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Default Wc3mapoptimizer 5.0

This tool originates from here

The best tool for protecting maps and optimizing their filesize.

This optimizer is created by Vexorian on http://www.wc3c.net/.

map, protection, optimizer, optimize, protect

Default Wc3mapoptimizer 5.0 (Binary)

09:58, 11th May 2014 TriggerHappy: One of the most useful tools in modding. Great for reducing filesize and optimizing your map.




09:58, 11th May 2014

One of the most useful tools in modding.

Great for reducing filesize and optimizing your map.
Level 3
Jul 15, 2014
owh so this tools will reduces map size and also make the map load faster? great.

It is very Ideal for the one that need to post on the battle.net need to below 8mb if want to play.. (♡˙︶˙♡)
Level 8
Jun 26, 2019
Strange. I just came back to WC3 and I just finished with one of my maps, and then I used this program to protect my map, and never seen this problem before, and the new problem is that when I tested my map without protecting, the gold mines did not turned to neutral hostile from neutral passive. Then, after I protected this map, the gold mines turned to neutral hostile from neutral passive. Anybody here know how to fix this? Thanks.
Strange. I just came back to WC3 and I just finished with one of my maps, and then I used this program to protect my map, and never seen this problem before, and the new problem is that when I tested my map without protecting, the gold mines did not turned to neutral hostile from neutral passive. Then, after I protected this map, the gold mines turned to neutral hostile from neutral passive. Anybody here know how to fix this? Thanks.


@Daffa the Mage @eejin
Everything about the Tool's options still works with the exception of Script Optimization and Compress Names, the former causes Neutral Passive to turn into Player 16, and the latter is unavailable with the removal of the wc3patch.mdl.
I love this tool but I am getting the error message "Optimize string usage: Extremly big number of mods in object. Adress: 1119749: 5983" because my map has a rather large war3map.wts string file with 56014 entries. This error occurs when the optimizer is loading the ability data of my map. Many hero abilities have 100 levels. How can I fix this? I need to use the tool BECAUSE I have so many map strings and I want to optimize the loading time.
Level 13
Jul 15, 2007
I love this tool but I am getting the error message "Optimize string usage: Extremly big number of mods in object. Adress: 1119749: 5983" because my map has a rather large war3map.wts string file with 56014 entries. This error occurs when the optimizer is loading the ability data of my map. Many hero abilities have 100 levels. How can I fix this? I need to use the tool BECAUSE I have so many map strings and I want to optimize the loading time.
Did you manage to fix it? I've run into a similar problem on the new patch, though my map also has 3600 custom objects and most of those have tooltips so I am wondering if it's just reached a critical mass of strings.
Level 8
Jun 25, 2010
Not that i have ever needed to protect my maps, i will add most of the maps I do make are from 1.27b map editor.
Would this tool still be useful for any of those maps?
Yes, you can still use the tool to optimize your map file size without turning on map protection. Not that file size is much of a problem anymore nowadays, but it's still available.
Level 8
Nov 24, 2013
I am pretty sure, that "Zlib Deflate" option with "Auto Buffer Size" causes Fatal Error after pressing F9 (Quests button) for big size maps (>200 MB). It is relevant for pre-reforged versions (such as 1.26).

To cause Fatal Errot, you should:
1) Run the map
2) Collapse the game window
3) Return to the game
4) Press F9

Be careful with this tool.

Test map: F9FatalTest3.w3x

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