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Changed Soul Ideas

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Level 13
Oct 27, 2008
Maps Here
Ok well the title is still in progress (probaly going with Stolen Souls RPG)
This map is only a idea as of now its single player only
Heres the idea i hope someone finds it a good idea or atlest some what interesting classes are still in progress just looking for what people think

Due to i want to make this a really good game there will be a Character Bio Text File when you Download it Stateing
Blood Type;
Hair Color;
Eye Color;

Looking for someone that can make spells:
how good you are doesnt matter (spells will be fix before release)

Skill Setups
Human: Defensive
Orc: Offensive
Nightelf: Healing/ element based
Undead: Area of effect skills

Currertly four maps to this whole game
Maps in order
Farmer: Scene
Forest: small easy fights (going to edit)
First Change (Testing)
Stage selection (In progess)

Its setup depending on how you setup your alliance with each race changes
the story

Main character's name is Ziven (Unisex name)
Micheal: Temple Knight
Dereis: God of Destiny
Cordelia: Spell Master
Lilian: Legendary Archer
Dirk: Death Shaman
Jitender: Demon Lord

Cut Scene: Starts off as you being a farmer with it just being you and your wife running a farm in the country outside of area the King rules over. A Palidan shows up and tells you to follow him.

Each turn in this game is effected by what happens in game
Every turn effects the game in one way or another
There are three turns in total (may change)

It goes:

Still in Progress

Normal>Lord (Undead)
>Slave (Orc)
>Ranger (Nightelf)
>Protector (Human)

Turn Two
Lord>Dark Lord (Undead)
>Campion (Orc)
>Dark Ranger (Nightelf)
>Dark Knight (Human

Slave>Ghoul (Undead)
>Barbarian (Orc)
>Freelancer (Nightelf)
>Knight (Human)

Ranger>Dread Ranger (Undead)
>Axe Weilder (Orc)
>Assassin (Nightelf)

Protector>Death Bringer (Undead)
>Guardian (Orc)
>Nature Guardian (Nightelf)
>Palidan (Human)

Dark Lord>Dead Lord (Undead)
>WarLord,Sword (Orc)
>Dark Keeper (Nightelf)
>Dark Palidan


Dark Ranger>

Dark Knight>




Knight>Death Knight

Dread Ranger>

Axe Weilder>


>Long Bowman

Death Bringer>


Nature Guardian>

Palidan>Unholy Palidan
>Heaven's Protector

This system is going to take a while due to the point that this is a multi map game.
Note: may not be released with the beta version

Everything in this game is made by the players
Purple = Unique
Red = Rare
Orange = Artifact
Green = Set Item

Base Armor
Death's Armor

Base Bow
Base Sword
Base Axe
Rusty Cleaver
Death's Cleaver
Thunder Tongue
Claw of Evil

Base Necklace
Zeus' Touch

Base Ring
Mass Ring

Demon Wings

Zeus' Mentality
Thought of Death

Lightning Steps

Sheild of Bashing

Touch of Poison

Cast Time 10 seconds, Duration 10 seconds, AoE 300, Damage .05% of max life

Damage 75, Effect Stun, 5 spots around the hero

Real Time Based
Income is equal to the number of food used by player red on the map
Income comes every three minutes
Max Food is 300
You can buy the Crafter in the base map
There are scrolls from some of the buildings you build
Scrolls are Needed to make gear
There is now a Bank system in the base map
Banked Money + random # between 1-3 x random # between 1-3
Every 10 minutes


Ok well heres a small background on what happened before the game
The Necromancers (Evil guys) took over a barren wasteland called Forbidden Mist(reason for name will be revealed later) they calmed it as their homeland (havent came up with a name for what they call it)
The rest will be told as the cinamatic story comes out

MAX Level diffence to get EXP is going to be 5 level going to try this
5+: 200%
+4: 180%
+3: 160%
+2: 140%
+1: 120%
same level 100%
-1: 80%
-2: 60%
-3: 40%
-4: 20%
-5: 10%
6-: 0%

If anyone feels like comeing up with some names for the classes as you advance thru the game or the name of the land or character name PM me them

Hubcool: Icons

greasontim: Everything else for now
The Dark One:Arcane Blast

Heres a Link to the Dark War
It pretty much causes this whole story to happen five years later by a new King
Rec07.flv - Video - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Um if anyone is will can you Please do the voices of the Characters in the Scene PLEASE!!!
Fleecher just needs more angry voice and Leon just requires a little revenge to him
I'm probaly going to make it longer IF so i need the people to do a few more voice clips for me

Currect Game Size: 300+KB


  • Character Bio.txt
    893 bytes · Views: 118
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Level 18
Aug 23, 2008
So, it's a campaign or open RPG?

Either way: For what info you've shown, I think you got a good grip on giving choices to the player (which is in my opinion an important key to making a fun game, since you can change to what you like and test out other perspectives of the game). If you can think of enough abilities and professions for under all those sub-professions, I think you've got a very good base to build an RPG on.
Level 13
Oct 27, 2008
Campaign wont run it run so its a RPG Single player cause theres no way it'll work on B.Net cause once it done i don't think i could shrink it down to a multi player map seeing how if it gets going enough i may keep adding parts into it

PS: Heres a update on on some ideas i have so far

Currently Getting the base Map to work
1 gold every 3 mins(Real Time) per unit you have on the map (max 300 Units)
Will get better stuff after you complete Stages in the game

A mission or Two for each turning point

Mission 1: Hold
Defend your ally base for like 20 mins or so from enemy units and heros

Mission 2: Capture and Hold
Attack and Capture enemy Base; Once enemy Base is under your control Defend it for 10 mins

Hopeing to Add Jobs so a extra ability to make gear or some items and stuff or make recipes in towns to make the stuff for you
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Level 11
Feb 22, 2006
I'm willing to make spells/abilities for you. Just PM me if you ever want my help (not just about spells either, I'm happy to answer any WE questions).

If you accept my help with spells, just keep in mind I code everything in vJASS (OOP - even pseudo-OOP - makes life soooooo much easier), so you will need Jass NewGen Pack to compile anything I code.
Level 13
Oct 27, 2008
just tell me where to get it n sure
youll get full credit for all the spell you make

PS i hope no one is hopeing for really good terrain in this game my terrain making skills suck so im doing the best i can
In Progress of makeing crafting items and matrails
Need more quests for the first real map on the game and the Base map is being made right now so if you have any ideas please post them here
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Level 13
Oct 27, 2008
Necklace, ShoulderPads Head, Trinket,
Ring, Weapon, Armor, Weapon/Sheild,
Ring, Range Weapon, Boots,

I just need someone to make teh icons for me
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Level 13
Oct 27, 2008
-------Bump---------- (if im even allowed)
Well the map is fully on hold till i can get the characters to change to the next map
Level 13
Oct 27, 2008
Well the map is back in progress
Currectly working on Quest ideas and the First Change
Level 13
Oct 27, 2008
Ok well seeing how i just found out i can do this heres another twist to the game
Your Hero Stats are kept and passed on to each new hero which means the stats of the hero are also effected by what you choose n u'll keep your levels
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Level 13
Oct 27, 2008
1. There is one set made right now
2. Capture Elven Base is being made, You'll fight all four nightelf heros while trying to capture the base
3. First Change map, has better looking terrain now its not just flat ground anymore.
Level 13
Oct 27, 2008
1. I think i may have found someone to make the terrain im just waiting for a answer from them
2. There is 2 sets now ready to be put in the game(on a different map waiting for more maps to be put in first)
3. We should have a 3rd person view for the game soon(has some things i need to work out)
4. Remember this is multi mapped its not going to be fun to setup alot of the stuff over and over again
5. Thinking that once this is finished to make a OPRG for 10 people (going to lose the gear system and inventory system unless i can get someone to make those into it after this project)
6. Still no ideas for quests so thats a small problem
Level 13
Oct 27, 2008
im making a small video for it and it may show some of the spells in the game (need to remake the video)
Boom: Done
Arcane Blast: Done
Dark Swarm: Done
Hyper Frost: Done
Lightning Discharge: Done
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Level 13
Oct 27, 2008
just tell me the ideas for quests
PS NomadicAssassin show pictures of your maps in the terrain area b4 sending them to me please
Level 2
Dec 5, 2008
Well depending on the map i was going to put a Human or Nelf that was neutral, and have the following :

- Starts with the "Questgiver" having an "!" above them
- click on them and it does their little text "Go kill 5 of "something"
- the quest is now discovered the "!" above the giver dissapears and you have a new quest
-Finish the quest( so far i can make it a grab this drop, kill this, go here, locate this, and follow this here while keeping the leader alive to the position, and just about everything else) ( and i do know how to make a item drop chance and table)
- When quest is complete "?" is now going to be above the head of the giver
- talk to them they give you a reward( item,gold,lumber, ect.....)
-The "?" above the head dissapears, and if wanted a new "!" pops up and a new quest is avaiable to grab
- I can have it where you have multiple quests at once, and i can make as many as you want

However to make the quest make sense i need the map first so i know whos giving it what creatures i can kill and, pretty much what to make. So if you want to invole other quest givers in your game other than the basic Campaign/RPG Single Player quest line given automatically i can do it. :thumbs_up:
Level 13
Oct 27, 2008
ya i'll send it to ya soon
with details on the quests seeing how people arent giving quest ideas
PS there isnt really a main race to the game it depends on your choices :p
ya i know its really in depth on choices but altest im hopeing to get people away from makeing game based on other games and stuff that has already been made
Like make 1 game than just improve it make it better
depending how good this game does i may think about more than 1 part to it
Level 2
Dec 5, 2008
Sounds good i have been practicing with alot of different quest techniques and triggers of all sorts so im on par with the Quests, however my terrain needs just a little more work :)
Level 13
Oct 27, 2008
ok well i didnt get time cause i may of found someone to help with make a real game.
well i try n finish this game so you guys can try it out
if i dont finish it i may make it into a real game for the PC for yall to try
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