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Changing the race of a player

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Level 9
Jun 22, 2012
Hey there!

I would like to change the race (humans, orcs, elves, or undeads) of a player thanks to a trigger but I have no idea how to do it. I plan to do that just to assign one of the 4 basic UI to a player in function of his race. Actually, the player have the choice between several races (like dvarves, nagas, etc...) thanks to a dialog.

Any idea?

Thanks in advance!
Level 13
Oct 16, 2010
I'm not an expert but you could use dialog buttons? I don't think you are able to do anything about what picture will appear for the builder unless you stuck to having 4 races and replacing the original four. But this would mean you'd have to pick from the normal four in the lobby and you'd be given a different one instead. (so human = dwarf, orc = goblin etc etc).

Don't take my work for it but dialog buttons could work for picking a race but the UI for the worker would always be a bit wrong...
Level 9
Jun 22, 2012
I already use dialog for selecting the race at the beginning of the game. And one of the problem is that it will be more than 4 races. To give you a concrete example, I would like that all the players which choose Dwarves and Elves be Humans, Nagas and Skeletons be Undeads, etc... I don't want to change the UI directly, just one of the 4 basic races but once the game has begun. I don't know if I'm clear...
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