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[Crash] Crash whenever specific building is selected

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Level 23
Aug 27, 2013
So, I have been making this map in my spare time. It was fine until I placed Barracks, Arcane Sanctum, and Workshop in the map. Whenever I click any of these three, the game will crash. "The Application Encountered an unexpected error". No crash report pops up though. So I'm wondering what's the cause.

Please help me identify what's causing this, thanks.


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Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Sounds like the problem with the buildings is either the units it can upgrade/train or the abilities it has. Remove them 1 by 1 until the crash stops. Once the problematic object type is identified one can look into fixing it.

The reason it crashes on selection is that the reqirements for all command card buttons only gets loaded upon first selection. If one does something wrong with a unit dependency equivalence field one can create a crash upon selection.
Level 23
Aug 27, 2013
Remove them 1 by 1 until the crash stops. Once the problematic object type is identified one can look into fixing it.
Sounds like a hassle but will try.

The reason it crashes on selection is that the reqirements for all command card buttons only gets loaded upon first selection. If one does something wrong with a unit dependency equivalence field one can create a crash upon selection.
I see, but now that the reason is clear, I'm getting even more confused. I just made the map yesterday and haven't messed with Gameplay Constants or Object Editor just yet. But apparently, now that you mention it, after I checked them out, I found many of the values are modified by itself. I don't understand how could this happen. Any idea?

And thanks for the response!
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