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Double AoE Caster

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Level 6
Nov 3, 2005
I'm trying to code this spell that gives the player two targeting options one after the other is selected.

It's a spell which chooses all of the archers in the first aoe, and then forces them all to perform a Blizzard spell in the second targeted area. (Rain of Arrows)

The only idea I have is creating a unit right after the first "Blizzard" based spell is casted, capturing all of the archers and then making the unit cast another Blizzard, but that won't work through triggers it seems.
Level 10
Aug 30, 2007
well I'm not good at triggering so there i can't help, but what he means i think is that a unit (hero, i guess) has a ability with a AoE targeting. Once this ability is used (and thus the number of archers in this first AoE is set (integer)) the player gets a second target/AoE targeting image instead of the normal mouse immediately. this second target then makes the in the first spell selected archers fire the second declared target.

What i would do would be a archer-targetting-spell with AoE. Once this is cast you save the number of archers in the aoe, and add them to a unit group. then you have to force the player to select the hero and then force a hotkey as Mythic stated, so you force the player to cast the second ability. With this you should end up with a second targeting right after the first.
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