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Certain Maps Aren't Working

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Level 3
Jun 22, 2008
Hey, this probably isn't the right board for this but I couldn't figure out where to put this.

Some maps I've downloaded from this site crash my game when I try to play them. Two of these maps are Kazuga/nicke724's Robot Wars map and scorpion182's Grand Battle map. Does someone know why this is happeneding and is there a fix?
Level 6
Mar 26, 2008
I have the newest patch so it's not what LexX said... those maps appear to have worked at some point though, Gilles, if you look at the comments.

Well, on 1.24 patch on my computer it was critical error too.
You know, if you have latest patch it doesn't mean that all maps work, there are many changes in 1.24 patch, and many maps don't work on them, bt work perfectly of 1.23. It happens because some functions are replaced,and old (or for other reasons) maps are not 1.24 compatible.Not every of them of course, but, for example, my map (I mean version on Hive, next version is fully 1.24 compatible) crashes on 1.24 even when you just choose the map in map browser (screen where you choose your race, add computer players,etc.)

The best way to fix this is warcraft version switcher, with it you'll be able to change between versions whenever you want.There is also a small tutorial how to use it:
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
I have the newest patch so it's not what LexX said... those maps appear to have worked at some point though, Gilles, if you look at the comments.
Because of the new patch, some triggers do not work anymore, and crash the map. I've had the same problem, and it cannot be fixed.
Level 6
Mar 26, 2008
Level 6
Mar 26, 2008
Sorry,but it can.
My map works without any changes,I only deleted HandleVars and some imported spells which used them,and system CustomStun
And everything works perfectly.
I know,some triggers/systems must be changed,but most of them not.And they are like spells I had to remove,and as I saw,only JASS spells that use some custom functions must be reworked,because all JASS systems/spells that are without custom functions (like HandleVars) also work.But GUI triggers can be left without changes(if they don't use custom actions/functions of course)
There is a way to make triggers work,I did it,but did not understand it fully,but DrSuperGood can explain this method as I understood.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
What are you going on about? I know they can be fixed. What are you planning on doing, fixing every map in the database?
Level 6
Mar 26, 2008
Well,I'm sorry,I thought you were talking about triggers,not about maps))But I think it's a bit early to remove all maps that are not 1.24 compatible,Because many of them will be updated in some time:)
And as I read only spells were to be removed,not maps.Isn't that so?
Level 6
Mar 26, 2008
So wait, your map works without any changes except for the changes that you made?

Yes,it is DrSuperGood's method,but I found this way before reading it and at that moment didn't understand how this works))But maybe he can explain))
You just create new trigger, paste everything from old to the new one, and then delete the old trigger. And everything works, as I experienced
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