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Close Encounter

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Close Encounter

After the Burning Legion was defeated, many of their demons remained roaming the outskirts of Lordaeron and destroying what little was left. Thus forming immense battlefields that witnessed the slaughter of countless lives.

This map is already uploaded on spanish and english

Close Encounter (Map)

Always nice to see someone new try to make a melee map, but as is unavoidable, you have fallen for many typical rookie mistakes. Basically, eveything @Zucth and @Knecht mentioned is valid. To add/clarify: 1. Only use 100% chances when creating item...
Map not updated in a long time. Therefore set to useful/simple.
Level 26
Jan 4, 2020
I did a little review of this map here base on my experience.

1. I do love weird creep, but with this much hard and not really happen in melee map make this awkward. +those dalaran extra gold creep
2. Item drop not balance.
3. One way toward enemy +narrow
4. Doodad gap. You should do the same thing to the trees.
5. Wisp spot at every corner. [square tool will create this problem, used the second circle may help you a lot on this point]
6. The map design is too straight forward, there is no way for enemy to creep jack you up unless they play NE.
7. narrow creep spot should be a little open +those obstacle creep on the road could create aggro. ++every camp that's not expo camp should set up to camp[200 range aggro] not normal [500 aggro range]
8. The existent of FOH in 1v1 is a little trouble, but if you place if correctly. there's no problem[most say like that]

This map look like campaign map than a melee map.
Level 22
Sep 24, 2017
Well Zucth already mentioned most of the stuff so I'll just add a bit to it. The map reminds me a lot of the 1v1 RoC map Ogre Mound which had one path to the enemy as well.

Creep camps should be set to Camp unless they are at a gold mine, you won't need to put the creeps as far back when they have less aggro range. Also, the items should generally be from one item level and one group so that both players can have at least an item with similar power. If one player gets a level 4 item from a camp while the other would get only a level 2 power up it's not really balanced.
As mentioned above, the paths to camps are way too long and are generally dead ends (such camps are riskier to camp since the enemy can block you from behind leaving you with no way to flee). Creep camps shouldn't generally be placed in the middle of the road (there are only a few exceptions but overdoing it on a map isn't good).
Those red and orange camps inside the trees would be too strong with Keeper of the Grove as he could just unleash them on the enemy base.

There are some very useful tutorials if you want to delve deeper into melee mapmaking, I'll just leave this one here: Competitive Melee Map

One more thing, the terrain "Noise" brush isn't that great to look at, it's better to use the Smooth tool after using noise.


Map Reviewer
Level 24
Nov 2, 2013
Always nice to see someone new try to make a melee map, but as is unavoidable, you have fallen for many typical rookie mistakes. Basically, eveything @Zucth and @Knecht mentioned is valid. To add/clarify:
1. Only use 100% chances when creating item drops.
2. Look at ladder maps to get an idead what drops are suitable for which creepcamps (it's the strength of a camp overall that matters for this, not the individual creep which drops the item).
3. Do not put creeps in the middle of paths.
4. Every map should have at least one expansion per player that is not guarded by red camp.
5. Creeps (except at expansions) whould be set to camp stance (i.e. target acquisition range reduced).
6. Use th smooth tool to make terrain less uneven.
7. Make creeps face certain direction by seleceting them and using CTRL+leftclick.
8. Generally there maps should always have multiple ways to get from A to B instead of being forced to use a certain path.
9. These camps in the forest are a nice idea, but in practice if you play with the main focus of defeating your opponent, they will barey ever matter.

Positives: The map decoration and general ideas how to make creeps and surrounding locations fit together in style. Also the creepcamps mostly make sense.

Nevertheless, there is a lot to improve. Map set to Awaiting Update.
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