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Dreamvale 2.0i

DREAMVALE - Download
Date: 2010
Genre(s): Tactics CRPG
Players: 1-4

Time passes for all, but for those who dream, time is eternal.
And so within the walls of an ancient city, the brave and the insane descend into a sea of dreams.
Where men never wake and time stands still.

Build a team of heroes and battle through 7 levels of arcade-y mayhem to escape the land of your nightmares.

Author's Notes
If you like tactical combat, but dislike everything else about RPG's, you may like this.
Just maybe.
It's not very good.

- As there will unlikely be anymore updates, Ive rolled-back the map to the last fully working version.

Dreamvale, Dream, Warchasers, Jungle, Green, Dungeon, Ruins, Dungeon Crawler

Dreamvale 2.0i (Map)

Level 4
Jul 24, 2009
Description is horrible. It would only pass if you added screenshots (which you should), but at least the grammar is OK.
Downloading now, review soon.
EDIT: Time for a review.

Terrain: For this type of map, it's actually really good. Lot of nicely placed doodads, fine environment, represents a dream quite good. What bothers me is the overall "green" look of the map. Did you put some haze filter on it or something? Also, change the models of the rocks you gotta destroy in second level to some that have death animations. Terrain gets 4/5.

Gameplay: OK, this is nothing that I haven't seen before - linear multiplayer dungeon run with hard bosses on the end of each level. However, there a lot of things to talk about this one. I played the map with a friend on Battle.net, so there were two players. My first impression was pretty OK: All heroes start off with a lot of imaginative spells, and only thing leveling is needed for is for them to get stronger. Now, what I didn't like was the fact that there was SO MUCH ENEMIES! Immediately on pressing the first switch, we got surrounded by Revenants, and I actually thought it was a trap switch. Until I saw that it happens on every other one. However, so far so good - the enemies were pretty easy, although we would be annihilated without spells. Then, the second level is where things started to get hard: enemies surrounded us every 10 seconds, making the level extremely slow and tedious, not to mention repetitive. What I liked is the balance between life and death, the fact that you turn into a wisp and wait for the resurrection is cool, although it does make it impossible to lose. The first boss was easy, we didn't die many times. Where things started to get bad is the third level. EXTREMELY hard and unbalanced. First of all, there was too many enemies coming from both sides, not enough for 2 players to take down. We died at least 5 times. And what did we even have to protect? Enemies just stood in one place while we were dead. The point of rage-quitting was the boss of that level. Just impossible. What this map needs is optimization for players. I see that it's strictly for 5 players, but it says 2-5. So, when there's less players, set it to remove enemies and weaken bosses. Gameplay gets 3/5.

Packaging: You know what? That description is baaaad. Tell more about the map, add screenshots or a video. Also, at some points, the grammar failed too (I don't remember where exactly was it). Also... why is there a different author name?! Is this even yours?! Packaging gets 1/5.

Overall rating: 3/5, no +rep. This map has potential, just balance it a little more, and you got yourself a good rating. If it's your map.

Map reviewed by Narrat0r.
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Level 7
Apr 16, 2008
My Personal opinion on map descriptions; Simple, gives enough information to give you a general idea of what the map is, yet doesn't spoil anything. The map description here fits that,
Downloading map now, i'll give a, "Simple" review asap.
OKAY My "simple" review.

After playing the game, i can see you put a shitload of work into this, I only got up to the elemental (third area i think?) and i respect the map, however... the creeps awlways stack up alot, this is NOT meant for single player i take it?
With no criteria i'll estimate the rating.. so.. uh.. 3/5 :)
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Level 24
Oct 12, 2008
It is his map. Kino is short for Kinorhynkar, his username (not sure if he still uses it) on WC3.

Yes i am Kino and thus I am the creator of this map.

Now, what I didn't like was the fact that there was SO MUCH ENEMIES! Immediately on pressing the first switch, we got surrounded by Revenants, and I actually thought it was a trap switch. Until I saw that it happens on every other one. However, so far so good - the enemies were pretty easy, although we would be annihilated without spells.

Personally I hate the concpet of auto attack heroes, I believe that every Hero not just int based ones need to use spells. Take melee maps for example.

As for the prologue level Ill implement a door allowing more experienced players a choice to skip it next version.

Then, the second level is where things started to get hard: enemies surrounded us every 10 seconds, making the level extremely slow and tedious, not to mention repetitive. What I liked is the balance between life and death, the fact that you turn into a wisp and wait for the resurrection is cool, although it does make it impossible to lose. The first boss was easy, we didn't die many times. Where things started to get bad is the third level.
EXTREMELY hard and unbalanced. First of all, there was too many enemies coming from both sides, not enough for 2 players to take down. We died at least 5 times. And what did we even have to protect? Enemies just stood in one place while we were dead. The point of rage-quitting was the boss of that level. Just impossible. What this map needs is optimization for players. I see that it's strictly for 5 players, but it says 2-5. So, when there's less players, set it to remove enemies and weaken bosses.

This is really subjective, What difficulty were you playing? What heroes did you use? If you have a replay that be great.

As for scaling it already does scale with player count bosses scale abit more while normal mobs dont get much stronger as the players add up.

As for balance, currently the power balance between AOE heavy and Single Target heroes is screwed at the moment, generally AOE types are overpowered as hell on the minigame parts while single target shines alot on boss fights.

this is NOT meant for single player i take it?

Originally no, the leats number of people its designed for is 2.
However I have gotten preetty good at it, good enough that i can solo the first few levels.
Level 24
Oct 12, 2008
We played on the lowest difficulty. I was the Earthbount and he was the Ranger. No replay, sorry.

Yeah the ranger is kinda weak at the moment, but even still I have no problem clearing the whole game with the above set up. If more complaints come Ill end up making easy mode easier than it already is.
Level 1
Jan 2, 2010
Hi, my friends and i finished the quest Journey's End and found a death rose.
We returned the rose to the gravekeeper and then nothing happened.
Is this game just unfinished or we lost something? There could be more tips between stage to stage.
Level 24
Oct 12, 2008
Edit: Uploaded wrong version, chnaged it to the proper 0.7

- Start zone revamped into a rest zone in between levels.
- Remade money system and many items.
- Items no longer drop from bosses but can be bought in the rest zone. Older items from previous levels are also sold.
- Most Named monsters have their damage increased
- Remade Nga Standard and certain items to be more useful

Hero Changes
- Healing Salve scales with level
- Level Cap Increased to 30, Exp per level increased to fit the change
- Increases base stats for all heroes

- Reorganised Ravenrest's talents so he has a dedicated AOE damage talent set.

Spirit Beast
- Redid many of Kodian's mechanics.
- Killer Instinct is now active, controlling frenzies is now much easier
- Remade Spirit Link into an active heal
- Metamorphosis is removed
- Added a new tanking passive, Jungle Spectre
- Swipe hits slightly harder
- Frenzy has more attackspeed

- Keryls Sunstrike heal and Infusion are now fused into 1 ability.
- Keryl has a new ability - Flameburst (Deals minor AOE damage and disables enemies for a very long duration)
- Changed some of Keryls talents that affect this change
- Changed the name of Keryl's companion
- Increased the cast range of Inferno Sphere

Level Changes
- Recreated Level 3, Leviathan's Coil -> Scryer's Temple
This new level features a maze, yes a maze of whirling blades.
Navigate the maze, kill the end boss its that simple.
The Scryer's Temple also has portals, abuse them well.

- Rescripted Rhayme and Sikhar so that their scripts run smoother and abilties do not conflict
- Added certain optional events to levels
- Sikhar's Collapse hits much harder and damages properly
- Sikhar now shoots flamebolts at players who stand too far away
- Zalaphons spawns have been changed.
Level 5
Dec 20, 2007
Hey , I found two bugs.

First, When i get death rose and i sent it to gate keeper. After that , i turn to left side of that place and suddenly the FATAL ERROR occur.

Second, After the second stage [nightmare something]. There are bug that i couldn't buy a item since 2nd shop[Since shop number two until other state].

It wrote "Nearby Person". I could buy only shop in state 1, but other state 2 unitl x

it's always appear "Nearby Person"

Fix this please.
Level 24
Oct 12, 2008
First, When i get death rose and i sent it to gate keeper. After that , i turn to left side of that place and suddenly the FATAL ERROR occur.

Did you manage to replicate the bug? Personally Ive tried and never made it occur. Perhaps its something unrelated to the map >.>

It wrote "Nearby Person". I could buy only shop in state 1, but other state 2 unitl x

Im working on it.
Level 5
Dec 20, 2007
there are two roses.

If i didn't get the first rose that nearby the gate keeper , and i kept a second rose . in upper right side of the map and bring it to the grave keeper. and i run away out to the bottom left side of this stage. Fatal error will occur.

And Zalaphon - host of the soul.

After it showed a mission of this boss. there are nothing happen.

The bug may occur because of this below reason?

-kill all Onxy idol [It already appear in the begining of this state , and all of them die already].

So this problem it like, the quest said i have to kill all of them. But all of them already dead.

-If you haven't keep the first rose. So any huntress or ghost will not spawn. But Onxy idol already spawn.

-Help free trapper player inside the gate [Where is that gate?]

I don't see any gate , except the lake in center position. But it already broke.

I think you should making a word after finish bosses like "Mission Complete"

Because after we killed the boss , i don't know this mission is completed or not.

Is this a last stage of this version?

Because i couldn't find any direction that lead to next level.
Level 24
Oct 12, 2008
If i didn't get the first rose that nearby the gate keeper , and i keep second rose . in upper right side of the map to the grave keeper. Fatal error will occur.

Ah thats the problem, thanks for pointing it out.
Ive changed it such that everything in the level is now hidden until you pick the first Graverose.

And Zalaphon - host of the soul.

After it showed a mission of this boss. there are nothing happen.

The bug may occur because of this below reason?

-kill all Onxy idol [It already appear in the begining of this state , and all of them die already].

-If you haven't keep the first rose. So any huntress or ghost will not show up. But Onxy idol already show.

-Help free trapper player inside the gate [Where is that gate?]

Well I kinda assume that people would pick the first rose immediately. If you dont the whole stage messes up. I fixed that anyway so the only option is to pick the rose.

The gate is tolltip issue Ive removed that part from the level.

And yes Zalaphon is the last boss for this version.
Thanks for testing, I really appreciate it.
Level 5
Dec 20, 2007
I found 4 bugs in this version.

#1 In the selection period. I could click on Tailwind skill in Windwalker hero.

#2 Talen Dune Stride talent in Windwalker hero. Since level 2 upgraded, Tailwind can be used without cooldown and their effect already cut off.

#3 Swift Escape talent in Blindscyth hero. If you upgraded that talent, Disengage skill would skip their cooldown. [No cooldown]

#4 Zalaphon - host of the soul.

After the event occur, they spawn huntress minion around 4 units. I began kill them all.

after that , nothing happen.

Onxy idol always spawn after you get that rose.
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Level 24
Oct 12, 2008
#1 In the selection period. I could click on Tailwind skill in Windwalker hero.

Well there isnt anything i can do about that since, its a berserk base and so is a physical spell. not like its a real issue anyway.

4 Zalaphon - host of the soul.

After the event occur, they spawn huntress minion around 4 units. I began kill them all.

after that , nothing happen.

Onxy idol always spawn after you get that rose.

Yup thats how the event should work, the aim of the objective is not to kill everything but to kill the particular banshee that looks different from the rest. Hint: shes purple the rest are white.

As for the cooldown bugs ill look into it.
Level 5
Dec 20, 2007
for the previous post, i mean after the boss Zalaphon event occur.

It said we have to kill idol , help gate , etc.

After that description occur, it spawn 4 huntress around the statue, i kill them and nothing happen after killed. [No more creep or anything]

So I start to walking around that stage , found nothing except gatekeeper.

how about 2# bug ?

upgraded talent for tailwind since lv 2 until lv 5 [lv1 it worked]

The effect "running faster". it doesn't happen.


Skill cooldown become 0.
Level 24
Oct 12, 2008
for the previous post, i mean after the boss Zalaphon event occur.

It said we have to kill idol , help gate , etc.

After that description occur, it spawn 4 huntress around the statue, i kill them and nothing happen after killed. [No more creep or anything]

Was whosyourdaddy on?

how about 2# bug ?

upgraded talent for tailwind since lv 2 until lv 5 [lv1 it worked]

The effect "running faster". it doesn't happen.


Skill cooldown become 0.

Yah Im working on that.
Level 5
Dec 20, 2007
I think i found a major bug in 0.8b

If someone choose a hero, the 3 remaining player will go to this screen and they can't choose a heroes.

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Level 5
Dec 20, 2007
First time , in 0.8 , I would say "No" because i play with my friends until the last boss and that fatal error bug makes us split out.

Second time , in 0.8b , I would say "Yes" because i test it alone.

If i use some cheat to test your map and make u mad , so i apologize.
Level 5
Dec 20, 2007
I hope u may makes a new state with idealize mini-game soon.

Your map really fun [unique type i think so]

The non player character that settle in waiting room.

i think he may be used to give a player choice. Which hell or holy gate that they have to go in their dream. Something like that.
Level 24
Oct 12, 2008
I hope u may makes a new state with idealize mini-game soon.

Your map really fun [unique type i think so]

The non player character that settle in waiting room.

i think he may be used to give a player choice. Which hell or holy gate that they have to go in their dream. Something like that.

I was thinking of doing something ike that too XD.

Anyway thanks for testing, its been really helpful.
Level 2
Jul 14, 2010
i'm not sure, but i think boss on lvl 3 is bugged...
me and my 2 friends i play with did everything (we think) and nothing happens... blades don't move, the 4 khaazma's are pointed toward the middle and invulnerable and they ignore us...
Level 24
Oct 12, 2008
i'm not sure, but i think boss on lvl 3 is bugged...
me and my 2 friends i play with did everything (we think) and nothing happens... blades don't move, the 4 khaazma's are pointed toward the middle and invulnerable and they ignore us...

Was everyone standing in the middle of the room?
Level 5
Dec 20, 2007
I haven't found a bug like that in boss #3

If you already walked to the center of that room. 4 of Khaazma will disappear and 1 true Khaazma will show up.
Level 2
Jul 14, 2010
yes, all 3 of us were standing exactly in the middle (even the bloodmage-caster's summons). We really did everything...
Oh, i just rmbered, we did something a bit unusual but i dunno if it matters... anyway:
whilst we were fighting the 3 nightmares (draenei-mage skin) that protected the door to khaazma, in the middle of the fight one of us pulled some lever - it made the 3 nightmares die, together with all their clones, and the door open.
I'm not sure about this, but i THINK the the nightmares kept reviving with full hp after we killed them (NOT sure about this one)

regarding the Curator - his bush-summoning spell (don't rmb the name) is quite useless =/ you might wanna replace it with something else... I dunno... Either a single-target dmg/disable, or AoE dmg/disable, or maybe some sort of buff... maybe extra armour to 1 ally? or... link yourself to an ally and distribute a certain % of the dmg? i dunno rly
Level 24
Oct 12, 2008
Curator - his bush-summoning spell (don't rmb the name) is quite useless =/ you might wanna replace it with something else... I dunno... Either a single-target dmg/disable, or AoE dmg/disable, or maybe some sort of buff... maybe extra armour to 1 ally? or... link yourself to an ally and distribute a certain % of the dmg? i dunno rly

Old Eldiamos IS incredibly useless, being the first hero ever made for this map. Partly because his design is really outdated and rather RPG styled, He will get a partial overhaul and some nuking power in 0.9
Level 5
Dec 20, 2007
I think i found bug in stage three.

If we destroy the jewel bomb while the boss is near them. It will die too.

In stage 4: Reliquary Seether, their cooldown in catch spells seem too fast, maybe increase it a bit.

I know it still a beta. but after the stage 4 when i killed boss already. You should make like this, the screen become blank and you wrote it

with "It still a beta version , any feedback , please visit us at www.xxxxxxxxxxx].

After that just show something that remind the player, this is already ended likes the other maps.

Below part is my suggestion:

First stage:

1.Stone Rune [4 stone] make it immune against magic. Because they can just run near the pillar and uses magic area damage skills to attack it.

2.you may change a guardian in each stone likes fire cold wind earth.

and replace all of mini boss spell in boss's spell. So boss can use any spell of mini boss + boss utimate spell.

Second stage:

1.Event may change to protect a heart of nature. there are 2-4 point.

If you could protect 3/4 point , then your treant will stay as allies but if not they will change to corrupt treant and it will attack us.

2.Increase nightmare ability likes

After he casting a spell. Our hero vision become 100 for xx seconds..

While our unit in the dark vision. We have to find a green nightmare and destroy it or wait it until the duration is over.

In the dark area, Nightmare will create image of ours. This shadow will have ability and damage same as the real one. But they will do a damage

only 75%. If we attacked it, we would be receive a damage same as them.

[While nightmare casting ,he will teleport to the any area that nearby wisp ; in the area that wisp will move through it]

If we can make a nature become our allies it will be good. Because wisp got ablity like a ward to reveal the vision and it will move around this stage.

Third stage:

Make all traps pause their action. They will not move but they can hurt someone that go nearby them.

It have to makes a lever in every stage in a hidden area [stage : each portal]

If we don't turn up this lever. The trap will not move , and the portal can't be use.

But if we reached the portals while the lever still turn off. The trap will turn on immediately. [It will be moving]

[Note: If the trap is turn on, because they reach the portal. A monster will replace again.

[Note2: If we don't turn the level. Moving trap will pause and trap that aren't moving it will invisible.]

If we turn on the lever , Moving trap will move and trap that aren't moving it will de-invisible.]

So they have to turn back to open this lever and come here again.

Fourth stage:

My ideal in this section. it about we have to make a six mini statue of zalaphon [Not including a big one].

If the big statue already destroyed, the spirit of zalaphon can move out to the other zalaphon statue.

so they can continue killing us. The mini statue of zalaphon make a function likes a barrack. If we can destroy

all of them. That mean their army will not reborn again and Zalaphon couldn't evacuate to other statue too.

Also, in every xx minutes , if we can't destroy all of mini statue. It can rebuild [Effect with mini statue , not the big one]. But if all of 6 statue are

already destroy. The statue won't rebuild.

[Note: Creep will spawn from 7 statue [Big tatue of Zalaphon and 6 mini statue]
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Level 24
Oct 12, 2008
If we destroy the jewel bomb while the boss is near them. It will die too.

In stage 4: Reliquary Seether, their cooldown in catch spells seem too fast, maybe increase it a bit.

I know it still a beta. but after the stage 4 when i killed boss already. You should make like this, the screen become blank and you wrote it

with "It still a beta version , any feedback , please visit us at www.xxxxxxxxxxx].

After that just show something that remind the player, this is already ended likes the other maps.

You have a point there, it ends too abruptly at the moment.

As for the chaos fragment thing, Im pretty sure you cant kill the fragments at all. Can you explain clearer about what you mean.

1.Stone Rune [4 stone] make it immune against magic. Because they can just run near the pillar and uses magic area damage skills to attack it.

2.you may change a guardian in each stone likes fire cold wind earth.

and replace all of mini boss spell in boss's spell. So boss can use any spell of mini boss + boss utimate spell.

Actually being able to use spells on the stones is intended, I went through alot of trouble to make sure the stones are nukable.

I dont really understand what your saying. Do you mean give the mini bosses weaker versions of the boss spells or the other way round?

2.Increase nightmare ability likes

After he casting a spell. Our hero vision become 100 for xx seconds..

While our unit in the dark vision. We have to find a green nightmare and destroy it or wait it until the duration is over.

In the dark area, Nightmare will create image of ours. This shadow will have ability and damage same as the real one. But they will do a damage

only 75%. If we attacked it, we would be receive a damage same as them.

[While nightmare casting ,he will teleport to the any area that nearby wisp ; in the area that wisp will move through it]

If we can make a nature become our allies it will be good. Because wisp got ablity like a ward to reveal the vision and it will move around this stage.

Personaly I like the idea of blindness you suggested. Ill think about this and probabbly give the Delirium a good remake, the current event is too static and doesnt show off the terrain XD.

Make all traps pause their action. They will not move but they can hurt someone that go nearby them.

It have to makes a lever in every stage in a hidden area [stage : each portal]

If we don't turn up this lever. The trap will not move , and the portal can't be use.

But if we reached the portals while the lever still turn off. The trap will turn on immediately. [It will be moving]

[Note: If the trap is turn on, because they reach the portal. A monster will replace again.

[Note2: If we don't turn the level. Moving trap will pause and trap that aren't moving it will invisible.]

If we turn on the lever , Moving trap will move and trap that aren't moving it will de-invisible.]

So they have to turn back to open this lever and come here again.

Im not very fond of this one, personally I like it simple and easy to learn. Heck I doubt i can even script that.

My ideal in this section. it about we have to make a six mini statue of zalaphon [Not including a big one].

If the big statue already destroyed, the spirit of zalaphon can move out to the other zalaphon statue.

so they can continue killing us. The mini statue of zalaphon make a function likes a barrack. If we can destroy

all of them. That mean their army will not reborn again and Zalaphon couldn't evacuate to other statue too.

Also, in every xx minutes , if we can't destroy all of mini statue. It can rebuild [Effect with mini statue , not the big one]. But if all of 6 statue are

already destroy. The statue won't rebuild.

[Note: Creep will spawn from 7 statue [Big tatue of Zalaphon and 6 mini statue]

Heh, I was thinking of somethign very simillar, Ill probabbly end up doing this since Zalaphon is too cake as a final boss.
Level 5
Dec 20, 2007
Ok , i understand something missing. It's correct that explosive ball can't be destroyed.

But this scene , do you make it ? It seem likes a bug wih stage 2.

After i killed them . They're playing their dead with a loop. You will hear their sound [illdan killing yourself as many time as you want]

And when i turn to stage 3 . After i talk with tree spirit . the scene become dark like this picture.

It look nice , i think so. Beautiful one.

For stage 1 : I mean , you should make a stone become invulable if we don't kill mini boss that guard in that area.

and we could change a guardian in each area of rune. likes fire cold wind earth element.You should make it more stronger too. Because for now it kinda weak.

After we destryoed all of four rune , the boss will appear.

Boss will contain the spells of four miniboss with more higher level , plus their utimate spells for himself.

Other ideal for other stage, do you remember what i said before about "The chronicle teller in the waiting room"

I just think that if we choose one mission from the list that npc gave.

Although we finished that quest , we have to turn back to do the other quest in that list too. But any mission that we do it before.

It may effect to the other mission too. It can be both negative and positive effect.

Example : We do A mission finished , we chase all our enemies. Then we go to B mission , we found out that our enemies that we chase in

previous mission are mixing with other enemies and grow more stronger with need more strategy to defeat them. Something like that.

If it turn in positive way, maybe they give us what we wants.

or it turn to nothing [no any effect].

I think you can use if else statement to do this kind of work. What is your opinion?
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Level 24
Oct 12, 2008
Hmm that picture is intresting, firstly how did you kill the second boss?
Was he in invisible phase when he died or?

and we could change a guardian in each stone. likes fire cold wind earth element.You should Make it stronger too.

After we destryoed all of four rune , the boss will appear.

Boss will contain the spells of four miniboss with more higher level , plus their utimate spells for himself.

Infact Sikhar already does do that to some extent, I admit that not all the minibosses work the way they should but...

Miniboss 1 has sparkblast
Miniboss 2 has frenzy
Miniboss 3 has a collapse like spell but he doesnt use it for some reason.
Miniboss 4 will spam chain lightning which is kinda random imo, but hey it hurts XD
Level 5
Dec 20, 2007
Is this stage 2 boss get a problems same as Zalaphon?

I just go near him . . . and when it begin i shoot it one shot dead.
Level 24
Oct 12, 2008
Is this stage 2 boss get a problems same as Zalaphon?

I just go near him . . . and when it begin i shoot it one shot dead.

Well the way the game works is that certain boss abilities only kick into effect after x seconds. The triggers do not check if the boss is dead or not. I never bothered to implement such a system since its impossible to actually kill them that fast in a real game.

However Ive fixed it just to be sure in 0.92 that is.

Anyway Ive used your Screenshot for the description XD
Id love to rep you more but the site doesnt allow it.
Level 5
Dec 20, 2007
After i already test it i found out that if illdan die in one shot, illdan will revive around 5-6 times to attack your unit in that stage.

After a while the scene will turn out like this.

If u wish to stay in this stage , their scene will become like this picture.

But if u go to other stage while it still not turning , so the scene will change in next stage.

After you passed stage 3 , and go to stage 4 this thing will not happen again.

There are some wrong tooltip. Do you see the top right in this picture? It wrote Dreamvale 0.7 [instead of 0.91]

There are wrong hotkey in archer talent "Needler". Instead of "A". You should put "Z"

I want to suggest in stage 3 again:

You said you want it simple. So the stage is a ruin temple , why don't use put more trap in that ruin?

likes :

Stage 1,5:

It has a hidden wipe between one rowel and another rowel, they have to scout them before pass it. If not they will take a minor damage plus

massive curse [negative spell likes slow , shock , deregenerate , frenzy [each attack decrease your life by x%], etc.].

This wipe won't invisible but they will hard to look at it. I think you should change the transparency of wipe.

This wipe can be destroyed by skill [Shoot it only one time and it will disappear]

Stage 2-3-4:

1.some direction that they move , they may walk pass the trap and then the poison arrows shot from somewhere to him.

2.some patten of wall, when they go snap with it, so the guillotine throw down and stab the intruder.

Guillotine have 2 kind of effect up to the chance:

One : If intruder can't dodge it , so deal a % of current hp [heavy damage].
Two : If intruder can dodge it , they will not receive any damage , but they will knockback a bit.
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Level 24
Oct 12, 2008
After i already test it i found out that if illdan die in one shot, illdan will revive around 5-6 times to attack your unit in that stage.

After a while the scene will turn out like this.

If u wish to stay in this stage , their scene will become like this picture.

But if u go to other stage while it still not turning , so the scene will change in next stage.

It depends really, Ive tried countless times and I still cant get what you said to happen.
But really it has no implications unless you use whosyourdaddy.

As for the suggestion, I think adding some newer traps will be a good idea. I aim to abuse a few trap types in creative ways but It think some exotic traps will be good toward the end.
Level 5
Dec 20, 2007
I think i have to say "Nope" again. Because i hosted your map in public. Some people join my room and out while the game was running and some people join my room and play a long run until the fatal error showed.

So i don't have a list of name that testing your map . I apologize for that.

and that you saw in the screenshot sometimes i test it alone.