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Concept Art Contest #4 - Results

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Banner by =kaazuu



Contestants will create a creature, then 2 additional evolutions for it


Anatomy 9/15
Creativity 10/15
Theme 13/15
Style 4/5
Rather too basic for my liking (in terms of creativity and anatomy), but it follows the concept of evolution well.
Total: 36

Anatomy 13/15
Creativity 10/15
Theme 12/15
Style 2.333/5
The pencil work is not very good, its far too blurry. A large portion of the monster/s are not visible, such as their feet and the last stages lower body. Has potential but just doesn't reach it due to image quality and composition. But I do like the anatomy of the creatures.
Total: 37.333

Anatomy 13/15
Creativity 14/15
Theme 15/15
Style 5/5
I really like the designs, but think they are abit too basic (that includes their anatomy). The execution of the brush strokes and sense of shading/tone is very well done. The style is also interesting.
Total: 47

Anatomy 11/15
Creativity 13/15
Theme 11/15
Style 4/5
The designs are rather good, but the stages are far too basic to create something very interesting. I dont really see evolution, I just see growth, however its still an acceptable form of evolution, just not as exciting. The creatures do have a child like appeal that feels to me as i would with pokemon.
Total: 39

Anatomy 14/15
Creativity 14/15
Theme 13/15
Style 4.333/5
The style is abit flat, but the overall design of the creatures is very nice as well as their structure. The evolution looks like growth though, and as such isnt as exciting changing into another creature.
Total: 45.333

Anatomy 8/15
Creativity 10/15
Theme 13/15
Style 2.667/5
The creatures are not really that exciting, they look rather plain and the anatomy is off. However it follows evolution correctly but could be alot more exciting.
Total: 33.667

Anatomy 12/15
Creativity 14/15
Theme 13/15
Style 3.667/5
I like this new take on "evolution" and as such find this concept very interesting. However, there is a conflict of styles, one style is stiff and hard brushed, the other is fuzzy, mashing them together in stages didn't seem to work very well.
Total: 42.667

Anatomy 13/15
Creativity 15/15
Theme 13/15
Style 4.333/5
I really like the idea behind this concept, the use of different objects and items as a part of the creatures stages that define what it is was very creative.
Total: 45.333

Anatomy 13/15
Creativity 14/15
Theme 15/15
Style 4.667/5
I really like the skill and creativity used in these concepts. The creatures seem to follow a very well defined form of evolution. Its not just "growth" also changing into something without the changes of scale and proportions which I find is more creative.
Total: 46.667

Anatomy 10/15
Creativity 12/15
Theme 13/15
Style 2.667/5
I find the creatures rather creative all as one, I enjoy the designs the creatures follow but there is alot of let down on the heavy and thick pencil work, it could of been executed alot better.
Total: 37.667

Anatomy 14/15
Creativity 13/15
Theme 12/15
Style 4.667/5
The creatures are very well drawn and defined, as as such they have good anatomy that seems stable. However, another problem, it doesnt seem like evolution, but more like growth which is still acceptable.
Total: 43.667

Anatomy 14/15
Creativity 14/15
Theme 15/15
Style 4.667/5
The designs of the creatures are well done and rather intriguing. I think this defines evolutions very well, one creature changing into another. The only let downs would probably be the leg proportions with weight and stability management of the creature which goes under anatomy.
Total: 47.667

Anatomy 8/15
Creativity 9/15
Theme 8/15
Style 2.333/5
This seems more like growth than evolution, like an egg hatching. The compositions of the creatures is abit off settling, and as such the creatures look uneasy and very unrealistic due to their proportions and anatomy.
Total: 27.333

Anatomy 11/15
Creativity 10/15
Theme 11/15
Style 4
I really like the style used in this, however the evolution seems abit too basic and not very creative. Apart from that I like it.
Total: 36

Anatomy 7/15
Creativity 9/15
Theme 10/15
Style 2
It follows the theme, but I dont really like the style and skill used in the drawings, very basic and not very clean.
Total: 28

Anatomy 10/15
Creativity 10/15
Theme 11/15
Style 3.667/5
Not really evolution, but still acceptable. The changes arnt really distinct besides size. But the line art is good.
Total: 34.667

Anatomy 14/15
Creativity 14/15
Theme 15/15
Style 4.667/5
Very nice, follows the theme exactly, the lineart is very lovely and the creativity is adoring. The anatomy and design is very good aswell. Its just a shame not all of the stages were coloured.
Total: 47.667

Anatomy 13/15
Creativity 13/15
Theme 14/15
Style 3.333/5
Follows the theme very well, the anatomy of the robots is well designed and creative, however the lineart is very blurry and smudgy which im not fond of.
Total: 43.333

Hello. Im Back.
Just want to give back some information regarding certain assets, hopefully all artists will find it some what useful

I'll go down the list and write comments about each work.

1. UnholyDobry's evolution
Interesting style, can almost see image on a shirt. during the evolution the main eye is not changing at all, and I think creature would look better with darker brown skin, or bleach white, or a transition through the evolution stages. this turned out to be a very scary creature.
Anatomy -- 4/15
Creativity -- 10/15
Theme -- 13/15
Style -- 1/5

2. noob134's evolution
Good anatomy renders. When rendering musculature keep in mind that all muscles flow in and out of each other. However the jump from the egg to stage 2 is huge and jump from stage 2 to 3 is unnoticeable. The feet are cut off, that is not very good. The face is funny!
Anatomy -- 8/15
Creativity -- 10/15
Theme -- 1/15
Style -- 2/5

3. MasterStryke's evolution of darkness
Looks like a good character sheet. Shadow is there, that is good, as thing go back in space get lighter, that is also good. The first stage creature has very little anatomy resemblance with the other two. The stage 1 vs 2 and 3 look like two different creature types. I want to see epic wings on the last stage creature, and even bigger tail then in the second one. Over all, I like individual concepts.
Anatomy -- 15/15
Creativity -- 11/15
Theme -- 10/15
Style -- 5/5

4. Whitehawke's water elemental alligator
Cool concept. I like the alligatoresk face on the elemental. the evolution stage is consistent. the views are always different, looking down or looking up, that is good because it looks more interesting. If you are to draw the water elemental fading into the background, then you better draw in the background too, because it is uncertain how creatures connects to its habitat. If you want to paint a water type creature, then keep simple, like you did, or paint it transparent, like glass sculpture, or see how other artists have done it.
Anatomy -- 3/15
Creativity -- 11/15
Theme -- 15/15
Style -- 1/5

5. enjoy's Supercaurosinocerious
I like this creature. I almost want to see the 4th evolve stage. The anatomy is clean, and stages are consistent. However the background is too dark, hard to see the character. the 3rd leg set is for huge weight support, if there is not much weight that needs supporting then 3rd leg set will just slow the creature down. I wish there was a story with this creature to make it more interesting. And a scale reference to human, so people can sense the size of the beast.
Anatomy -- 11/15
Creativity -- 10/15
Theme -- 13/15
Style -- 2/5

6. Drakai's Dnanish
This is classic naga creature. I wish to see better angles of the creature and detailed careful rendition of scales. Maybe each scale will have a small rune on it. When drawing scales, keep in mind that they wrap around and appear smaller(narrower) as the skin wraps around. Be patient with scales, because the reward will be EPIC.
Anatomy -- 1/15
Creativity -- 5/15
Theme -- 8/15
Style -- 2/5

7. Just_Spectating's Automated scouting machine
(First of all about your signature statement - "Anything is art if you are famous.")
(Through out history, once famious people in their time, now became forgotten, and unknown people became famious -Van Gough- for example. Art has nothing to do with fame, at all.
Back you your art. - I like that you added a background info about the creature. It dose add depth of character to the creature. I think the creature would look much better if was place in appropriate environment.
Anatomy -- 6/15
Creativity -- 13/15
Theme -- 5/15
Style -- 2/5

8. communist_orc's crabs
I like over all presentation! the character is not very unique but the concept is good. The transition is consistent and has scale reference for every of the creature's stages. Speaking of the presentation, the text doesn't fit into the image, be creative with text placement and design. Over all I like it.
Anatomy -- 12/15
Creativity -- 15/15
Theme -- 14/15
Style -- 4/5

9. jareph's combat bees
Now this one I LIKE! I used to draw lots of bee robots when I was a little kid. It also reminds me of digimon. The evolution is well developed. Technically well done, the colors are consistent, and details are clean. I wish there was a back story to the characters. Good job.
Anatomy -- 13/15
Creativity -- 15/15
Theme -- 15/15
Style -- 4/5

10. dead-man-walking's Raxagus
The image is not bad, it is however unfinished. It seems that thousands of years has passed between each of the evolution stages. The image needs flat color fills, and a background done with same treatment. the whole thing can look like a stain glass window from an ancient temple.
Anatomy -- 1/15
Creativity -- 2/15
Theme -- 6/15
Style -- 2/5

11. Nightwish.ger's evolution
I like this one too. This can be a very cool Zerg creature for starcraft. However the jump from 2nd stage to 3rd is little bit big. There are lots of character and animation to these creatures, but one thing is lacking, the scale reference to a human being. Over all, good concept sheet.
Anatomy -- 8/15
Creativity -- 11/15
Theme -- 6/15
Style -- 3/5

12. Dionesiist's corruption of leviathan
Very cool drawings. The evolution stages are ridiculous, first the flying wale grows spikes and turns to stone, then breaks and spikes fall off and spawns 4 additional limbs.
You need a good story to back that up, for example - These creatures fly through clouds of ash and smoke of erupting volcano, then fall with obsidian melting their feathers into the volcano pit, then climb out, all deformed and blind, unstoppable beast from hell. -
well rendered, however in graphics it is important to indicate some sort of sky or ground or something, giving more character to the creature. Perhaps we'll these colored one day.
Anatomy -- 13/15
Creativity -- 12/15
Theme -- 3/15
Style -- 4/5

13. SpEtNeZz's evolution
This image is funny, but it is not finished. The characters need to have bright colors, a gratify background. The image can look very cool if it is done in that style with spray can.
Anatomy -- 5/15
Creativity -- 10/15
Theme -- 8/15
Style -- 2/5

14. Zeverens' Chickubb
This is funny too! pokeman chiken!
The evolution stages are good and consistent with style. the line in the background indicating the ground is very helpful, it is however colorless.
Anatomy -- 8/15
Creativity -- 2/15
Theme -- 9/15
Style -- 3/5

15. Crazed_seal2's fluffy
I dont even know what to say about this creature.
Anatomy -- 0/15
Creativity -- 5/15
Theme -- 8/15
Style -- 1/5

16. -BerZeKeR-'s spiders
Spiders look good, but unfinished, they need to be colored! I like the way the spiders are composed on the page with hive eggs as scale and environment prop. I want to see more eggs and other "props" that will authenticate the image. Over all drawing is good.
Anatomy -- 9/15
Creativity -- 5/15
Theme -- 11/15
Style -- 2/5

17. Pyramidhe@d's hyenas
The evolution and mutation works only on micro level. On macro level any mutations or birth defects are always a bad thing. I dont thing the creature would evolve into bipedal creature with tiny legs hanging out. Story is good, but it is too scientific. More scientific the story, the more explanation needed for every little detail. Global warming is bullcrap, because there is no data to back it up, and the hottest day ever recorded was over 100 years a go. Trex locomotion has more in common with a chicken than a canine type. But the character surface details are good and drawing is also clean.
The finals image cant open, but in the preview looks unfinished.
Anatomy -- 13/15
Creativity -- 14/15
Theme -- 0/15
Style -- 4/5

18. Xatoga's salvage bot
The concept is very cool. It is like a golem.
small stage one robot looks like a vacuum cleaner. The evolution is consistent, I especially like the head that remains the same. Some of the perspective and placement aspects are off, but that will come with time and experience.
Anatomy -- 4/15
Creativity -- 12/15
Theme -- 12/15
Style -- 3/5

- CR (Concept art contest #4 Judge)
(More info about your Judge go here - http://antonmagdalina.carbonmade.com/)

((Kimberly's Judging + CRAZYRUSSIAN's judging) * 0.75) + ((Votes / total votes) * 25) = total

UnholyDobry: ((36 + 28) * 0.75) + ((18 / 226) * 25) = 49.9911504
Noob134: ((37.333 + 21) * 0.75) + ((10 / 226) * 25) = 44.8559447
MasterStryke: ((47 + 41) * 0.75) + ((65 / 226) * 25) = 73.1902655
Whitehawke: ((39 + 30) * 0.75) + ((11 / 226) * 25) = 52.9668142
Enjoy: ((45.333 + 36) * 0.75) + ((36 / 226) * 25) = 64.9820509
Drakai: ((33.667 + 16) * 0.75) + ((10 / 226) * 25) = 38.3564447
Just_Spectating: ((42.667 + 26) * 0.75) + ((26 / 226) * 25) = 54.3763562
communist_orc: ((45.333 + 45) * 0.75) + ((73 / 226) * 25) = 75.8249712
Jareph: ((46.667 + 47) * 0.75) + ((58 / 226) * 25) = 76.6661792
Dead-man-walking: ((37.667 + 11) * 0.75) + ((17 / 226) * 25) = 38.380781
Nightwish.ger: ((43.667 + 28) * 0.75) + ((63 / 226) * 25) = 60.7192765
Dionesiist: ((47.667 + 32) * 0.75) + ((109 / 226) * 25) = 71.8077721
SpEtNeZz: ((27.333 + 25) * 0.75) + ((12 / 226) * 25) = 40.5771836
Zeverens: ((36 + 22) * 0.75) + ((27 / 226) * 25) = 46.4867257
Crazed_seal2: ((28 + 14) * 0.75) + ((8 / 226) * 25) = 32.3849558
-BerZeKeR-: ((34.667 + 27) * 0.75) + ((16 / 226) * 25) = 48.0201615
Pyramidhe@d: ((47.667 + 31) * 0.75) + ((41 / 226) * 25) = 63.5356482
Xatoga: ((43.333 + 31) * 0.75) + ((31 / 226) * 25) = 59.1789535


Poll | Contest
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Level 9
Jan 17, 2009
Well that was a suprise.
Congratulations Jareph, Communist_Orc, and Master Stryke
Good job on your entries

Jareph 76.6661792 1st
communist_orc 75.8249712 2nd
MasterStryke 73.1902655 3rd
Dionesiist 71.8077721 4th
Enjoy 64.9820509 5th
Pyramidhe@d 63.5356482 6th
Nightwish.ger 60.7192765 7th
Xatoga 59.1789535 8th
Just_Spectating 54.3763562 9th
Whitehawke 52.9668142 10th
UnholyDobry 49.9911504 11th
-BerZeKeR- 48.0201615 12th
Zeverens 46.4867257 13th
Noob134 44.8559447 14th
SpEtNeZz 40.5771836 15th
Dead-man-walking 38.380781 16th
Drakai 38.3564447 17th
Crazed_seal2 32.3849558 18th
Crazyrussian's reasons for giving Pyramidhe@d no points for theme were absolutely ridiculous in too many ways for me to sum up. :/
He obviously does not have enough scientific knowledge to understand what he's saying.

Not to mention his arguments are not relevant in a concept art competition. If you make some monsters grow in ridicolous ways that are evolutionary impossible you get 10+ points for theme but if you actually add some quasi-scientific background story you get a 0 for theme because your views on evolution are not exactly the same as those of one of the judges.

I'm glad I didn't join this competition.
Level 15
Aug 13, 2004
Crazyrussian's reasons for giving Pyramidhe@d no points for theme were absolutely ridiculous in too many ways for me to sum up. :/
He obviously does not have enough scientific knowledge to understand what he's saying.

Not to mention his arguments are not relevant in a concept art competition. If you make some monsters grow in ridicolous ways that are evolutionary impossible you get 10+ points for theme but if you actually add some quasi-scientific background story you get a 0 for theme because your views on evolution are not exactly the same as those of one of the judges.

I'm glad I didn't join this competition.

Remember anecdotal events are much more significant proof than legions of scientific theory and research.
Crazyrussian's reasons for giving Pyramidhe@d no points for theme were absolutely ridiculous in too many ways for me to sum up. :/
He obviously does not have enough scientific knowledge to understand what he's saying.

Not to mention his arguments are not relevant in a concept art competition. If you make some monsters grow in ridicolous ways that are evolutionary impossible you get 10+ points for theme but if you actually add some quasi-scientific background story you get a 0 for theme because your views on evolution are not exactly the same as those of one of the judges.

I'm glad I didn't join this competition.

Sorry, didn't explain properly.

He got 0 on theme from me, (Not because of his believes) but because I saw only one image. I didn't see stage 1 stage 2 stage 3 evolution progress. So for me there was none visual progress. and the final image did not open at all.
Maybe something was wrong with uploads or my computer and I couldn't open everything, but that doesn't change the final results at all.

And, my friend, I do have some scientific and anatomical knowledge.
(4 years in Art Academy, 3 years of anatomy instructions and trips to morgues)
I dont know everything, but I can back up everything Im saying.

Congratulations winners and thank you all for participating!

Last word, Judges are always different with different background, and points of view, and the judging result will always slightly lean towards personal preference. So don't take the judging too seriously, because you never know what the judge will like or doesn't like. Sometimes its a perfect combination of judge, concept, idea, and execution that determent the winner

Have a great day everybody.

Level 15
Sep 3, 2009
CRAZYRUSSIAN is right the last picture doesnt open it has no link. Also ya pyramids evolution was a complete change but global warming im sure wouldnt cause that much change. It has no backing.
Yes i know you didnt have to have backing just saying it jut doesnt look right.
Thanks for the explanation Crazyrussian. I always assumed Pyramidhe@d didn't mean the current global warming (For which there is tons of evidence btw, including anecdotal events, such as sea bird populations in Scotland collapsing due to the absense of cold-water loving fish because the sea has warmed up, plants flowering earlier, caterpillars being found earlier in the year, birds no longer being able to keep up with those changes, etc, etc, etc) because there is no way the hyena could change that much in such a short timespan. I assumed he was referring to a future warming of the planet like what has happend many times before in the history of Earth.
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