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Evil Beholder
by Amigurumi

A beholder's eyes each possess a different magical ability; the main eye projects an anti-magical cone, and the other eyes use different spell-like abilities (disintegrate objects, transmute flesh to stone, cause sleep, slow the motion of objects or beings, charm animals, charm humans, cause death, induce fear, levitate objects, and inflict serious wounds). Many variant beholder species exist, such as "observers", "spectators", "eyes of the deep", "elder orbs", "hive mothers", and "death tyrants". In addition, some rare beholders can use their eyes for non-standard spell-like abilities; these mutant beholders are often killed or exiled by their peers. Beholders wishing to cast spells like ordinary wizards relinquish the traditional use of their eyestalks, and put out their central anti-magic eye, making these beholder mages immediate outcasts. - www.wikipedia.com

I uploaded no model for a long time, and I was quite busy with my project and school, so I thought that I could make a nice model again :)
Well, like you already read, it's a beholder, which can cast deadly spells with it's eye. It has 3 different stand anims, two attack, one spell, one spell slam, one channel, one walk and one death animation. I know it misses teamcolor, but it somehow doesn't fit to it.

Hope you enjoy it, and use it as an almighty creep/boss/whatever. ;)

  • uploaded
  • particles are now much better
  • added new particles
  • fixed the particles in the spell slam animation

*Do not edit or distribute this model without my permission!*
*Give credits if you use this model!*

Icon by M0rbid

amigurumi, beholder, evil, eye, almighty, devil, tentacles, spell, deadly, awesome, green, poison, magic, death, dead, monster

EvilBeholder (Model)

14:28, 1st Apr 2010 shamanyouranus: Looks pretty good, brah




14:28, 1st Apr 2010
shamanyouranus: Looks pretty good, brah
well, everybody has a different view, of how beholders look like.
some think they have one main eye, and many small eyes at the body of them.
others think they have only a small eye, and a big mouth. It's quite hard to do
a fantasy monster, which everybody knows.

Forgot to mention: If you watch it in magos, the particles are wrong, but it's right ingame.
Level 23
Dec 20, 2009
So I promised you a review and here we go, I used debode's judging in minimodell contest as base, so thanks goes to him ( i just changed the points a little) This is only the review based on Magos, I'll later add some ingame experience!


The Mesh itself is quite simple, but the tentacles are well done, same with the eyes! the points were the tentacles stick to the body on the backside is not too brilliant but I guess it's okay.


Now this is good use of texture, even if it's might not toooo creative, too choose the forgotten one textures for a strange one eyed thing, but it's the only fitting one i guess, and makes the model really great looking! Again only the backside isn't perfect, but I guess in this case, there's nothing to do against it!


Here are a lot of pros and cons: the first attack animation looks very promising, but it can for sure only be used as a ranged attack, which isn't bad, cause it fits well to the model. But the second attack animation looks like you run out of ideas for that one: it's just not powerful enough, looks like what i would call a "pussyattack" or something :D just weak, try working on that!
The death anim is not too creative, maybe a rotating animations or something would have been better, but it is okay, so i won't deal with it too much :D
The spell anim is awesome, your model looks angry and then the particles come out! this is wellmade! (I'll say something to the particles later on)
The spell slam anim is nothing too special, but also not bad, so I think it's just okay, it's lacking of power like your second attack anim, but it also isn't really powerful looking!
I won't deal with every single stand animation because they are all well made, making the eye look like a really funny eye, that can also be angry (stand-3, which is maybe the best animation, really lov it, but there's a little flaw, the orange of the eyeball breaks through the rest of the texture on the left side of the model) But great job here!
I'm not sure what a stand channel is, and not sure, if I have seen this before, but animation seems okay there too, always good to have some animations for triggers!
Nothing special to say about the walk anim too!
I wanted to say something about the particles, I don't like them to much, because i think they are not that fitting to a single eye! maybe something more ugly then yellow sparks would have fitted better, but that's just me!


THIS IS CREATIVE! even if it reminds a little of the forgotten one it is very funny and useful for dungeons for example, maybe some more creativity in the animations would have given it an even higher score!


As a result, this is a very very beautiful model and i must say great job.
Improvements could be done in some of the animations and maybe the particles.
Good job guruman!
you are crazy like shit :O
thanks for the review! +rep when I can again :p

well, the first attack animation could be also used as a melee, because of the top tentacles
which go forwards. I don't wanted to do everything with the eye, so I thought a nice
variation would be attacking with the tentacles.

stand channel is a spell animation, which is channeled. like lifedrain.
so the unit makes the animation over time, not only once.

any suggestions for the particles? I don't like them too, but I wasn't able to find better
ones/better fitting color.

thanks again for the review. If I would know more about skinning, I would also do
some reviews on your skins, but I would only emberasse myself with my lacking knowledge :p
Level 4
Oct 22, 2004
Nice beholder but the eye is a little simple and it does lack TC... maybe put TC for the central eye?

4/5 even without TC though
Level 15
Jan 25, 2008
Last edited:
Level 5
Mar 5, 2009
Heheh, awesome looking lil guy, nice work, functions fine and I don't see any problems, well, besides the animations being a little...unexciting? Maybe a bit more power to them works hmm? 4/5 and +rep to you!
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
Awesome model! I really like it, everything seems great. I only have a few ideas which you could implement to improve the model if you'd like to:

The particles. They look very strange, and VERY unfitting. Just a few yellows stars... I would recommend using a different texture for all particles and of course a different color scheme. Black, dark blue, dark green or purple all would fit. For the attack animation, I would recommend using a short ranged, projectile-based kind of attack - for that I would recommend creating an effect model with a small beam-like projectile. For the Spell animation, I would recommend using a concentrated, thin beam(kind of like laser) and for the Spell Slam animation I would recommend using a "fat", big beam.

I would also recommend renaming 'Attack - 1' to 'Attack One' and 'Attack - 2' to 'Attack Two' so it could be used with two attack types - ranged and melee. I would also recommend using a different Blood texture - look at the variety of flying models to find a good texture. For Attack Two, I would recommend making him attack with the upper two tentacle-spike-things, Fel Stalker style.
thanks for your comments, guys!

okay, I try to change the particles to better ones, and make different ones for
the different animations.
Should I make missiles for it? I thought wc3 missiles fit quite well, but if you think some
new missiles would fit more, then I try it.

Does it really change something, if I rename the attack animations from - 1/2 to One/Two?

Hmm any ideas how I could give some of the anims more 'power'?
Level 9
Jul 26, 2005
May I boldly suggest making the eye itself teamcolored?

Not sure how it will turn out, but I suggest you try it and see if it looks good.
Level 19
Oct 1, 2008
well, everybody has a different view, of how beholders look like.
some think they have one main eye, and many small eyes at the body of them.
others think they have only a small eye, and a big mouth. It's quite hard to do
a fantasy monster, which everybody knows.

Uhh, actually I am fairly sure Beholders are strictly D&D things, and that they do have a specific "look"...

Also, the "evil" bit in the title is needless. Beholders are, by nature, evil, and rarely deviate from this, due to their rigid mindset.

Also also, most of the Beholder species listed are not species at all, but, as the wikipedia article itself states and this, more trustworthy one reinforces, are Beholderkin, radical offshoots of the race that are not actually part of it anymore.

... Wow, that was a really pointless, not to mention, pedantic, post.... D:
Uhh, actually I am fairly sure Beholders are strictly D&D things, and that they do have a specific "look"...

Also, the "evil" bit in the title is needless. Beholders are, by nature, evil, and rarely deviate from this, due to their rigid mindset.

Also also, most of the Beholder species listed are not species at all, but, as the wikipedia article itself states and this, more trustworthy one reinforces, are Beholderkin, radical offshoots of the race that are not actually part of it anymore.

... Wow, that was a really pointless, not to mention, pedantic, post.... D:

I get your point, but you have to see it like this: Beholders are fantasy monsters,
and they take different forms in different games/movies/whatever.
In you example, D&D, they look like this. They have a mouth. But there
are also versions, without a mouth, just a big eye. Do you understand what
I mean? Fantasy monsters are there to vary them. For example goblins.
How looks a goblin in WoW? Green, small (cute) and with long arms.
How do they look in Lord of the Rings, Battle for Middleearth 2? Quite
different. Also, you could say, it exists (in fantasy) a beholder with
two legs. I would believe you.
Level 4
Oct 22, 2004
Blizzard is hardly alone there and do a better job than most. I actually can't think of many examples of "beholders" outside of D&D but many inspired monsters exist. Gazers in Ultima, Floating eyes in Angband, Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic is the only I know of to call them beholders.

It's also worth nothing that D&D Beholders DO NOT have a standard appearance beyond some basic features. One central eye, 10 stalks, a mouth, spherical body and certain internal organs. They mutate rapidly which is why Beholderkin exist. Amongst "True Beholders" the powers are constant but each line considers it's own form perfect. Some have segmented eyestalks, some are more like jellyfish. Some have hard dull hide, others have colorful scales.

Random Edit PS: Mutant Beholders with chicken legs were given as an example of weird mutant things that might be walking around the Forgotten Realms due to the (then) recent Time of Troubles in a book I own.

PPS: I still say TC the eye.
Level 19
Oct 1, 2008
It's also worth nothing that D&D Beholders DO NOT have a standard appearance beyond some basic features. One central eye, 10 stalks, a mouth, spherical body and certain internal organs.

Exactly, these features are what characterize them, and this model lacks them. I am not saying that the model should be changed, I am just trying to make a point.

Hmm. Beholders exist in Heroes of Might and magic, and Linage II too.

Level 1
Nov 2, 2008
Wow! Is it really an eye? I was searching it for long time... And finally! Awesome model!