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Favorite Moderator

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Matt540 said:
DeadDogNoGoWoof said:
You hurt me on the inside.

No beer for you.

Does your daddy even know where the heck you are?

Being 23 and living by myself, he probably does not know which websites I browse and/or moderate.

I recommend you do not reply to this thread again in response of this post or my previous ones, unless you would like me to verbally humiliate you.... Again.
I like all the moderators at the same value, but if I were forced to choose.......Afronight_76.


1. He has not a bad temper.
2. He has a cool attitude.
3. His styles of skinning and drawing are very cool.
4. His tutorials of making skins shows a very good potential for helping other skinners.

I'm sure there are other motives, but I don't know for the moment.
DeadDogNoGoWoof said:
I recommend you do not reply to this thread again in response of this post or my previous ones, unless you would like me to verbally humiliate you.... Again.

I meant you were giving beer to the site members, almost destroant.

Oh, and could you explain this to me as well? I don't get your 23...and...

I won't leave you guys completely until im atleast 13

Im curious, not flaming. I mean no harm, and will (again) once this becomes a flaming contest...If of course you decide to turn this forum into an arguement, like the last time the 2 of us were in the same room.
Matt540 said:
DeadDogNoGoWoof said:
I recommend you do not reply to this thread again in response of this post or my previous ones, unless you would like me to verbally humiliate you.... Again.

I meant you were giving beer to the site members, almost destroant.

Oh, and could you explain this to me as well? I don't get your 23...and...

I won't leave you guys completely until im atleast 13

Im curious, not flaming. I mean no harm, and will (again) once this becomes a flaming contest...If of course you decide to turn this forum into an arguement, like the last time the 2 of us were in the same room.

First off, you used the word "destroant" wrong. Very wrong.

You do not understand the internet. I recommend you get off it. Maturity is only relative to age in some cases in the anomity of the internet.

As to my age, I will not fully disclose it on those forums visible to normal users.
DeadDogNoGoWoof said:
First off, you used the word "destroant" wrong. Very wrong.

Fine I will restate it.

You gave "virtual beer" to members of the site. You almost gave some of the junk to destroant.

I only hope you can understand

DeadDogNoGoWoof said:
You do not understand the internet. I recommend you get off it. Maturity is only relative to age in some cases in the anomity of the internet.

The internet is not for flaming constantly. I can tell you that!

Again, another forum ruined by the 2 of us. Virtual restraining order for us both, please.
Mods may be able to ban and give warnings but mods have been removed...

List of the removed mods:

Seagull (can't remember why...and he doesnt want to tell)
Sopho (though he was more forced to get off)

And all you mods looking here, its about time to lock this thread. Me and ddngw do not mix together in this site. The resulting conflict is a major firestorm. Trust me. I think ddngw and I have already forced this to be locked.
Matt540 said:
And all you mods looking here its about time to lock this thread. Me and ddngw do not mix together in this site. The resulting conflict is a major firestorm. Trust me. I think ddngw and I have already forced this to be locked.

In no particular order.

First: I don't understand what the HELL you are getting at with /beer. You should seriously just unplug your router or whatever the hell your daddy has set up RIGHT NOW.

Second: Most mods do not have the power to lock threads in this forum. Me included. I would have locked this thread right after you provoked me. But lacking that power, I decided to respond.

Third: There is no "ddngw and I". There is a "you". We don't "not mix". You picked this little fight. Lacking the power to deal with it properly I was forced to respond.

The internet is not for flaming constantly. I can tell you that!

Again, another forum ruined by the 2 of us. Virtual restraining order for us both, please.

Please, disconnect yourself.
Oh really...I was definatly thinking you were going to claim it was 100% my fault this morning. HOW DID I KNOW Hmmm...

Could you AT ALL explain how the heck I provoked you? I don't listen to fairy tales, I actually want some answers.

I still am not budging (again) till I have proof. I wont turn this into a flame contest if nessessary, but i must know how all of this is 100% my fault?
Deaddognogowoof is just a nuicance that has been going at me for a while now. He just is unhappy sice i didnt get a warning after a forum he 100% provoked me to flame, and hes back in action, not resting until im out of this site. I do want to end this, but deaddognogowoof is to "almighty" and "Much much more immature that i dont compare to him" that I cant convince him to stop the arguing where we go.
Level 9
Oct 28, 2004
Fave Mod: ME!
*Looks at name*

*Looks again*


(Oh and to DDNGW and Matt, shut up, seriously, your just putting salt in an open wound.)
Matt540 said:
Deaddognogowoof is just a nuicance that has been going at me for a while now. He just is unhappy sice i didnt get a warning after a forum he 100% provoked me to flame, and hes back in action, not resting until im out of this site. I do want to end this, but deaddognogowoof is to "almighty" and "Much much more immature that i dont compare to him" that I cant convince him to stop the arguing where we go.

You now have me pissed off, you little shithead. This whole goddamn charade began a couple days ago, when, what the fuck, someone recommended YOU as a moderator. I pulled the above obscenity, bewildered at that moderator's judgment, and decided to give you a test drive, so to speak. I pissed you off purposely. If you would ever glance at my post history, I don't normally go around provoking people for no reason. It was to see how you would handle being pissed off.


But that got out of hand, so I stopped replying to the thread. I try to carry out life as normal following that, but you, a sniveling little five year old who just figured out how to get on the intarwebs, provoke me with, IF I MUST SPELL IT OUT FOR YOU, "Does your daddy even know where the heck you are?", amidst my perfectly normal posting habits.
I assault, but not flame, you verbally, as I must, and you react like the whiny fuck you are. I am not on some goddamn crusade to rid you from this site. You are just the shit that won't come off the bottom of my shoe.

Now please, stop this shit. I hate doing this.

I might edit this later, when I'm less pissed off at you.
Sheesh...All i did was ask a few questions. I never would have excepted a mod invitation anyway.

I only want to rid the site of the things that might plaugue it...Like reporting pointless threads, rule breaking junk, etc. I never wanted power, and I never wanted trouble. I asked a few questions, and this forum is a flame fest. Wow.

As for the "does your daddy even know where you are?", it was refering to the whole beer thing. techically, it was a joke I think that got a little out of hand. I greatly appoligize for that.

(Oh and to DDNGW and Matt, shut up, seriously, your just putting salt in an open wound.)

I beleive he has a point. I promise I wont respond to you and send this forum into more of a heated arguement as long as you please ignore the posts here as well. Im just hopping this is an expirience we can all forget about...
Level 25
Mar 31, 2004
DestroAnt said:
i dont even now what game his name is from(lol) when i first saw his avatar i though it looked like tails from sonic :lol:

hopefully i won get banned for this statement >.<

I made my name up you silly person

Silly, silly, silly person

And its an edited sprite of Tails. I'm personally in the market for getting a drawn version of my avatar sitting on a throne lording over you all if anyone is interested in drawing such a thing

And relax, I don't ban people aside from thievery. Now, I do have a tendancy to change their posts into praises of me on occaison sometimes though...


Now, while the last Matt-DDNGW fight was started by DDNGW, this one was started by Matt randomly attacking DDNGW after a somewhat jokish post not even DIRECTED at Matt, followed by DDNGW continuing the agressive assult and you two then coming out into a full-on slugfest

So I'll give you two a little choice: Stop fighting, PERMINANTLY, or I will get Veeg to give me power over this forum. And thus I will stop you perminantly by just deleting your posts if you attempt to even start another fight

You both clear on that?
Level 4
Jan 30, 2006
As i said before there is a limit on the amount of poll votes i can limit i had to get rid of 3 mods(and a vote saying "NO i do not like any mods because there mean evil people") for those people who hate this website and just wanna post one thing(lol) ok....so..sorry Rui and other mods

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

*with a shotgun pointed at his head*

Joe! Joe Black!
Level 35
Dec 10, 2007
Poll is pretty useless anyway.

this poll is useless.

I think these threads are often closed

I doubt this will end well :D


Ill have to close it

Voted for oh_snap anyway.
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