• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!

Gandalf The Grey

Gandalf the Grey From Lotr.
Fixed the hole in the arm

No skins Required

NEW PORTRAIT and fixed hat!
Fixed Ze death animation

No Team color! :(

wizard, mage, person, magic caster

Gandalf The Grey (Model)

Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
(6) This is a simple edit but should be useful for map makers. The model contains no team color or glow (it's Gandalf the GRAY afterall) so it's probably best applied to a neutral unit. The in-game VillagerWoman.blp texture gives a real gray color, even if a little bland; Glamdring and the staff provide some color. The view camera could be focused better. This model also includes a custom death sound.
Level 5
Apr 26, 2006
The download is much different than the picture...

It looks like a retextured Pandaren, especially the hat, except with a beard. I looked at your posts and I saw a picture of a newer version of your Gandalf and it looks a hell of a lot better. Why can't I download that one?
Level 2
Jul 15, 2008
Hmm... Im making a lotr game but i need near perfect models and textures, does anyone think i should get this? i already have several near perfect models
Level 1
Mar 9, 2009
Hmm the modell is simple and the face looks more like a dwarf than Gandalf. Like i said its simple but it looks good and everyone knows that this should be Gandalf. 4/5

BTW: The model looks ingame much better than on your screen. You should make a new one.