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Does chaos ability cause perma unit mem leak?

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Level 31
Jul 10, 2007
I know that when a unit is created, even when it is removed it will have permanent memory in wc3 that is not cleared out until wc3 is restarted. I was wondering if applying chaos caused the same memory increase as

1. Create unit of type x
2. Remove created unit
3. Create unit of type y

I don't really want to run a memory test, so if anyone knows the answer to this or could run an infinite timed loop for like 10 hours and watch the memory, that'd be helpful : D.
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Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
Don't do this. It creates massive lag and still leaks.

Compare this to the version where you just replace the whole

            if GetUnitTypeId(u) == 'hfoo' then
                call UnitAddAbility(u,'S000')
                call UnitAddAbility(u,'S001')


call RemoveUnit(CreateUnit(Player(0),'hfoo',0.,0.,0.))


  • Foobar.w3x
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Level 31
Jul 10, 2007
Chaos abilty does not cause lag :D if you like to transform , use the transform abilty as bear form , because chaos cause damage bugs when you add its again .

We're talking about viable solutions to Unit Replacement that are leakless = ). This would allow unit recycling systems to reduce crashing on large spawning maps and it'd also allow unit transformations =). I'd eventually create an lua script that'll parse over all of the unit objects in the Object Editor. From here, each level of a specific ability would be attributed to a specific unit. For example, if I were to use Chaos, Chaos lvl 0 would always be root unit, lvl 1 might be peasant, 2 might be footmen, 3 might be ghoul, and etc.

I don't see what's so important about keeping ids in most situations.

Because it's important any time you want to store the unit???
unit u = CreateUnit(...)
unit u2 = u

u = CreateUnit(u)

uh oh.. u2 no longer points to the unit o_O. If we were to use Chaos for replacement, both u and u2 would still point to the unit.
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