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Frost shard that can be used as an item.

Frost, Shard, Gem, item

FrostShard (Model)

00:05, 7th Aug 2014 MiniMage: No wonder I had a copy of this. It's an edit of a model released in 2004. http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/crystalshard-49488/?prev=status%3Dg%26search%3Dshard%26d%3Dlist%26r%3D20 I would assume the...
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00:05, 7th Aug 2014
MiniMage: No wonder I had a copy of this. It's an edit of a model released in 2004. http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/crystalshard-49488/?prev=status%3Dg%26search%3Dshard%26d%3Dlist%26r%3D20

I would assume the russians had done a similar tweak. As not even an attempt has been made to add credits, I will reject this model.

BlinkBoy: I've looked into both models and both were made from the same source blizzard model. It's impossible for a 2004 custom model to have the infrastucture it has and be made from scratch, back then not even the Wc3 Art Tools were out. I do believe that both the model is useful (we lack items) and is definetly not a copy, just a simple edit. I therefore believe there are no reasons for it to be rejected. Approved 2/5.
Suspicious model is suspicious. I got an identical model to this on my harddrive.
I've had it since 2009, it was part of a large russian package that I downloaded.
Well i don't know about that. As far as i'm concerned, i just made it now by modifying the crystal shard model from TFT. I needed it and then i figured why not post it on the hive.
I can upload some photos if u don't believe me.
Suspicious model is suspicious. I got an identical model to this on my harddrive.
I've had it since 2009, it was part of a large russian package that I downloaded.

And? He uploaded this into the section first, even if it is the same. I don't see your point in here. As far as I know this model is simple, useful and good addition to shards. Just give credits to Blizzard.
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