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So she is agile forsaken assassin with sharp daggers.

It has decay and dissipate animations, therefore you can use it by both hero and unit.

Enjoy and give credits if you use it...

update: improved her hair a little

forsaken, ripper, assassin, hero, undead, fury

ForsakenRipper (Model)

17:24, 17th Feb 2009 General Frank: Model's animations are very good. It performs well ingame and they're no minor or mayor bugs.




17:24, 17th Feb 2009
General Frank:

Model's animations are very good. It performs well ingame and they're no minor or mayor bugs.
Level 26
Jun 15, 2006
I like the model but there are some things that could be improved:

1. I don´t like that you used the demoness texture for the body because it looks too much like her because of that which makes the model a bit boring. You should search for imilar textures which follow your theme so it looks different.
2.animations: attack 1 looks really strange to me.( would look better if she would do a front flip). attack 2 and 3 look a bit strange to because she should stab with her daggers and not slice.(it would look better in my opinion).And she has O-legs in all of her attack anims D:
the other anims are ok.
Level 15
Jan 16, 2009
I not fully understand how model is loaded here cause yesterday I can't see it even in "My models" section.

I like the model but there are some things that could be improved:

1. I don´t like that you used the demoness texture for the body because it looks too much like her because of that which makes the model a bit boring. You should search for imilar textures which follow your theme so it looks different.
2.animations: attack 1 looks really strange to me.( would look better if she would do a front flip). attack 2 and 3 look a bit strange to because she should stab with her daggers and not slice.(it would look better in my opinion).And she has O-legs in all of her attack anims D:
the other anims are ok.

1. hmm. I think about another texture version.
2. And what strange? She slice the target with daggers. A flip makes her attack stronger.
Now I think that attack 2 and 3 need only some leg animations. heh.. and nothin else.
Level 15
Sep 6, 2008
Sexy. Anims are very visible, I'd say your model got some very inspired moves. ^^

-edit Okay, I'll be the one to take the burden of saying this x_x ; try to find better ways of managing low-poly boobies, its the only part in its looks that seems slightly off to me ~_^.
Last edited:
Level 5
Mar 26, 2008
looks more like forsaken stripper no seriously it really looks like forsaken stripper add armor so that it does not look like a stripper add a piratesword(the pirate sword i thought it would look funny)

Assassins need to move quietly. Heavy armor makes it hard to move quietly. Case closed.
Level 9
Sep 5, 2015
I love when things are unbelievably simple, and it just works. and its GREAT because of that.
this model functions great, looks great, its perfect honestly and simple

And it REALLY BOTHERS ME because of those things that there are no team colors...-_-...RIP i need to use this and cant lol