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Feeling Alone ?

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Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
Is there such a thing?

Level 29
Feb 18, 2014
Dear @ Empirean :

I admit that my only friend is solitute and im living for no one.

What kind of solitute position is your friend? (Shyness - Fair - Or just don't care?)...
By what you saying (I'm living for no one). Why ? You mean your life has no purpose is that it? Or you mean you living only for yourself? Huh...! Who gived you such feeling?

--------Be you and don't care about what people says!-----------------

Somehow i managed to still live despite being like this. Also for whatever reason people hate me.
Stop saying that to yourself it just a ''Feeling'' not real! Why people gonna hate anyway? Even if they don't knew you! I mean what have you did so that they hate you?...
I know such people when something pissed them off! They turn it all on someone else!

For my advice, I suggesset you to get ride of such feeling and be normal before it became a big problem...!?
Level 13
Jun 20, 2014
@D - B - M -> on your first question. my solitude is that im doing things for myself. i have no "inspiration" so to speak. i just do what makes me happy so that ill forget things that happens in reality. from this you can conclude that my life has no purpose. its my own fault really. i fear people back then and im not good at interaction so people usually think im hostile or somehow different from them and i most of the time gets bullied. this fuels my fear even more making me hate humanity and wanting to be crazy or far away from the society. btw, im just telling something that happened in the past. now im practicing the proper way of interacting... i need to do this to gain the person i used to love and now lost due to my weirdness.
Level 29
Feb 18, 2014
I got all these and more.....
Dear @WhiteFang :

....What can I say? It really hard to say!... you said you have all those issues... and More?
Well, I suppose that why you have a Wolf avatar (lone wolf) you like ''Solitude'' you adequet with her like it a way of life (Like I did!). Well lonelyness it good sometime But it has limites, She can became very bad, it will makes you think that nobody Care/Like you! (To be hated), and the only way to resolve this is to became a ''bad person!!.''

But it wrong! Don't let that happen, don't let solitude turn against you!

Some Advice :
- Try things even with out your will!
- Don't think you are the only One!
- Don't hide in Shadows to prevent the reality!
Level 21
Jul 6, 2014
it will makes you think that nobody Care/Like you! (To be hated), and the only way to resolve this is to became a ''bad person!!
I can't believe it but you are actually right,this has happened to me
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
I've always lived in solitude but I never let this fact destroy my personality. It had its advantages as well as drawbacks but I struggled to take the maximum benefit from it. Sometimes being alone is better than being surrounded by morons, don't you say? After all, they say that silence is gold and solitude just offers it to you.
I suffered from depression various times but I always overcame it somehow without becoming a bad person. The "I don't care" thingy doesn't work out because you cannot deny your feelings. If people offend you repeatedly, you can say "I don't care at all" but do you really not care from inside? No, I bet. You feel down about it so you eventually fall into depression. However, before doing so, be sure that you are not surrounded by cretins, otherwise your depression would be based on the words of mindless people. If that's not the case, haven't you thought that you could be the problem in the first place? Are you too introvert, shy, aggressive, anti-social? Judge yourself before judging others and see if there's something wrong with you. Nobody will hate someone for no reason. This is how I dealt with my own problems of solitude and depression successfully.
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