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This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
I make this rpg map.

I've got 2 days in the map and this is only the beta version.

Please rate and comment it.

Sorry for my english.

Download and Play :D

(The map is fully english.)


Dunakavics (Map)

09:04, 17th Apr 2009 by bounty hunter2: Don't upload such low quality work here: - No quest log - No resource crediting - Horrible terrain - Malfunctioning icons - Poorly made heroes - Poorly made spells Rejected.




09:04, 17th Apr 2009 by bounty hunter2:
Don't upload such low quality work here:

- No quest log
- No resource crediting
- Horrible terrain
- Malfunctioning icons
- Poorly made heroes
- Poorly made spells

Level 2
Apr 16, 2009
HHmmmm.......... i don´t like it :wthumbsdown: Ich glaube du bist deutsch! Man kann keine Map in 2 Tagen machen :alol:
Level 19
Oct 1, 2008
An OK map, but it lacks quite a few things.
For one, the Destruction hero is extremely underpowered compared to all the others.
The fact that you used normal wc3 creatures meant that the game had a very unoriginal feel and was extremely easy early on, with your 3000 health hero fighting 300 health creeps.
Even the really high level monsters dont prove much of a challenge.
You used passive ability icons for active abilities (when a BTN is available) and Destruction has an ability called permanent fire with no proper tooltip.
Terrain was rather bland, nothing but flat land with a tree every now and then, and this recurs everywhere, with only small amount of variation (like giant, pixellated volcanoes).
On a good note, the item attachments were nice, but this map would really benefit from an inventory system, however basic, as these attachments stack, and end up looking rather silly :p
For now I will rate this map 2.5/5.
Fix the issues stated above, and i will gladly give it a 4 or 5.
I wont make an approval vote for now.