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Fel Horde

Randomall Presents:
Fel Horde

Play as the Fel Horde and bring chaos to your enemies

Changes ingame:
Goldmine to maxixmum limit
Change Food Limit to 150

Fel Rampager:Scarred,Whirlwind,Battle Cry and Unholy Strength
Warlock:Summon Spirit Beast,Dark Fumes,Animate Dead,Dark Portal
Axemaster:Axe Slice,Fel Armor,Fel Aura,Images of Terror
Enforcer:Fel Rage,Slam,Poison Strike,Rebirth

All units deal chaos damage

Weak Defense(Exept Burrow can load peons and have spike barricades)
No Healers

Author Notes:
To play as Fel Horde play as Orc
This map is made from Blizzard's Demon Crossing Map
Feel free to edit
Map is not protected



Deolrin,Blizzard Entertaiment,Frankster,Master Hoasis,Footman16,Alone

Change Log:
Sound Changes in Warlock,Change Enforcer Rebirth to Demonic Blood,Change Rampager's Saccared to Demonic Blades.Change Peon to chaos damage,Added Burrows with spiked Barricades.

Fel,Horde,Fel Horde,Guldan,Blackhand,Orc,Kargath

Fel Horde (Map)

21:12, 29th Mar 2014 Hell_Master: See here: 07:52, 31th Mar 2014 Hell_Master: Map approved with a rating of 2/5 (Lacking and must still be improved at points). See mini moderator's (eubz's) review here for more information:




21:12, 29th Mar 2014
Hell_Master: See here:

eubz;2505124 said:

A Short Review

1. The description needs more work. Try to use some templates or tools or use bbcodes.
2. This trigger should be made MUI
  • Blademasters Blade
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Learns a skill
    • Conditions
      • (Learned Hero Skill) Equal to Demonic Blade
    • Actions
      • Unit - Add Blademaster's Blade attachment to (Triggering unit)
3. You have a nice terrain here, it is balanced enough. You used varied tilesets. You even have neutral units.
4. The item drops do not match with the creep level. Level 9 creep just drop Level 3 item. You have to balance this.
2/5 needs fix/awaiting update

07:52, 31th Mar 2014
Hell_Master: Map approved with a rating of 2/5 (Lacking and must still be improved at points). See mini moderator's (eubz's) review here for more information:

eubz;2505124 said:

A Short Review

1. Terrain is balanced but the lack of neutral units made the rating drop.
2. Nice use of environmental doodads but I see few of them in the map.
3. Doesn't use Custom Terrain fog, Global Weather and Sound Environment.
4. Some item drops are fixed while some others do not fit to the level of the creeps which also makes the rating down.
5. I like the new race you have created I just don't get it, is it just player 1 who is allowed to play for the fel horde? Because when I watch the game setting myself as an observer, all orcs are still orcs and not felhordes.
6. Improve your description http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/map-development-202/describing-your-melee-map-250011/

Over all this seems to have a 2/5(lacking) vote from me and some approval here. 2/5 Because of some issues needed to tackle up which I have already mentioned above.
Level 18
Aug 22, 2013
I found good stuff and a few bad stuff in your map

Bad Stuff:
1.All unit deal chaos damage u should change it and make an upgrade that turns them to chaos damage
2.Warlock's Dark Portal summon's randomly all kinds of powerful demons as a pet and u have a chance to get 2 its so unbalanced
3.U wrote there no defenses they are 3 types of defenses found in this map that are Watch Towers,Burrows.

Good Stuff:
Unique spells
Cool Race with great spell casters

3/5 Vote for approval

A Short Review

1. The description needs more work. Try to use some templates or tools or use bbcodes.
2. This trigger should be made MUI
  • Blademasters Blade
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Learns a skill
    • Conditions
      • (Learned Hero Skill) Equal to Demonic Blade
    • Actions
      • Unit - Add Blademaster's Blade attachment to (Triggering unit)
3. You have a nice terrain here, it is balanced enough. You used varied tilesets. You even have neutral units.
4. The item drops do not match with the creep level. Level 9 creep just drop Level 3 item. You have to balance this.
2/5 needs fix/awaiting update

A Short Review

1. Terrain is balanced but the lack of neutral units made the rating drop.
2. Nice use of environmental doodads but I see few of them in the map.
3. Doesn't use Custom Terrain fog, Global Weather and Sound Environment.
4. Some item drops are fixed while some others do not fit to the level of the creeps which also makes the rating down.
5. I like the new race you have created I just don't get it, is it just player 1 who is allowed to play for the fel horde? Because when I watch the game setting myself as an observer, all orcs are still orcs and not felhordes.
6. Improve your description http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/map-development-202/describing-your-melee-map-250011/

Over all this seems to have a 2/5(lacking) vote from me and some approval here. 2/5 Because of some issues needed to tackle up which I have already mentioned above.
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Level 6
Mar 30, 2014
I'm finish reviewing the map the map is successfully created and works fine but there's things need to be change the hotkeys need to be fix i saw the hero axemaster's first skill is axe slice what i see there is the axe slice's hotkey is A and A is for the Attack command it bothers the attack command everytime i command by units to attack i only use the shortcuts and a like the 150 food max and 1million gold for every goldmine and the creep are balance item drops the hero ability set up is fine but you really should change the hotkey of axe slice maybe T will do the trick and some bothers me when i play the map is the minimap is pure white maybe you can fix this i don't fix any map that is not belong to me good-luck improving.
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