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Collateral Arena V.6 Beta

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Hero Arena. Max Level 50. 10 human players. Unique Dota system included. 57 heroes(1 secret) 15 bosses(3 secret) Many skinned units from here(credits in quests log.) BETA version.

Arena,hero,diablo,World of warcraft,skinned,custom,dota

Collateral Arena V.6 Beta (Map)

15:21, 21st May 2009 bounty hu15:19, 21st May 2009 by bounty hunter2: Please upload your maps to Epicwar, they are too poor of quality for our site. Rejected.




15:21, 21st May 2009
bounty hu15:19, 21st May 2009 by bounty hunter2:
Please upload your maps to Epicwar, they are too poor of quality for our site. Rejected.
Level 31
May 3, 2008
2 good reason why this map was 1/5 (Unacceptable)

1) It did not have a proper description of what is this map about, apart from explain it was a 10 player arena with 57 heroes, max level 50 and so on. Which are way too lacking and doesn't follow the submission rules.

2) The file size exceed 4mb, which are the file size permitted for multiplayer map. This make the map impossible to be hosted at lan/internet and could be consider as major bug.



Level 8
Jan 30, 2009
Well. I download the map. You still need to change a lot of thinks. Don't abuse with model importing! I just saw standart spells. No custon spells. Improve that! 7.8MB is quite a lot, even too much. There were many models I wouldn't have add to this map. And why the hell are there stripes with footmen and warlocks? I thought this was an arena map and no AoS... keep on working!