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FBF Hero Idea Contest

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Level 23
Oct 20, 2012




Dinky : Kobold Berserker

General Information



Primary Model


A blood raged kobold who seeks only death of his adversaries. He is not a trained fighter but whenever he's in a blood lust, he's unstoppable. Swinging his rusty shovel around like it was as light as feather hitting enemies all around him without ease.

Affiliation: The Alliance ; Bel'Trama
Role: Slayer / Defender
Race: Kobold
Gender: Male
Strength = 21 + 2.3 (Primary)Agility = 20 + 2.5Intelligence = 12 + 1.2

Movement Speed: 278 (Average)
Attack Range: MeleeAttack Cooldown: 1.5 s

Blood Rage:
Ability Type: Passive, No Target
Whenever the kobold kills a unit or suffers damage, his rage increases making him more efficient in combat.

Each kill or 100 damage suffered by the kobold gives him 10 rage.
LevelDuration (Per Stack)Cooldown Mana Cost Range Area of Effect Allowed Targets Effect

15 sN/AN/AN/AN/ASelf
Each 20 rage gives him 5% bonus attack and movement speed. Maximum of 100 rage.

15 sN/AN/AN/AN/ASelf
Each 17 rage gives him 5% bonus attack and movement speed. Maximum of 170 rage.

15 sN/AN/AN/AN/ASelf
Each 14 rage gives him 5% bonus attack and movement speed. Maximum of 210 rage.

15 sN/AN/AN/AN/ASelf
Each 11 rage gives him 5% bonus attack and movement speed. Maximum of 220 rage.

15 sN/AN/AN/AN/ASelf
Each 8 rage gives him 5% bonus attack and movement speed. Maximum of 240 rage.

Ability Type: Passive, No Target
The kobold is not a seasoned fighter. However, his rage and hunger for blood compensates for that as he wildly swings his axe hitting his target and a random nearby enemy.

(The kobold's main target in normal attacks will not be hit by this skill)
LevelDuration Cooldown Mana Cost Range Area of Effect Allowed Targets Effect

N/AN/AN/AN/A250Enemy UnitsDeals 5 + Damage dealt on his main target. Stuns the random enemy for 0.01 s. 20% Chance that this skill will fire.

N/AN/AN/AN/A250Enemy UnitsDeals 10 + Damage dealt on his main target. Stuns the random enemy for 0.01 s. 25% Chance that this skill will fire.

N/AN/AN/AN/A250Enemy UnitsDeals 15 + Damage dealt on his main target. Stuns the random enemy for 0.01 s. 30% Chance that this skill will fire.

N/AN/AN/AN/A250Enemy UnitsDeals 20 + Damage dealt on his main target. Stuns the random enemy for 0.01 s. 35% Chance that this skill will fire.

N/AN/AN/AN/A250Enemy UnitsDeals 25 + Damage dealt on his main target. Stuns the random enemy for 0.01 s. 40% Chance that this skill will fire.

Ability Type: Active, Unit Target
Impales the target into the ground disabling its movement and making it suffer damage per second as it bleeds from being impaled to the ground.

(DPS is spread and applied every 0.03 seconds)
LevelDuration Cooldown Mana Cost Range Area of Effect Allowed Targets Effect

1 s11 s100250N/AEnemy Units75 DPS

1.5 s11 s100250N/AEnemy Units75 DPS

2 s11 s100250N/AEnemy Units75 DPS

2.5 s11 s100250N/AEnemy Units75 DPS

3 s11 s100250N/AEnemy Units75 DPS

Transmorgification (Ultimate):
Ability Type: Active, No Target
With all the rage building up within the kobold, his magic also builds up and thus allowing him to transform into a beast of pure terror. The transition from his original size to such a large form causes enemy and allied units within the AoE to be knocked back for 1 s at a distance of 250 units. Impaled units in the AoE will suffer 75 damage instead of being knocked back.

This skill passively adds 5 rage every 15 seconds when in normal form.
His alternate form has bonus hp, attack speed, and damage. Depletes 15 rage per second.
LevelDuration Cooldown Mana Cost Range Area of Effect Allowed Targets Effect

Until his rage runs out175 s200N/A200Self200 bonus hp, 15% attack speed bonus, +30 damage

Until his rage runs out140 s150N/A200Self300 bonus hp, 20% attack speed bonus, +40 damage

Until his rage runs out105 s100N/A200Self400 bonus hp, 25% attack speed bonus, +50 damage

Note: The hero icon is a placeholder. This is supposed to be using the default kobold tunneler icon.

Clicking on the images of a custom resource will take you to its source.

Dinky is meant to be a hero who can take as much damage as he can while plowing through dozens of enemy units. He doesn't deal much damage from his normal attacks, but his insane attack and movement speed will compensate for it. His low intelligence is also covered by his above average growth in both agility and strength.

With his first skill, last hitting enemy units and absorbing tolerable damage is a must to become more efficient in killing. This would also help collect more gold to help him complete his equipment. His second skill also helps in increasing his rage as it could kill both his target and an unfortunate nearby enemy unit, doubling the rage received. His third skill is used to hold down an enemy unit, dealing some extra damage while he hammers it with normal attacks. His ultimate skill only enables him to endure more damage and deal much more himself.

-Above average agility and strength growth.
-Very fast attack speed.
-Can clear out groups of enemy units really fast.
-Can be a tank
-Can be a slayer.
-Has a disable.
-Able to kill multiple enemies in one shot.

-Low mana.
-Low starting hitpoints.
-Low intelligence growth.
-Low base movement speed.
-His alternate form is huge. (In terms of collision size)

http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...53917/?prev=search=blade%20bloody&d=list&r=20 by kola
http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...86330/?prev=search=kobold%20slave&d=list&r=20 by -Grendel
http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/icons-541/btndarkhand-245342/ by Darkfang
http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/icons-541/btnworgeninsanity-243556/?prev=r=20&page=5 by Kimbo
http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/icons-541/btninjusticesmasher-239163/?prev=r=20&page=11 by JollyD

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Level 18
Aug 22, 2013
Hero:Serinea Seascale the Naga Enchantress
Hero info:An apprentice of Lady Vashj.Sirinea prefers to destroy his enemies with powerful elements she enchants.
Affiliation:Illidans Forces
Model and Icon:Can use Naga Siren,Summoner or Lady Vashj
1.Lightning Storm: summons a storm on her head like Razor ulti in DotA.
Level 1.Cost 50 mana deal 25 damage per hit cooldown 75(last 30 seconds)
Level 2.Cost 50 mana deal 30 damage per hit cooldown 70(last 40 seconds)
Level 3.Cost 50 mana deal 35 damage per hit cooldown 65(last 50 seconds)

2.Water Waves:send waves of crushing tides to drown your enemy.Based on stampede
Level 1.Cost 20 mana Deal 8 damage per hit cooldown is 25(last 15 seconds)
Level 2.Cost 25 mana Deal 16 damage per hit cooldown is 30(last 15 sec30onds)
Level 3.Cost 30 mana Deal 24 damage per hit cooldown is 35(last 15 seconds)

3.Mana Images:Create Illusions from a target unit.Based on Item Illusion summon
Level 1.same as normal mirror image cooldown and mana but illusion deal 1 damage to enemy
Level 2.same Illusion deal 2 damage
Level 3.illusions deal 3 damage

Ultimate:Moonsoon:Deal 50 damage in the are cooldown is 100(last 50 seconds) based on moonsoon spell
Level 16
Jul 31, 2012
Haven't u read the rules well? Each ability has FIVE levels and the ultimate has THREE LEVELS! And u could also try to make the description as done with the Crypt Lord. U know, like that it looks quite ugly. Also u could show the image of the Hero and her icon AT LEAST!

you've got a point, but i dunno if it could be said without a "mean" impression, w/e, i guess his submission won't be taken in consideration if he doesn't fix it
Level 2
Aug 30, 2011
Calamity - Magic Eater

Calamity - Magic Eater

General Information



Calamity is a creature that never should've existed, said to be the result of a student who couldn't quite grasp summoning magics. She stalks in the shadows, waiting for the right moment to strike so she can obtain her favorite meal. Magic. After the boy had summoned this creature, it attacked him, drinking what little magical energies he contained. After Calamity had finished with the boy, the demoness snuck through the city of Redthorn to find more magic. She took out any wizard or sorceress she came across one by one. The guards weren't able to stop Calamity, she was much too elusive.

As luck would have it, this night was when the undead commander, Kal'bala Vrallate, would attempt another attack on the city. As he entered Redthorn with his troops, he was shocked to find every living thing dead, or dying. It was this night when Calamity joined the ranks of the Undead.

Affiliation: Undead
Role: Anti-Mage/Hunter/Semi-Magician
Race: Demon
Gender: Female
Strength = 13 + 1.9 Agility = 16 + 2.7 (Primary)Intelligence = 17 + 1.7

Movement Speed: 260 (Average)
Attack Range: MeleeAttack Cooldown: 1.85 s


Soul Leech:
Ability Type: Active, Unit Target
Drains a portion of the target's mana, causing them to take damage equal to half the mana drained. If this ability is used from Stalk it will deal damage equal to the mana drained, and silence the target.
LevelDuration Cooldown Mana Cost Range Area of Effect Allowed Targets Effect

4 s (Silence)12 s260545N/AGround, Enemy, NeutralDrains 180 mana (Deals 90 damage). Silences for 4 seconds and deals 180 damage if used from Stalk.

4 s (Silence)12 s260545N/AGround, Enemy, NeutralDrains 240 mana (Deals 120 damage). Silences for 4 seconds and deals 240 damage if used from Stalk.

4 s (Silence) 12s260545N/AGround, Enemy, NeutralDrains 300 mana (Deals 150 damage). Silences for 4 seconds and deals 300 damage if used from Stalk.

5 s (Silence)12 s260545N/AGround, Enemy, NeutralDrains 360 mana (Deals 180 damage). Silences for 5 seconds and deals 360 damage if used from Stalk.

5 s (Silence)12 s260545N/AGround, Enemy, NeutralDrains 420 mana (Deals 210 damage). Silences for 5 seconds and deals 420 damage if used from Stalk.

Thaumic Void:
Ability Type: Active, Unit Target
Calamity creates an aura around a target, which damages nearby enemies based on the target's intelligence. The target does not take damage from Thaumic Void. If this spell is used from Stalk, all units affected by Thaumic Void are slowed. The target is slowed as well.
LevelDuration Cooldown Mana Cost Range Area of Effect Allowed Targets Effect

10 s34 s265350375Ground, Allied, Enemy, NeutralDeals 20 + Target's Intelligence every second. If used from Stalk, all affected units are slowed by 10%. Allied units are not slowed or damaged.

10 s31 s275365375Ground, Allied, Enemy, NeutralDeals 40 + Target's Intelligence every second. If used from Stalk, all affected units are slowed by 14%. Allied units are not slowed or damaged.

10 s28 s285380375Ground, Allied, Enemy, NeutralDeals 60 + Target's Intelligence every second. If used from Stalk, all affected units are slowed by 18%. Allied units are not slowed or damaged.

10 s25 s295395375Ground, Allied, Enemy, NeutralDeals 80 + Target's Intelligence every second. If used from Stalk, all affected units are slowed by 22%. Allied units are not slowed or damaged.

10 s22 s305410375Ground, Allied, Enemy, NeutralDeals 100 + Target's Intelligence every second. If used from Stalk, all affected units are slowed by 26%. Allied units are not slowed or damaged.

Mana Fission:
Ability Type: Passive
The presence of the Magic Eater causes enemy's mana to degenerate. During Stalk, the mana degeneration is twice as effective.
LevelDuration Cooldown Mana Cost Range Area of Effect Allowed Targets Effect

N/AN/AN/AN/A500Ground, EnemyUnits affected by Mana Fission lose 0.3 MP per second. When Calamity is in Stalk, units affected by Mana Fission lose 0.6 MP per second instead.

N/AN/AN/AN/A500Ground, EnemyUnits affected by Mana Fission lose 0.4 MP per second. When Calamity is in Stalk, units affected by Mana Fission lose 0.8 MP per second instead.

N/AN/AN/AN/A500Ground, EnemyUnits affected by Mana Fission lose 0.5 MP per second. When Calamity is in Stalk, units affected by Mana Fission lose 1.0 MP per second instead.

N/AN/AN/AN/A500Ground, EnemyUnits affected by Mana Fission lose 0.6 MP per second. When Calamity is in Stalk, units affected by Mana Fission lose 1.2 MP per second instead.

N/AN/AN/AN/A500Ground, EnemyUnits affected by Mana Fission lose 0.7 MP per second. When Calamity is in Stalk, units affected by Mana Fission lose 1.4 MP per second instead.

Stalk (Ultimate):
Ability Type: Active, No Target
Calamity turns invisible, gaining more movement speed and adding additional effects to her other spells.
LevelDuration Cooldown Mana Cost Range Area of Effect Allowed Targets Effect

10 s37 s250N/AN/ASelfCalamity gains 25 movespeed and becomes invisible. Bonus effects are added to her other spells.

19 s40 s235N/AN/ASelfCalamity gains 40 movespeed and becomes invisible. Bonus effects are added to her other spells.

28 s43 s210N/AN/ASelfCalamity gains 55 movespeed and becomes invisible. Bonus effects are added to her other spells.

+High movespeed
+High damage output.
+Potential AoE slow.

-Low starting stats.
-Passive gives away her position, even if invisible.
-Low attack time.
-High mana costs.
-Can not do much when silenced.

Playing as Calamity
-Use Stalk to look for kills whenever possible.
-Use Soul Leech to gain mana if you are low.
-If enemies are clumped together, using a Stalk-boosted Thaumic Void can do a lot of damage.
-You can put Thaumic Void onto an ally, to create the damage field around them. They will not be slowed or damaged by the spell.
-Buying HP items is recommended due to her low STR growth.
-Play carefully until you feel ready to go hunt some solo heroes.
-Use Stalk-Boosted Soul Leech to silence heroes with important spells during teamfights.
-Look out for any invisibility detection.
-Stalk-boosted Soul Leech does a lot of damage. Try to initiate on lone heroes with this ability.
-Stalk-boosted Thaumic Void can be used as a slow if your target is running away.

Playing against Calamity
-If you cannot afford invisibility detection, Mana Fission will give away her location if she is close.
-Spread out a bit during teamfights, so you don't all get affected by Thaumic Void.
-Always have a buddy nearby, Calamity is good at picking off lone heroes.
-Carry a potion of invisibility/invulnerability/antimagic at all times, just in case.

Items that work well on Calamity
-Bone Helmet provides much needed HP.
-Frenzy Boots/Tempest Skull provide movespeed.
-Raving Sword can be used in combination with your ultimate.
-Magic Axe allows you to gain more EXP, which allows you to get your high damage spells faster. It also provides INT and damage.
-Arcane Flare provides mana, and helps restore it.
-Demonic Amulet provides mana and STR, two things Calamity needs.

http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/icons-541/btncrnightmaresurge-206672/?prev=search%3Dsurge%26d%3Dlist%26r%3D20 by CrazyRussian
http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/icons-541/btndarkmatter-211526/?prev=search%3Dsurge%26d%3Dlist%26r%3D20 by 13lackDeath
Level 30
Nov 29, 2012

Hybrid Warrior - Zeph

General Information



"I was abandoned by my own kind! I was hated for my powers, they say they were demonic. I will take my revenge on all the Night Elves in this realm, then and only then will they realize how foolish they were for abandoning me purely because my powers were to great!"

Zeph is a Night Elf warrior who holds a dark and demonic power within him. This power is believed to bring on destruction and so because of this, the Night Elves hated him and did not consider him as one of them, but instead a demon destined to destroy their beloved forest.
He was abandoned by his own kind and while fighting for his survival he started to hate the Night Elves for what they had done. He has no home where he can return and no friends or allies to get help from, he is truly alone. As a result he began to master his unusual skills and is still fighting to fully take control of the power within him, not only for his survival, but to get his revenge on the Night Elves. So the prophecy they predicted they have now brung on themselves, his goal is to make the Night Eves finally realize that abandoning him just because his powers were different was truly unjust!

Affiliation: Night Elf
Role: Slayer/Defender
Race: Night Elf
Gender: Male
Strength = 14 + 1.0Agility = 22 + 3.0 (Primary)Intelligence = 18 + 2.0

Movement Speed: 270 (Average)
Attack Range: MeleeAttack Cooldown: 2.1 s


Ability Type: Active, Point Target
Blinks at the targeted point and leaving an image of itself with varying strength.
LevelDuration Cooldown Mana Cost Range Area of Effect Allowed Targets Effect

5 s10 s85N/AN/APointBlinks at the targeted point and leaving an image of itself with 10% damage (15% damage at night) and takes 200% damage (150% damage at night).

5 s10 s85N/AN/APointBlinks at the targeted point and leaving an image of itself with 10% damage (20% damage at night) and takes 190% damage (145% damage at night).

6 s9 s90N/AN/APointBlinks at the targeted point and leaving an image of itself with 15% damage (20% damage at night) and takes 180% damage (140% damage at night).

7 s8 s90N/AN/APointBlinks at the targeted point and leaving an image of itself with 15% damage (25% damage at night) and takes 170% damage (135% damage at night).

9 s6 s95N/AN/APointBlinks at the targeted point and leaving an image of itself with 20% damage (30% damage at night) and takes 160% damage (125% damage at night).

Cloak of the Moon:
Ability Type: Passive, Self
Gives a chance (%) to dodge an attack or spell and another chance (%) to return a portion of the damage taken.
LevelDuration Cooldown Mana Cost Range Area of Effect Allowed Targets Effect

N/AN/AN/AN/AN/ASelf (for the dodge rate) and Enemies (for the return damage part).Gives a 10% chance (15% chance at night) to dodge an attack or spell and another 5% chance (8% chance at night) to return 25% damage taken through normal attacks only

N/AN/AN/AN/AN/ASelf (for the dodge rate) and Enemies (for the return damage part).Gives a 12% chance (17% chance at night) to dodge an attack or spell and another 7% chance (10% chance at night) to return 30% damage taken through normal attacks only

N/AN/AN/AN/AN/ASelf (for the dodge rate) and Enemies (for the return damage part).Gives a 14% chance (19% chance at night) to dodge an attack or spell and another 9% chance (12% chance at night) to return 35% damage taken through normal attacks only

N/AN/AN/AN/AN/ASelf (for the dodge rate) and Enemies (for the return damage part).Gives a 16% chance (21% chance at night) to dodge an attack or spell and another 11% chance (14% chance at night) to return 40% damage taken through normal attacks only

N/AN/AN/AN/AN/ASelf (for the dodge rate) and Enemies (for the return damage part).Gives a 20% chance (25% chance at night) to dodge an attack or spell and another 15% chance (18% chance at night) to return 45% damage taken through normal attacks only

Soul Burn:
Ability Type: Active, Unit Target
Zeph casts a powerful dark magic at an enemy unit burning its soul, dealing damage each second that passes by. If the unit is killed by the effect of Soul Burn, it will explode and dealing additional damage to enemies around the exploding unit.
LevelDuration Cooldown Mana Cost Range Area of Effect Allowed Targets Effect

15 s18 s160N/A450EnemyBurns the soul of the targeted enemy unit, dealing 7 damage (10 damage at night) each second that passes by. If a unit is killed by the effect of the Soul Burn, it will explode and dealing additional 100 damage (140 damage at night). Lasts for 15 seconds.

15 s16 s165N/A475EnemyBurns the soul of the targeted enemy unit, dealing 9 damage (12 damage at night) each second that passes by. If a unit is killed by the effect of the Soul Burn, it will explode and dealing additional 130 damage (170 damage at night). Lasts for 15 seconds

15 s15 s170N/A500EnemyBurns the soul of the targeted enemy unit, dealing 11 damage (14 damage at night) each second that passes by. If a unit is killed by the effect of the Soul Burn, it will explode and dealing additional 160 damage (200 damage at night). Lasts for 15 seconds

15 s14 s175N/A525EnemyBurns the soul of the targeted enemy unit, dealing 13 damage (16 damage at night) each second that passes by. If a unit is killed by the effect of the Soul Burn, it will explode and dealing additional 190 damage (230 damage at night). Lasts for 15 seconds

15 s12 s185N/A550EnemyBurns the soul of the targeted enemy unit, dealing 17 damage (20 damage at night) each second that passes by. If a unit is killed by the effect of the Soul Burn, it will explode and dealing additional 220 damage (260 damage at night). Lasts for 15 seconds

Demonic Ritual (Ultimate):
Ability Type: Active, Self
Performs a demonic ritual that gives Zeph a Chaos Damage type and a bonus attack speed. Additionally, if Zeph killed an enemy hero while he is under the effects of this spell, absorbs a percentage of the maximum life of the killed enemy hero.
LevelDuration Cooldown Mana Cost Range Area of Effect Allowed Targets Effect

25 s100 s200N/AN/ASelfGives Zeph a Chaos Damage type and a bonus 25% Attack Speed (35% Attack Speed at Night). Additionally, if Zeph killed an enemy hero while he is under the effects of this spell, absorbs 20% (30% at Night) of the max life of the killed enemy hero.

30 s85 s200N/AN/ASelfGives Zeph a Chaos Damage type and a bonus 35% Attack Speed (45% Attack Speed at Night). Additionally, if Zeph killed an enemy hero while he is under the effects of this spell, absorbs 30% (40% at Night) of the max life of the killed enemy hero.

35 s70 s200N/AN/ASelfGives Zeph a Chaos Damage type and a bonus 45% Attack Speed (55% Attack Speed at Night). Additionally, if Zeph killed an enemy hero while he is under the effects of this spell, absorbs 40% (50% at Night) of the max life of the killed enemy hero.

Zeph is a damage dealer type of hero because of his fast damage and agility gain but he can also be a semi-tanker when he has his 4th skill activated. He can survive when he is under the effect of his fourth skill and when he keeps on killing enemy heroes to absorb percentage of their life for his survival.

At start, he has an average stat but while he grows, his strength gain is very low but his agility gain pretty much makes up for his lack of strength. His skills focuses mostly on damaging units slowly then killing them through its effect but he can also make illusions through his "Blink" skill that will make enemies confuse on who to deal with first.

+Has high damage and agility gain
+Can both escape dangers and also to confuse enemies with his "Blink" Skill
+Can easily kill an enemy by using "Soul Burn" at them and also can kill masses of enemy units and possible heroes with the Soul Burn's after effect.
+Can be a good semi-tanker when under the effect of the "Demonic Ritual" effect because with each enemy hero kill, he can absorb percentage of their max life for his survival and so better tanking at game.

-Has low strength and strength gain
-Weak hero at start due to the slow attack speed even for a good and exceptional agility hero.
-Pretty much useless when silenced because he gets most of his battle capabilities and survivability through his skills.

BTNIllidanDemon by Nightmare_X
BTNBlinkV2 by The_Silent
BTNDarkSphere by Darkfang
BTNDarkTrinityv2 by 4eNNightmare
BTNUnholyResurrection by viiva
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Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
Dear Hell Master, once u judged one of my maps and now it's time I judge u in this hero contest!
Well, I'd first say to make the biography longer. It's too short! Second, I think u should have posted ur hero idea COMPLETE, not a WIP. However, the first 2 abilities I saw were great. The explanation is a desert! Nothing but nothing... U have to complete that soon! I guess posting WIPs is forbidden!
Level 6
May 13, 2013

Aregus the Restless Soul

General Information



Aregus, once a great and beloved warrior of his kingdom, deemed invincible due to his many victories against overwhelming forces, now a undead warrior roaming the earth.

While Aregus was still among the living, his love from a far, the beautiful Marditis who was admired by many, but touched by none was captured from the city and taken to the forest outside the gates.
Aregus, who witnessed them while standing guard in the tower, rushed after and wanted to take on the captors himself, hoping to win Marditis' heart.

As soon as he entered the forest he found her leaning against a tree, seemingly unharmed, but came to realise they were completely surrounded.
So with his back against the tree and protecting his beloved, Aregus who was a true master of the sword started killing off the assailants one by one.
Suddenly he felt a horrible pain in his back and saw the tip of a short sword pierced through his chest, as he turned around he saw, it was the beautiful Amarditis who had betrayed him by piercing his heart, in more ways than one.
He died staring into his beloveds eyes while realising that this was their plan all along.

They might have killed his flesh, but his spirit lived on, refusing to leave this earth. So now Aregus has returned in the form of a great and powerful warrior, no longer able to feel love, refusing ever to be weak again and swearing his revenge on all living things!

Affiliation: Undead
Role: Versatility
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Strength = 28 + 2.5 (Mark Primary)Agility = 20 + 1.75Intelligence = 18 + 0.5

Movement Speed: 280 (Average?)
Attack Range: 100 (melee)Attack Cooldown: 1.25s


Ability Name: Dark Bless
Ability Type: Active, toggle on/off
Ability description
Aregus sacrifices his health and mana in order to reach a new power
LevelDuration Cooldown Mana Cost Range Area of Effect Allowed Targets Effect

N/A30 s150N/AN/ASelf+10 Strength, 15 Damage, 15%, 20 movement speed and 20 attack speed but drain 20 hp/s

N/A30 s150N/AN/ASelf+12 Strength, 20 Damage, 15%, 20 movement speed and 20 attack speed but drain 25 hp/s

N/A30 s150N/AN/ASelf+14 Strength, 25 Damage, 30% life steal, 30 movement speed and 30 attack speed but drain 30 hp/s

N/A30 s150N/AN/ASelf+16 Strength, 30 Damage, 30% life steal, 30 movement speed and 30 attack speed but drain 35 hp/s

N/A30 s150N/AN/ASelf+20 Strength, 35 Damage, 30% life steal, 35 movement speed and 35 attack speed but drain 40 hp/s

Ability Name: Harvest Soul
Ability Type: Passive/ Active
Passive: Aregus take the souls of fallen enemies, transform them into power, grant him health, mana regen/ Acitve: Throw the soul, if it hit enemy, it'll deal damage. If it hit ally, it'll heal.
LevelDuration Cooldown Mana Cost Range Area of Effect Allowed Targets Effect

N/AActive: 15 s90600N/AEnemy/AllyPassive: regen 1hp/5s, 1mp/5s when reach 50% maximum soul. Active: Damage/Heal 95. Maximum is 10 souls

N/AAcitve: 15 s90600N/AEnemy/AllyPassive: regen 4hp/5s, 3mp/5s when reach 45% maximum soul. Active: Damage/Heal 135. Maximum is 15 souls

N/AActive: 15 s90600N/AEnemy/AllyPassive: regen 8hp/5s, 6mp/5s when reach 40% maximum soul. Active: Damage/Heal 150. Maximum is 20 souls

N/AActive: 15 s90600N/AEnemy/AllyPassive: regen 12hp/5s, 9mp/5s when reach 35% maximum soul. Active: Damage/Heal 200. Maximum is 25 souls

N/AAcitve: 15 s90600N/AEnemy/AllyPassive: regen 16hp/5s, 12mp/5s when reach 35% maximum soul . Active: Damage/Heal 250. Maximum is 25 souls

Ability Name:Shadow Strike
Ability Type: Active
Aregus charge power, release a extremely powerful strike but if target die, Aregus will be frenzy in some secs
LevelDuration Cooldown Mana Cost Range Area of Effect Allowed Targets Effect

5s (frenzy)15 s200N/AN/AEnemyDeal 95+(str stats). Increase 25% attack speed and movement speed

5s20 s200N/AN/AEnemyDeal 100+(str stats*3). Increase 50% attack speed and movement speed

5s20 s200N/AN/AEnemyDeal 115+(str stats*3). Increase 100% attack speed and movement speed

5s20 s200N/AN/AEnemyDeal 130+(str stats*3). Increase 150% attack speed and movement speed

5s20 s200N/AN/AEnemyDeal 150+(str stats*3). Increase 200% attack speed and movement speed

The End(Ultimate):
Ability Type: Active
When active this spell, Aregus will recieve a shield that absorb incoming damage and transform into health
LevelDuration Cooldown Mana Cost Range Area of Effect Allowed Targets Effect

3 s180 s50% maximum manaN/AN/ASelfAbsorb all incoming damage, transform into health equal damage recieve

4 s160 s40% maximum manaN/AN/ASelfAbsorb all incoming damage, transform into health equal damage recieve

5 s120 s30% maximum manaN/AN/ASelfAbsorb all incoming damage, transform into health equal damage recieve

Aregus is a versatility hero. He can be spell caster/ damage dealer/ tanker. Dark Bless can be build in case of your team need damage dealer but also tanker. Spell Caster is Harvest Soul and Shadow Strike. Tanker is Harvest Soul and The End. However, Aregus's disavantage:
+ Require high mana although Aregus's mana pool is poor
+ Dark Bless and enemies's skill can kill you easily, use wisely
+ Int stat increase poor, too
+ Useless tanker if you timing not good enough
+ Quite slow
+ Depend on item

Aregus's advantage:
+ Yep, versatility
+ High damage
+ Str stat high
+ Cool eyes :D
+ Damage deal can be very high
+ Strong with The End
+ Invincible if have enough item

Icon of Dark Bless by Anachron
Icon of Dark Strike by CRAZYRUSSIAN
Icon of The End by PeeKay
Icon of Harvest Soul by CRAZYRUSSIAN
Aregus skin by CloudWolf
Aregus icon by CloudWolf
Finally, tnx to Jolly_Jumper for a longer story :D
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Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
Dear Hell Master, once u judged one of my maps and now it's time I judge u in this hero contest!
Well, I'd first say to make the biography longer. It's too short! Second, I think u should have posted ur hero idea COMPLETE, not a WIP. However, the first 2 abilities I saw were great. The explanation is a desert! Nothing but nothing... U have to complete that soon! I guess posting WIPs is forbidden!

Hey, there. Thanks for the judgement. Though not to worry, I will finish this up and I am indeed gonna expand the biography but I am still brainstorming for some ideas for it.


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
about icon for s4: why?
stacking per level for s3: k, will do

doesnt suit the other icons. But you dont need to do as I said I am not judge so you wont get bonus points for doing what I think ^^.

I just pointed out that the ability was not scaling like the others and the icon is just a personal thing I guess.

Commander Thernak

General Information



Thernak was a Commander during the Second War, leading the first attacks on Lordaeron's southern shores under direct command of then-Warchief Orgrim Doomhammer.

He is a battle hardened veteran, most of whose equipment was salvaged from slain enemies on the battlefield. The pride of his armory are his two broadswords, snatched from the corpse of one of Azeroth's high commanders, whom he defeated in one-on-one combat in a long battle when he was still a lowly grunt during the First War.

When The Horde was defeated after the Second War, he was one of those untameable Orcs that were never captured. He was, however, separated from his wife and infant son, Ranak, both of whom are now his raison d'être. If they are still alive, he will find them.

Affiliation: The Horde
Role: Offense, leader
Race: Orc
Gender: Male
Strength = 23 + 1.75 (Primary)Agility = 19 + 2.00Intelligence = 16 + 2.25

Movement Speed: 290 (Base)
Attack Range: 100Attack Cooldown: 2s


Battle Roar:
Ability Type: Active, No Target
Gives nearby friendly units a bonus to attack damage.
LevelDuration Cooldown Mana Cost Range Area of Effect Allowed Targets Effect

10 s25 s50N/A650Air, Ground, Friend, SelfDamage increased by 10

10 s25 s50N/A650Air, Ground, Friend, SelfDamage increased by 20

10 s25 s50N/A650Air, Ground, Friend, SelfDamage increased by 30

10 s25 s50N/A650Air, Ground, Friend, SelfDamage increased by 40

10 s25 s50N/A650Air, Ground, Friend, SelfDamage increased by 50

Thunder Blades:
Ability Type: Active, No Target
Slams the ground, stunning and damaging nearby enemy land units.
LevelDuration Cooldown Mana Cost Range Area of Effect Allowed Targets Effect

N/A6 s90N/A150Ground, OrganicDeals 25 damage, 3 s stun

N/A6 s90N/A200Ground, OrganicDeals 50 damage, 4 s stun

N/A6 s90N/A250Ground, OrganicDeals 75 damage, 5 s stun

N/A6 s90N/A300Ground, OrganicDeals 100 damage, 6 s stun

N/A6 s90N/A350Ground, OrganicDeals 125 damage, 7 s stun

Power of Command:
Ability Type: Passive
Increases the movement speed and attack rate of nearby friendly units.
LevelDuration Cooldown Mana Cost Range Area of Effect Allowed Targets Effect

N/AN/AN/AN/A900Air, Ground, Friend, Vulnerable, Invulnerable0.10% movement speed increase, 0.08% attack rate increase

N/AN/AN/AN/A900Air, Ground, Friend, Vulnerable, Invulnerable0.20% movement speed increase, 0.13% attack rate increase

N/AN/AN/AN/A900Air, Ground, Friend, Vulnerable, Invulnerable0.30% movement speed increase, 0.18% attack rate increase

N/AN/AN/AN/A900Air, Ground, Friend, Vulnerable, Invulnerable0.40% movement speed increase, 0.23% attack rate increase

N/AN/AN/AN/A900Air, Ground, Friend, Vulnerable, Invulnerable0.50% movement speed increase, 0.28% attack rate increase

Hack and Slash (Ultimate):
Ability Type: Active, Target
The commander slashes an enemy unit, causing damage and stunning the target.
LevelDuration Cooldown Mana Cost Range Area of Effect Allowed Targets Effect

N/A20 s18050N/AEnemy, Ground, OrganicDeals 425 damage, 3.75 s stun

N/A20 s18050N/AEnemy, Ground, OrganicDeals 450 damage, 4.00 s stun

N/A20 s18050N/AEnemy, Ground, OrganicDeals 525 damage, 5.25 s stun

Note: this hero was designed for 3-level abilities (1-level ultimate), so if he's overpowered they should probably be scaled to lvl3 values.
The Commander Hero is a strong offensive hero, meant to lead the charge, boost unit morale, and exhaust the enemy. Can compensate being outnumbered by strengthening friendly units and dealing heavy damage.
Be careful about using your abilities, as mana value and regeneration are rather low. Can take a beating, but relies on support and abilities when faced with a strong offensive enemy.
The abilities are meant to stress cooperation between allies and among your own forces, but also to deal heavy damage to pressure the enemy.

This hero comes from the campaign I'm currently working on (which will probably never see the light of day :p), so I hope that doesn't disqualify it.
He was based on the Blademaster, but adjusted to make Strength the primary attribute.
Battle Roar is based on Roar. Uses "spell,slam" animation. Special Art and Buff Target Art from Bloodlust.
Thunder Blades is based on Thunderclap. Uses "spell" animation.
Hack and Slash is based on Thunder Bolt. Uses "attack,slam" animation. Special Art: CleavingAttack <Special>, Target Art: Blood Impact.

Should you choose to include this hero, I'll be glad to send you my edited model/texture, or even a map from which you can copy the unit :)

Orc Armor model by FvckTP (team color added by me)
Orc Armor texture by Hueter (edited by me)
Battle Roar icon by Mr.Goblin (from Scars of Conflict Resource Pack)
Thunder Blade icon by zbc
Courage icon by Mr.Goblin
Crossed Swords icon by -Berz-
Last edited:
Level 2
Aug 11, 2013

Maria Witchcraft the Sorceress

General Information



Maria was an orphan when she was a child, her parents abandoned her because they cannot handle her extreme power in magic while she was a baby. When she grew up, she is a pretty and amazing woman. Her foes have no match for her. Nobody could even stand a chance. She punishes her foes that tries to attack her village. When the war between human and orcs begun, her love was killed and she cried for a long time. This made her rage at all times. She studied hard about so many magic about elementals and asked about stronger magic at the elder sorcerers and sorceresses. She will avenge her love. The orcs came back again, and no one was hurt in the war. All of the orcs are killed. It was a total destruction in their village. The electric current in her magic, electrified the orcs. The tsunami drowned the orcs with acid. The blast of arcane is heard by everyone. And every orc tries to escape, she calls the cold and windy ice to make the orcs cannot escape and punish them for what have they done to her love.

Affiliation: Infidel
Role: Magician
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Strength = 18 + 1.5Agility = 16 + 1.4Intelligence = 26 + 3.1 (Primary)

Movement Speed: 285
Attack Range: 600Attack Cooldown: 1.7 s


Ability Type: Active, No Target
Maria calls the cold and windy ice to immobilize all the enemies around her.
LevelDuration Cooldown Mana Cost Range Area of Effect Allowed Targets Effect

3 s13 s110N/A325Enemy, Ground, Air, OrganicMakes the enemies in the 325 AoE cannot move for 3 seconds.

3.5 s13 s125N/A325Enemy, Ground, Air, OrganicMakes the enemies in the 325 AoE cannot move for 3.5 seconds.

4 s13 s140N/A325Enemy, Ground, Air, OrganicMakes the enemies in the 325 AoE cannot move for 4 seconds.

4.5 s13 s155N/A325Enemy, Ground, Air, OrganicMakes the enemies in the 325 AoE cannot move for 4.5 seconds.

5 s13 s170N/A325Enemy, Ground, Air, OrganicMakes the enemies in the 325 AoE cannot move for 5 seconds.

Electric Current:
Ability Type: Active, Area
Maria summons a flowing current of electricity on an area. After 3 seconds, the current will explode and deal damage to the enemies on the area.
LevelDuration Cooldown Mana Cost Range Area of Effect Allowed Targets Effect

3 s15 s100650400Enemy, Ground, OrganicDeals 150 damage to the enemies in the area after 3 seconds.

3 s15 s120650400Enemy, Ground, OrganicDeals 200 damage to the enemies in the area after 3 seconds.

3 s15 s140650400Enemy, Ground, OrganicDeals 250 damage to the enemies in the area after 3 seconds.

3 s15 s160650400Enemy, Ground, OrganicDeals 300 damage to the enemies in the area after 3 seconds.

3 s15 s180650400Enemy, Ground, OrganicDeals 350 damage to the enemies in the area after 3 seconds.

Arcane Blast:
Ability Type: Active, Target Unit
Maria's extreme knowledge in magic helps him to create a ball of magic that deals damage to the enemy. If a unit dies with the arcane blast, Maria restores a portion of her maximum mana.
LevelDuration Cooldown Mana Cost Range Area of Effect Allowed Targets Effect

N/A15 s125600N/AEnemy, Air, Ground, OrganicDeals 100 damage. If lands on a killing blow, 10% of maximum mana is restored.

N/A13 s135600N/AEnemy, Air, Ground, OrganicDeals 150 damage. If lands on a killing blow, 20% of maximum mana is restored.

N/A11 s145600N/AEnemy, Air, Ground, OrganicDeals 200 damage. If lands on a killing blow, 30% of maximum mana is restored.

N/A9 s155600N/AEnemy, Air, Ground, OrganicDeals 250 damage. If lands on a killing blow, 40% of maximum mana is restored.

N/A7 s165600N/AEnemy, Air, Ground, OrganicDeals 300 damage. If lands on a killing blow, 50% of maximum mana is restored.

Acid Tsunami (Ultimate):
Ability Type: Active, Area
Maria's powerful magic is very good, that he creates a tsunami made up of acid. Deals damage and damage over time. Damage over time damage increases based on how many units are affected in the area.
LevelDuration Cooldown Mana Cost Range Area of Effect Allowed Targets Effect

3 s70 s200700550Enemy, Ground, Air, Organic, AncientDeals 100 damage. Deals 50 + 20 DPS per unit affected.

3 s70 s250700550Enemy, Ground, Air, Organic, AncientDeals 150 damage. Deals 100 + 25 DPS per unit affected.

3 s70 s300700550Enemy, Ground, Air, Organic, AncientDeals 200 damage. Deals 150 + 30 DPS per unit affected.

The Sorceress is an offensive spellcaster that is very weak at defense. She attacks and uses skills at a far range. She uses Blizzard to make enemies cannot move, then Electric Current will explode in 3 seconds to damage the enemies who are affected by Blizzard so sure damage. Blizzard and Electric Current are a great synergy to the Sorceress. But she has a very high manacosts in her skills, that's why she needs Arcane Blast. With Arcane Blast, she can replenish her mana if the blast lands on a killing blow that kills the unit. Arcane Blast has a high damage too, that can help the Sorceress to kill an enemy. Her ultimate, Acid Tsunami is very dangerous. She summons a poison tsunami in a big area, that deals damage. It could be dangerous if you are with so many units, she will just kill you with the damage over time. So many units = High damage over time. For example, I am the Sorceress. You are using a hero, for example, the Crypt Lord. You have 6 units with you, plus you equals 7 units. Sorceress casts a level 1 Acid Tsunami on the area that affects all of your units. You are damaged by 100 and damage over time by 50, 20 x 7 = 140. 50+140=190. Equivalent to 190 will damage you and your troops for 3 seconds, equals 570 damage over time.

Has a high mana pool.
Has a disable.
Has very high damaged skills.
Has a high intelligence and intelligence gain.
Has a medium movement speed.
Item independent.

Has a low strength and strength gain.
Very fragile and squishy.
Has a low agility and agility gain (low armor and armor gain)
Can be easily countered by Anti-Mages.
Useless if silenced or in no mana condition.

BTNSorceress from Wowwiki
Sorceress.gif from Wowwiki
BTNFreezingBreath from Wowwiki
BTNOrbOfLightning from Wowwiki
BTNFrostBolt from Wowwiki
BTNPlagueCloud from Wowwiki
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Level 6
May 13, 2013
@loktar question:
+ final skill's cd jst 9s? quite imba man. Increase into 120/100/90 or smt
+ third skill look interesting but jst plus a little amount. Increase it
Is there a cap of maximum participants in this contest?


Do we need to use the template for the submission?

We recommend you do. It contains all information we need to judge your hero. You're free to use another template if it also contains all information, which the DotA template as far as I know doesn't.
Level 9
May 14, 2008
As if ur Hero book has such marvellous abilities to let the rest of the abilities look like scrap! What kind of Hero is a book after all? :vw_wtf: Can't really imagine that! Maybe for making a funny map but not for this contest I believe.

lol i know but a touch of humor is never a negative point in any creation nor in real life
I didn't use template because I know it would be a waste of time xD

But I don't understand why people create heroes with basic abilities like the WC3 heroes, it's not a melee, it's a game based on heroes only (I played DotU a little). More possibilities (in terms of spells) = more strategies = more fun
@loktar question:
+ final skill's cd jst 9s? quite imba man. Increase into 120/100/90 or smt
+ third skill look interesting but jst plus a little amount. Increase it

Thanks for the feedback, I increased the attack rate of Power of Command a little bit. I think it shouldn't be too powerful because it's always on, and it's only for other units/heroes.
Also increased the cooldown for hack and slash by a lot, but also increased the damage quite a bit, and the stun down just a little bit.

But I don't understand why people create heroes with basic abilities like the WC3 heroes, it's not a melee, it's a game based on heroes only (I played DotU a little). More possibilities (in terms of spells) = more strategies = more fun

Honestly I don't even know what FBF is, I just happened to see "Hero contest" and submitted one because I'd recently made it :p
Level 30
Jan 31, 2010

Leliandra Moonchant, the Moon Rose

General Information



"Hailing from the neverending Silverpine Woods, Leliandra is said to be an everlasting legend among the Night Elves. From the young ages, she could find ways to harness greater amounts of lunar powers, but at the cost of projecting them in different ways that the other warriors. She may not be able to call down waves of star fragments to crush her enemies, and she may not be quite a threat with a bow and arrow, but she does have courage yet unmatched, strength empowered with lunar grace, and leadership skills that could lead an army against the whole world. Blessed by Elune herself, the Moon Rose dances with her blade through enemies, quickly eliminating any threat to her allies and her homelands.
One thing is certain about this beautiful huntress: she is a heartening sight upon any battlefield."

Affiliation: Infidel
Role: Offensive Support/Hunter
Race: Night Elf
Gender: Female
Strength = 17 + 1.8Agility (Primary Attribute) = 24 + 2.8Intelligence = 14 + 1.4

Movement Speed: 300
Attack Range: 128 (melee)Attack Cooldown: 1.9 s


Dual Rush:
Ability Type: Active, Target Single Enemy
Leliandra connects herself and the nearest allied hero with lunar powers, charging them both towards a single enemy, and providing them with a one-time bonus to attack damage once they reach the target. If no allies are nearby, the Moon Rose will charge alone, and recieve 50% increased bonus.
LevelDuration Cooldown Mana Cost Range Area of Effect Allowed Targets Effect

+Damage Bonus: 3 seconds if unused16 seconds75Cast Range: 700Get Allied Hero: 450Enemies, Organic+20% damage bonus (+30% if alone)

+Damage Bonus: 3 seconds if unused15 seconds95Cast Range: 700Get Allied Hero: 450Enemies, Organic+30% damage bonus (+45% if alone)

+Damage Bonus: 3 seconds if unused14 seconds115Cast Range: 700Get Allied Hero: 450Enemies, Organic+40% damage bonus (+60% if alone)

+Damage Bonus: 3 seconds if unused13 seconds135Cast Range: 700Get Allied Hero: 450Enemies, Organic+50% damage bonus (+75% if alone)

+Damage Bonus: 3 seconds if unused12 seconds155Cast Range: 700Get Allied Hero: 450Enemies, Organic+60% damage bonus (+90% if alone)

Million Shout:
Ability Type: Instant-Cast
The Moon Rose unleashes an encouraging shout around her, and replicates the shout on every allied hero on global range. Each shout slightly increases damage for a short duration. Every unit that is affected by a shout will also chain another shout, further improving damage bonus, and further chaining allied units. A single unit can only chain one shout per cast of this skill, and acquire bonus from up to 10 shouts.
LevelDuration Cooldown Mana Cost Range Area of Effect Allowed Targets Effect

7 seconds (From last shout)30 seconds90250 (Initial Shouts)200 (Secondary Shouts)Allied, Organic+10% damage (First), +2.5% (Per Mini-Shout)

7 seconds (From last shout)28 seconds105250 (Initial Shouts)200 (Secondary Shouts)Allied, Organic+12% damage (First), +2.7% (Per Mini-Shout)

7 seconds (From last shout)26 seconds120250 (Initial Shouts)200 (Secondary Shouts)Allied, Organic+14% damage (First), +2.9% (Per Mini-Shout)

7 seconds (From last shout)24 seconds135250 (Initial Shouts)200 (Secondary Shouts)Allied, Organic+16% damage (First), +3.1% (Per Mini-Shout)

7 seconds (From last shout)22 seconds150250 (Initial Shouts)200 (Secondary Shouts)Allied, Organic+18% damage (First), +3.3% (Per Mini-Shout)

Invigoration Aura:
Ability Type: Passive, Aura
Stackably empowers movement of nearby allied heroes every second, while they are out of combat. Taking damage or becoming a target of an offensive spell will reset the movement bonus of a Hero to zero.
LevelDuration Cooldown Mana Cost Range Area of Effect Allowed Targets Effect

////900 (Aura)Allied, Hero+2% MS every second, up to 20% MS

////900 (Aura)Allied, Hero+2.5% MS every second, up to 25% MS

////900 (Aura)Allied, Hero+3% MS every second, up to 30% MS

////900 (Aura)Allied, Hero+3.5% MS every second, up to 35% MS

////900 (Aura)Allied, Hero+4% MS every second, up to 40% MS

Unstoppable (Ultimate):
Ability Type: Instant-Cast
Infuses an intense amount of lunar energy into all allied Heroes, making them nearly unstoppable for a short duration.
While it lasts, this skill will extend the range of Invigoration Aura to global, and provide bonus movement based on maximum cap of current level of Invigoration Aura, and make it unable to be reseted. Also, affected Heroes will become immune to all slowing and stunning skills.
LevelDuration Cooldown Mana Cost Range Area of Effect Allowed Targets Effect

5 seconds80 seconds150//Allied, HeroDisables reset for Invigoration Aura, extends it's AoE to Global, gives max of harcap movement, renders all allied heroes unable to be slowed or stunned

5.5 seconds70 seconds175//Allied, HeroDisables reset for Invigoration Aura, extends it's AoE to Global, gives max of harcap movement, renders all allied heroes unable to be slowed or stunned

6 seconds60 seconds200//Allied, HeroDisables reset for Invigoration Aura, extends it's AoE to Global, gives max of harcap movement, renders all allied heroes unable to be slowed or stunned

Note: The GIF used as a model preview features an own companion, which is not present on a ladder wc3 Watcher model. The Hero is designed for the ladder model, without an owl. It was just the fact that I couldn't find a GIF image good enough, so I used this one.

Leliandra is a hybrid hero between being Offensive Slayer and Offensive Support.
In early game, she relies heavily on supporting, and wears off that role as time passes by, only to replace it with more offensive and solo type of playing. She has no direct damage skills, making itemcrafting focused on attack damage and attack speed. She is a perfect candidate for roaming.

1. Dual Rush - provides her with a quick get-to (or possibly, get-away) tool, and also with a great side effect that she can save, or hurry up another slow hero, making her an ideal partner for slow allies that can't get too close.
2. Million Shout - an very useful tiny skill, which can stack up a lot of damage for an entire team (1 hero and 4 creeps, skill level 1, 10% + 4 x 2.5% damage = 20% damage to every affected unit (at level 5, 18% + 4 x 3.3% = 31% damage)). This skill serves for stacking up damage to entire team, before ganking, or to force allied creeps into better stats.
3. Invigoration Aura - allows the Moon Rose to move very fast across the map, making her an easy roamer and ganker. Also serves as a get-away tool, if you manage to evade enemy attacks. As this skill affects nearby allied heroes, the Moon Rose can babysit another roamer with this and get lots of early kills.
4. Unstoppable - Both a defensive skill, and an offensive one. For team fights, it secures allies from getting disabled, and gifts them with lots of movement to chase escaping enemies. And if things get too wrong, this skill will heavily protect allied heroes from harm.

bigapple90, for (recolored, enhaced whiteness) Dual Rush icon (Link: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/icons-541/btnsharpenwarden-146097/?prev=search=warden&d=list&r=20)
Peekay, for (recolored) Million Shout icon (Link: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...prev=search=power&r=20&d=list&status=g&page=2)
CloudWolf, for (recolored, enhanced whiteness) Invigoration Aura icon (Link: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/icons-541/btncwmagicaura-182048/?prev=search=aura&d=list&r=20)
Blizzard Entertainment, for (recolored, enhanced whiteness) Unstoppable icon


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
1. there is no limit, everyone can join.
2. @tanasren kinda rude to say like that.
3. @feathermoon why quit?
4. you dont need to use the template but you need to provide the same info as the template. However we do highly suggest you use the template to make the judgement for us easier.

and nice to see the entries rolling in :)
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