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Christian Extremists in Lebanon

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Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
It isn't, nor is it up to the Christian adults working at the Kindergarten. The stories of Jesus isn't something that should be taught to these children. Children have no ability to think critically, and thus they will absorb everything they are taught as true. They believe in Santa Clause, the Tooth-ferry and whatnot. It's not hard to make these children actually believe that the world was created by an invisible teddy bear either.
So what you're saying is that children should be taught what you believe, not what I believe.
No. A religion, per definition, is a collection of belief systems. Atheism is a broad term, and the only thing Atheists truly have in common is their disbelief in a deity of any form

There's no irrefutable proof for the existence of God, thus Islam, Christianity and Judaism are all based on faith.
There's also no irrefutable proof against God's existence, so I don't see why atheism couldn't be classified as something based on faith as well.

So what you're saying is that children should be taught what you believe, not what I believe.

Up to a certain age, maybe.
Level 8
Aug 23, 2007
So what you're saying is that children should be taught what you believe, not what I believe.

They should be taught fact not opinion. So they should not be taught about God, but they should be not taught that there is no god. They should be taught there is no proof of neither.

However, they should be taught evolution, NOT creationism. Creationism has been disproved.
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
However, they should be taught evolution, NOT creationism. Creationism has been disproved.

I will let you know in wider mind evolution could be also actually not us evolving from monkeys but according to epidogenetics we may have mutated based on errors in DNA. So Darwin wasn't 100% right and they made a 'missing link' between some primary astralopithecus and modern human but point is they did this link just to easy the theory, there is no such link.

So our evolution also has gaps if it is just evolution. And if any of the Bible were to be true about being God's creation I see it as being made scientifically than someone waving his magical wand and living in the clouds as most believers in religion think after centuries of reprogramming by the church.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
There's also no irrefutable proof against God's existence, so I don't see why atheism couldn't be classified as something based on faith as well.
In the same way that I have "faith" that monsters don't hide under my bed. It's nothing like someones faith in God.

They should be taught fact not opinion. So they should not be taught about God, but they should be not taught that there is no god. They should be taught there is no proof of neither.
You say they shouldn't be taught about God, and then go on to say they should be taught that there is no proof of God; is that not teaching them about God? Anyhow I think the idea that parents shouldn't teach their children what they hold to be true, complete rubbish. Children are not old enough to make decisions for themselves. Should we give them the option whether or not they go to school? Should they get to stay up as late as they want? Children aren't able to grasp things outside themselves or outside the moment.

However, they should be taught evolution, NOT creationism. Creationism has been disproved.
Careful with creationism. Creationism is a religious belief that the universe was created by a supernatural being. There is more than one belief as to how the universe was created though. I assume you refer to those that believe it was created in 6 days, and if so, I agree with you.
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