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Class change required at 25

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Level 13
Oct 9, 2011
I thought I'd bring this to zwieb since so far I've seen so many complaints from people about players who technically 'abuse' the ability to level a base class to 43, then change it to have both tier 2 classes.

I myself have done this repeatedly, purely with dps related classes, never a cleric or squire base, yet the complaints persist.

On all accounts, they're fair, nobody really likes someone doing something to finish things faster than them. Really it should be changed and players should work for their classes after 25.

So I'm asking, zwieb specifically and anyone else on the decision making side of things, if they think it's a good idea to cap base class levelling at 25, meaning they can level no further until a change has been completed, and then allow future levelling for the tier 2 classes. This would promote better usage of set classes from the get-go before d3.

Also, after 25, around 33ish, with full gear, the class change quests become EXTREMELY easy. They're made for 25, they should be attempted at 25. Keeps the fun in.

The xp from the quest could perhaps be changed into a better gold reward to help players work towards their first class skill, or if they have the patience, their 7k/2mc skill.

I also think it would add more diversity to the community, and you'd find players that don't have the time to make a bunch of different classes using specific classes they enjoy rather than having both at will and being able to choose after they're even needed in runs any more.

If anyone agrees feel free to post, if you have reasons against it feel free to post. This thread is not for bitching at people who do currently level base classes, if you have an issue with that, take it elsewhere.
Level 4
Mar 24, 2011
I agree with it and it would be nice if can be done! Maybe level cap could be increased to 33. Btw Ive never done this cuz it feels like you are kinda useless in d3 runs using your base class. We use to denial base class player to roll for d3 loot!

Level 13
Oct 9, 2011
Most base classes are fine, you miss out on fuck all dps, rangers lose a few stats on wolf, thieves run without bladefury which is really only useful on initiation and mages can spam globes which deals out the damage you need.

The point is to bring in more class diversity by encouraging the change. It would also prevent people doing something that I'm not exactly proud of myself but from the amount I've run d3 I justify it as fair. It would be more challenging to max out classes if you had to change at 25 though.

Also, after 25, around 33ish, with full gear, the class change quests become EXTREMELY easy. They're made for 25, they should be attempted at 25. Keeps the fun in.
Level 13
Oct 9, 2011
A code wipe wouldn't be needed, and I'm not saying that for my own sake even, I've barely played 1.1L. Highest I've got is a 38 zerker 'cause I've been busy with other games.

There would be a few players with more classes, that's fine, it's really no cause for a code wipe.
Level 13
Oct 9, 2011
which is fine, the game needs a high level base to help some of the lower players through their early gameplay. It doesn't take long to max a character anyway if you have the right team. This idea is no cause for a code wipe, just a change for 1.2.
I totally agree on this one. On the next update, the base class xp will be capped at level 25 even if it is too late then for most people.
If I am ever forced to perform another code wipe, I will also remaster the xp system as I was never really satisfied with the current way it works.

Even if there is no code wipe, the change will definitely come with 1.2, as the "use" people can get from abusing this is pretty much pointless then, as you can level to 50 on creeps anyway and the gear will soon be worthless.
Level 13
Oct 9, 2011
Leveling once you hit boars is extremely easy as it is now, so a change to the xp system would be nice. I'm glad you agree though zwieb, will make playing 1.2 much more fun.
Level 13
Oct 9, 2011
Players can backtrack to do the same but I doubt most community members would join them for something so trivial.
Level 6
Jun 5, 2010
i think its just a unnecessary working for Todeszwiebel

maybe 1.2 should be get more priority
Level 13
Oct 9, 2011
I'm sure it wouldn't take up much time, and it will have a positive effect on class diversity in later dungeons. The sooner minor changes are made the better, Tsumo.
Level 8
May 6, 2010
so... anotrher codewipe?

anyway Muzzel told me in game that in currect code there is room for another 20 item slots, and I gues with d4 there will be need for more room = another codewipe...

is it possible to set like 50 additional item slot just to prevent further codewipes?
You possibly didn't understand what he said. There's room for 15-20 items per hero type per slot restriction.

Means for example 15 different bows. And 15 mail helmets. And 15 leather helmets, etc.

There is enough room for like 100-150 new items, although that limit is pretty low, I have to admit. I hope this will be enough.
Level 6
Jun 5, 2010
saw today Power_Ranger with lvl50

so... anotrher codewipe?

anyway Muzzel told me in game that in currect code there is room for another 20 item slots, and I gues with d4 there will be need for more room = another codewipe...

is it possible to set like 50 additional item slot just to prevent further codewipes?
maybe Zwieb can load system make avaible to understand old and new code...if u save u get only new !
Level 13
Oct 9, 2011
Eventually there will be another code wipe, that's what happens with wc3 rpgs, new information is worked into the game and wipes have to be done to clear out the old shit and make room for new content. It doesn't look like there will be a wipe before 1.2 though, but that's up to zwieb to confirm.
Level 5
Oct 15, 2009
Darklycan's comment just made me laugh. And don't need to answer me, but I'm pretty sure that other users probably share my thoughts about his comment too.
Level 2
Mar 18, 2009
I have a little problem
when i played with squire and magician i could not do the job quest at lvl 25 - it was hard so i just leveled tho about 29-30 and than succeded
and i think it would be now harder to do job quests if you get level cap to 25
Level 8
May 6, 2010
Magician q is damn easy if noone is clolor blind ;p

Squire is also pretty easy did it with 230hp squire 25lvl and sword of the wolf and starting shild mail.

all about hit, run - hit stun heal hide also easy once u know how

advance q is not just another simply q to kill wolf and done,
u have to proof u are wortly of hero advance.
Level 10
Nov 20, 2005
I rather like the idea of a level 25 cap until class change. I can't believe that has never been thought of before props on that one Vestra XD
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
Please do this as soon as possible.

The amount of dickheads out there wanting to do D3 as a base class and expecting the world from everyone else is bloody infuriating. I am sick of these Level 33 Clerics expecting people to take them through D3 and refusing to advance and then bitching about everyone else and calling other people who have the fucking logic to actually advance for D3 noob, or idiot, or fag.

/rant over
Level 3
Jan 26, 2012
I have a little problem
when i played with squire and magician i could not do the job quest at lvl 25 - it was hard so i just leveled tho about 29-30 and than succeded
and i think it would be now harder to do job quests if you get level cap to 25

The magician quest is all skill... you could do that naked at level 1 essentially if you had the mental power. And the squire quest is almost completely about running away on queue and knowing when to panic use healing salve etc. 4 levels isnt going to affect either of them, and of course having semi good armor (done it with 14 armor on a level 25 first character of mine... seriuosly took me a long time but i did it). And the same goes with the other classes, cleric is easy, just need semi good life/mana/sp.. a mana pot is good. Thief is 100% skill from annoying practice from doing it over and over and over again. Ranger you just need life which you should have already because of how needy constitution is for d3. Basicly what i am saying is that gear and skill affects the quests SO much more than a few levels. The going into d3 (and possibly later d4) with a basic class is much more annoying than spending an hour or two practicing and figuring out the more difficult advancement quests. Besides, a what fun are games if they arent a challenge? thatd be like playing teve... really easy and vulnerable for overpowered classes and underpowered classes
Level 4
Mar 24, 2011
Please do this as soon as possible.

The amount of dickheads out there wanting to do D3 as a base class and expecting the world from everyone else is bloody infuriating. I am sick of these Level 33 Clerics expecting people to take them through D3 and refusing to advance and then bitching about everyone else and calling other people who have the fucking logic to actually advance for D3 noob, or idiot, or fag.

/rant over

Ive heard that babydragon is slacking around with cleric 37 fully D3 geared and still refusing to change.

Level 2
Feb 28, 2012
Ive heard that babydragon is slacking around with cleric 37 fully D3 geared and still refusing to change.


Ive heard he's telling people that they are wasting his precious time when he's the one dying or failed to support someone coz he is a cleric!!! egoistic bastard.. trying to prove he is too good for gaias which is NOT! :ogre_hurrhurr:
Level 13
Oct 9, 2011
Papa.dragon, who's decision I disagree with, is actually an excellent player. I've watched him run through d3 with a below 43 team on that cleric. Don't get me wrong I think waiting for monk gear to class a cleric is a fucking stupid decision, but his actual playing ability is good.

You guys could learn from him, despite his fragmented english :)

But yeah, the sooner the change comes out, the better. Might be worth doing before 1.2 to work new community members into the new style of classing.
Level 8
May 6, 2010
First of all welcome again Shitchatter Krustnik and Troll face ;)

Yesterday I left cos I had little time and u constantly fialed:
-no heroic prsence on lady
-pulling more gprs and not holding agro
and I was borred of ur stupid constant trolling

Sometimes its funny but sometimes u just cross the line like in most thread here and in game.

I play on cler only if there is no healer, I simply dont go monk cos how it would help? as cleric I handle game quiete good and thats most important.

if some1 want to whine just equip ur ball and send privite message its not fucking theatre

@Vestra thx for god word about meh, and sorry for my eng, this is not my native lang and I never learned it at school thou... my english knowledge coms from WoW and some ventrillo talks.
Level 4
Mar 24, 2011
I didnt comment his skills but still seriously learn what? Not to use advanced class or what?
And about the new players, i doubt they will be quite impressed when they see old players using basic classes.

P.S. Ive heard vest you are doing the same and people started to dislike you although you are experienced player.


Edit: bye babyboy
P.S. I dont know what ive said to offend you? But tell me what are you looking for so maybe i can get it for you.
Last edited:
Level 8
May 6, 2010
If u can heal as good as i do on cleric than I would love to play with u on any of other classes.

learn not to insult others cos trollface is bad mentor.

@trollface, how can i be egoistik if i playt with healer rofl!!!
at start I alvays ask what we got and I alvays play on zerk or assa if there is any healer, but if there is none I think every1 prefer good cleric who handle everything than no game at all.
Level 4
Mar 24, 2011
Well due to cw's i wont make cleric/squire class. I wont waste such amount of time to raise all classes as i did previously. There for i play classes i enjoy, so cant help with healing/tanking.
Level 8
May 6, 2010
I love to play with assa and zerker, and i wanted to check out monk, and I use cleric only when noone have healer, and trust me if I would sucks at healing I would go as bishop.
Level 13
Oct 9, 2011
Without mend, healing gaspode is actually pretty challenging. Tbh the run looked more fun with a cleric healer than a bishop mending everything, since mend renders heal pretty much useless if you keep a good pace.

You should class that cleric though papa, im all for unclassing thieves/rangers/mages as you lose out on fuck all dps and d3 is easy to manage since it's built for 35s but squires need the aoe to clear waves at a good pace and bishops need mend to keep runs safe and efficient.

I've done my unclassed running, yes, but I made my monk/bishop/zerker/sader all individually. I'm just preparing for the 1.2 beta, which is apparently ages away so I'm slowing down, no need to rush. The people who had issues with it, I decided not to play with, and if I do play with them I run complete characters and help out, so it's all good.

Overall I'm for the change at 25 for a different reason, to bring diversity to the community and to keep the change quests challenging. Plus the decision has already been made so I'm requesting here that this thread be closed, cheers.

idk how this post is above troll faces when it was posted afterwards, weird.
Level 2
Feb 28, 2012
hahaha! listen girly... i admit i made mistakes.. i can't avoid it.. i'm not an old and experienced player as you are and some other veterans but at least show the new players that you are not an idiot playing basic classes running around d3! you can always change job to monk with int build for support.. it has better stats than cleric and you already got some d3 gears... and FYI... YOU SUCK AT HEALING!!! if you are so pro, why fail to heal gaspode and let him die.. ROFL!
Level 8
May 6, 2010
Fist of all we didn't played with new players, and who care what they would tihnk?
ppl play with they own style, if they want to go monk they will do so, but I simply use healer to make run possible, alrdy explained it so looks like u can read with understeanding...
Gaspode died cos u had turned of hc presence once or forgot shout on couple waves atleast, so even with mend he would die especialy when 2 big skelees comes.

Im not old player thou, I just focus on what I'm doing that's it...
So tell me "girly" how many more sp got monk than cler? or maybe how much less?
If u never player cleric and never looked into stat change just dont troll.

Though u trolled only once on forum cos u had some irl problems
I've seen u in game doing well, but dps is easy thou...
but as tank u fail, and now I also see u're just immature arogant, and ur stupid nick will be exellent for ur son if u will ever have one ;)

anyway, further talk with you is like taking out the rubbish into the basket with hole on the bottom.

so dont expect more replyes, ciao
Level 2
Feb 28, 2012
Fist of all we didn't played with new players, and who care what they would tihnk?
ppl play with they own style, if they want to go monk they will do so, but I simply use healer to make run possible, alrdy explained it so looks like u can read with understeanding...
Gaspode died cos u had turned of hc presence once or forgot shout on couple waves atleast, so even with mend he would die especialy when 2 big skelees comes.

Im not old player thou, I just focus on what I'm doing that's it...
So tell me "girly" how many more sp got monk than cler? or maybe how much less?
If u never player cleric and never looked into stat change just dont troll.

Though u trolled only once on forum cos u had some irl problems
I've seen u in game doing well, but dps is easy thou...
but as tank u fail, and now I also see u're just immature arogant, and ur stupid nick will be exellent for ur son if u will ever have one ;)

anyway, further talk with you is like taking out the rubbish into the basket with hole on the bottom.

so dont expect more replyes, ciao

you already talked to me girly... hahaha the moment you argued with me makes you worst than being a troll...

and you only played with me once... so don't judge my tanking skills... if you doubt it.. come play with us again... if you have balls... girly ^^ also flame threads are triggered not by trolls.. its because stupid people like you adding oil to the fire.. :ogre_hurrhurr:
Level 13
Oct 9, 2011
gaspode should be able to survive 26's with mend, it's an extremely important skill.
Class both while you can papa, tbh it's not that hard getting monk gear if you shade a few levels and farm your divine. d3 is easy a little dps slowing it down doesn't kill anyone unless they're awful.

flame threads are triggered by trolls, thats where the whole trigger thing comes into place, they bait pointless dicussions out, which im bloody easily provoked by as everyone has seen.
If we can stop all the crap and take it from the forums to ingame chat, that would help.

Regardless this thread can be CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED please.
Level 8
May 6, 2010
No worry Vestra, simply ignored him ;)

I know he want to provoke, maybe that makes him feel better cos hes weak nerd irl, but I wont give him this satisfaction.
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