!!! i've done it! now shrubs spawn... immediatly, i could fix it, but i think i have to sleep soon...just give me a call redscores.
not really, but hope so, in 2 month or less it's possible..

okay, here's the idea for the Hunter Beast mastery spells... tell me if you like it or not.

Beastial Rate (like in WoW) = your pet gain avatars and become unstapeble for the next 2 minutes.

Spiritual Link = when you use this spell, the number of mana that you have, will heal your pet. Ex = you have 300 mana, and you use the spell, you give 300 hit point to your pet.

Natural Sence(Passive) = your pet evade X% more the attacks and his attack speed is Y% better.

Wild call = your pet gains for 1minutes a special attack that makes the enemy bleed and lose alot of blood if they are touched.

Special food(Passive) = your pet gets bigger each level, he gains more armor each level (Level 1 = +1 armor) Level 2 = +2 armor (Level 3 = +3 armor)

and here's my idea for the Hunter (scout spells)

Poison String = The hunters recovers his arrows of a deadly poison. The touched unit attack speed is reduce by X%, his mouvement speed is reduce by X% and he receive Y damage every seconds for 10 seconds.

Net Trap= The hunter thorws a huge net at enemys (AOE), that completly stop the touched unit from attacking, from moving, and also reduce the armor by -2 by the touched unit. last for 20 seconds.. (mainly for group help)

Summon Hawk = The hunter calls a hawk to scout the enemis mouvement. The hawk can,t be attack and he deals some massive damage (THIS SPELL IS ALREADY DONE!)

Bear Trap= The hunter puts down a trap, and the enemy that step on it, receive massive damage, and he bleeds for 5 seconds, while he can,t move.

Eye of the Eagle(Passive) = The hunter inspect every deadly point of his enemis, ingreasing his damage by X and his range by Y.
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so, Beastial Rate (like in WoW) = your pet gain avatars and become unstapeble for the next 2 minutes.


Special food(Passive) = your pet gets bigger each level, he gains more armor each level (Level 1 = +1 armor) Level 2 = +2 armor (Level 3 = +3 armor)

= Goes to garbage?! meeh k fine with me... than here's some spell idea...

Like redscores said..

Beast survival(Passive) = your pet gains + X attack and + S armor, and grows bigger each level?! (Ulitimate)

Revive pet = takes ALOT of your mana, but it revives your pet, and each level, it cost less mana (lol i forgot about that
*Bump* this week i haven't worked at all on the map due to some personal reasons (wich means i wont tell you >:D)

let's say the project will be slowed down for the next 2 weeks kind off.

BUT!, if you agree with the Hunter spells... than it doesn't mean the other members wont have to stop either :p.

soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, yet that's all..
well since i changed the main character ideas.. (instead of being 2 models, that become druid, warrior or bard etc.) you will be already starting with those features.

So no more weapons model.. etc..

so the map is less big :D, but i might figer out to add some weaponds as simple model missile.
yeah sorry, it's because of school and all.. and i just left for like 10 days.. the project is not dead... it just slowed down.. but now we have some serious jobs to do.. will tell you the new spell i want later.. i still have a couples of things to finish..

EDIT = OKAY!!!!!!!!!!!..

here's the new results

Terrain = 100%
Items = 5%
Triggers = 15%
Units = 0%
Vendors = 4%
Spells = 30%

now.. we have new spells to do.. for the hunter.. read the new spells descriptions.. said in the last post
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Hum, i have tought of something today.. should we make an Rpg instead of a ''protect the village'' kind of game..

that we will still have some roman attack to kill, but instead of behing the main goal, it could only be a special features....

at the start i wanted to do 20 waves.. but now instead, it could be like 5 waves with 20 minutes seperation.

and i should review the terrain and delete all the useless doodads and expend the terrain instead....

and even add a roman barrack that we could attack....

soo do you like the new concept or no?
The concept is took from Astérix and Obélix comic book, but not really, since it did happend, the celtics (gaulish) got invaded by the roman empire to joint them. Some village didn't wanted to fight so they joint the empire without any conflict, BUT! some of the village did fight!

and this village is one of them :p
so maybe magic doesn't really existe (but lets say it does since it's funnyer).
all the items will be real Gaulish food, (will make some research). All the spell i'm trying to make them as real as possible, like the ''summon hawk'' of the hunter scout, it is possible (not the fact that an eagle comes from his body...but you get the idea..)

will try to work on it more btw, because i haven't for like 2 weeks
Well... you know, all of bretagne which is also the "gaulish" country WERE actually taken over by the romans at one point, some villages just survived a remarkable long time, mainly because they were seen as "barbarians" and therefore not as important. mostly the "barbarians" came from what we today call Germany, and since bretagne and germany is close, some mixing of them is bound to happen. correct me if i'm wrong.

"That's the end of the history lesson today kids!"
Level 11
Aug 16, 2007
The concept is took from Astérix and Obélix comic book, but not really.

It's not a bad thing if it is... but not really? I mean come on there's even a druid that has gives them magic potion that imbues superhuman strength.

You should add a fish vendor next to the smith, lol

@ Gamercraft_DK

Warcraft 3 can get way more realistic with the use of custom models and textures. Look at this picture for example.
well, let's say for warcraft3 graphics.. because with High Res doodads, the game cound'nt be played on internet.. D:, and inded i have based some spells idea from the comic book :p, but let's say, if i really wanted to reproduce the comic, IT WILL! be like the real village found in the comic..

why didn't i made it like this? Because, i didn't wanted to... simple? :D

oh welll, let's say, after the beta realeased and after a couple of month of fixing bugs and rebalancing the hole game.. I might redo the terrain so it is like the village in the comics..
Okay! since it's been awhile i have been posting here, i will give you some information about the map.

We are right now working on the hunter (scont) spells, and it's going well, i created a new skin for the Butcher (cook) of the village, as seen in the skin section, the model of the druid made by the lovely anarchianbedlam have been puted on hold, because he had some other things to do (personnal reasons), i haven't made new icons yet, but i will later...

hum... hum...hum.....

the terrain is finish?
the items are far to be done .. (sorry, this job is really borring), and hum..hum

that's pretty much all :p

have a good day! or night or what ever time of the day you will be reading this.!

Goblin ftw!

We have completed the scout spells, they are just not implemented yet. also, we are having trouble importing redscores' "pro" triggers, they are pretty messy, i think. currently implemented spells;
Charge (some kind of warrior)
Spiritual ward (bard)
Screech (bard)
Taunt and vanish (working title, Bard)

i want to make a commentary to these bard spells, they're all based on the spiritual ward thing, where the bard place the ward, and then the other spells have something to do with the spiritual ward, we're currently looking for an ultimate spell for him.
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anof flamming... please.. redscores, even tought, Gamecrafter_DK is less good than you, at making triggers, he helped me alot since the beggining, he helped with spells concept, with items concept and many other things.. so theres no use to flamme..

because he's as much usefull than you are..
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