• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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Davion, the Dragon Knight

Lore: "Long before Davion join the Sentinels in their ravaging clash against the Scourge, he was once a Paladin trainee, learning the ways of rightousness and the Light. However, returning from a daily training he found his village completly burned to ashes, and above, a flying creature, red just like blood, spitting fire against his home. Davion could just watch his friends, family were devoured by flames, while the creature loose a malicious laugh. Completly consumed by vengeance, he knew that a simple hammer would not hurt, nor kill a creature heavly protected with scales, so he takes his father sword and set a hunting track against the monster who killed everything that Davion loved. For 25 years he wandered with no clues about the dragon. Once again he finds the creature, finishing its cataclysm on another village, Davion had not second thought, he followed the dragon into a cave. The fight was hard, most of his armor was destroyed by its flames, however Davion's desire for the dragon head was so great, that unconsciouness he managed to decapitate the beast, the Dragon's blood bathing Davion's body. As he were bathed, he was adquiring the powers of a dragon. With a new purpose, he traveled to a local village and asked the Blacksmith known as Feranor Steeltoe to forge him a mighty armor with the skin and scales of the dragon. Now, enhanced with the powers of the dragon that he slained, he travels with a mission to rid the world of any evil that crosses a innocent village. But what powers, a dragon blood could give?"

  • Particle Emitters
  • Spell and Stand Channel Animations changed
  • Weapon Glow Fixed

Davion, the Dragon Knight (Model)

Davion, the Dragon Knight - Portrait (Model)


Hosted Project: SC
Level 24
Jan 29, 2010
The model itself is good.
But if you are trying to create an "alternate" version of the DotA Dragon Knight (as the name implies), then perhaps he should have a shield? It's really a big part of what the hero is and even part of his abilities.
Level 21
Jan 14, 2014
The model itself is good.
But if you are trying to create an "alternate" version of the DotA Dragon Knight (as the name implies), then perhaps he should have a shield? It's really a big part of what the hero is and even part of his abilities.

I tried to make a Footman/Captain version, but It was very simple. Then I just erased his Dragon Tail (which uses Shield)



Level 6
Sep 29, 2014
Doesn't really look good to me.
The texture on the chest does not really fit and it looked like stretched.
And the dragon head on the shoulder looks a little weird, maybe you should shorten the horns and place it closer to the body
For the head, it is the ugliest part of the model. You are showing too much beard, I think the villager male would fit better as the head. And you should darken the area around the eyes a little bit and add some amber glow on the eyes.
Plus, add a shield and morph animation.
The rest is good.
Level 21
Jan 14, 2014
Doesn't really look good to me.
The texture on the chest does not really fit and it looked like stretched.
And the dragon head on the shoulder looks a little weird, maybe you should shorten the horns and place it closer to the body
For the head, it is the ugliest part of the model. You are showing too much beard, I think the villager male would fit better as the head. And you should darken the area around the eyes a little bit and add some amber glow on the eyes.
Plus, add a shield and morph animation.
The rest is good.

As the lore said, 25 years have passed since the dragon burned out Davion's village. His new armor was made from the dragon's skin.
Level 2
Sep 15, 2017
Good He Is From DotA However SJW Shortened For Social Justice Warriors Are Allies With The Russian Federation. PLEASE PLAY DOTA AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!!!!!!!!!! THE RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT IS WATCHING YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!