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A more high-quality crate than the Warcraft 3 ones, made using an in-game texture.

I would appreciate it if you gave me credits, should you use this resource in your project. Please do not redistribute this model to other sites.

Update: Added death animation. Hope you like it.

Crate, Crates, Box, Boxes, Cube, Square, Big, Large, Storage, Barrel, Wood, Wooden, High, Resolution, Quality, HQ, Hi Res.

Crate (Model)

11:12, 21st Dec 2010 anarchianbedlam: Delete the polies on the bottom, they wont show up ingame anyway, and give it a death animation. DonDustin: A great doodad for any map maker or terrainer




11:12, 21st Dec 2010
anarchianbedlam: Delete the polies on the bottom, they wont show up ingame anyway, and give it a death animation.

DonDustin: A great doodad for any map maker or terrainer
Level 10
Apr 18, 2009
This crate is grate. Get it? Crate like in this box and then grate like great - only this is grate so it rhymes! In text! *happy face*

Allright, it's not funny at all. Seriously though, this is the kind of models that I find myself looking for very often. Really appreciate that you upload this, Debode, great quality and with a death amination; just plain overkill. :)
Level 36
Nov 24, 2007
Delete the polies on the bottom, they wont show up ingame anyway, and give it a death animation.

They most sertainly will, this crate is made for terrainers just as much as for map makers, and everyone knows how fond we terrainers are of flipping doodads sideways, upside down and so on... Removing the bottom of it, would render us unable to do that, in which case I protest. Considering this is one of the better crates out there.
Level 4
Aug 5, 2009
Spectacular model! (3rd post since I came back, yay!) Anyways, I love how much detail was put into the crate but What I don't understand is why there are planks going diagonal on the sides. Seems a bit.. out of place. Seeing as if you were to get rid of those, it would look even better than how it already looks, And this looks magnificent. I will give this model a 5/5 even though those diagonal planks bother me a bit because of how awesome and useful this model is! Keep up the Awesome work!