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Busterkomo's T.D.L.

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Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Busterkomo's To Do List:
  • Make walking with using the arrow keys smoother and less choppy.
  • Make a "-quit" function for players to type that saves the character and loads the Starter Map where players can create and load characters. (Be sure to bring up an "Are you sure?" dialogue with the options Yes or No to come up when -quit is typed in.
  • Remove the Standard Game Camera (The original WC3 RTS camera)
  • To imitate groups, make some NPC heroes spawn in two up to five units. From these spawns the group members will follow one specific hero who will do their own thing pretty much; running around the map grinding and questing.
  • Update group HP/MP bar system from TKoK.
  • Make healer classes’ main priority to heal friendly heroes and keep them buffed.
  • Make healer classes flee a short distance when they take damage from a melee class.
  • Attachment System (Weapons and armor appear on character in proper attachment points of character)
  • Inventory System
  • Equipment System
  • Currency System
  • Work on items stats (World of Warcraft :: Allakhazam.com has all the info you need) for items from level 1 to 16
  • Walking backwards is way too slow and delayed.
  • Improve player-bot A.I. for PvP. Each class will need complex triggers that debate how they will react depending on their current situation(s) when engaged in combat (or when ingaging) to prevail in the fight better and play more intelligently. However, not all player-bots should play as though they were experts since that'd be unalike World of WarCraft and be very challenging. Some will be very good, others will be pretty defenseless due to their lack of good timing with usage of spells and so forth.
  • Fix all bugs listed in the Bug Tracker site.

Give mobs a scripted wander system so they don’t flee for no reason during combat.
Make Stealth an enableable/disableable spell.
Make Rogue Energy System.
Redo the character creation system.
Add a “-sit” command to regenerate health and mana faster over time. When sitting, the unit must not move or else the health and mana regeneration process will return to normal regeneration rate.
Rework the Charge ability. (Make sure it works accurately accordingly to the WoW site I sent you that provides you with Spell/Class info)
Make hero auto-retaliate to attacks ONLY when the target is directly in front of the hero. This is to avoid the hero from turning to attack someone/something, causing the camera to move when you don’t necessarily want it to. (Should be enableable and disableable)
Increase maximum group members to 5, like the real WoW. (Currently is set to 3)
Both lists may be modified whenever a task is given, completed, removed, or replaced.

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Level 17
Jun 17, 2007
  • Make walking with using the arrow keys smoother and less choppy.
  • Make a "-quit" function for players to type that saves the character and loads the Starter Map where players can create and load characters. (Be sure to bring up an "Are you sure?" dialogue with the options Yes or No to come up when -quit is typed in.
  • Redo the character creation system.
  • Rework the Charge ability. (Make sure it works accurately accordingly to the WoW site I sent you that provides you with Spell/Class info)
  • Remove the Standard Game Camera (The original WC3 RTS camera)
  • Make hero auto-retaliate to attacks ONLY when the target is directly in front of the hero. This is to avoid the hero from turning to attack someone/something, causing the camera to move when you don’t necessarily want it to. (Should be enableable and disableable)
  • Give mobs a scripted wander system so they don’t flee for no reason during combat.
  • To imitate groups, make some NPC heroes spawn in two up to five units. From these spawns the group members will follow one specific hero who will do their own thing pretty much; running around the map grinding and questing.
  • Update group HP/MP bar system from TKoK.
  • Make healer classes’ main priority to heal friendly heroes and keep them buffed.
  • Make healer classes flee a short distance when they take damage from a melee class.
  • When a Rogue in Stealth comes very close to a hostile unit, make the Rogue exit Stealth.
  • Increase maximum group members to 5, like the real WoW. (Currently is set to 3)
  • Add a “-sit” command to regenerate health and mana faster over time. When sitting, the unit must not move or else the health and mana regeneration process will return to normal regeneration rate.
  • Make Stealth an enableable/disableable spell.
  • Make Rogue Energy System
  • Remove Hero Glow
Green = Finished
Yellow = In progress
Red = Not Started

For now I will keep all systems that are included in every map, in a test map for editing. Once they are all fixed, I will import them into each map individually.
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Level 17
Jun 17, 2007
The Hero creation system is basically done. All that's left is to test it a few more times. However, the terrain in the creation map will still need to be edited, to adjust to the new system. Currently, I chose a chose an area on the map where the terrain is essentially blank.
Level 17
Jun 17, 2007

Make walking with using the arrow keys smoother and less choppy.
If I remember correctly, it is coded using the GUI. Once I convert and optimize it into JASS, it should be faster.
Make a "-quit" function for players to type that saves the character and loads the Starter Map where players can create and load characters. (Be sure to bring up an "Are you sure?" dialogue with the options Yes or No to come up when -quit is typed in.
Should be easy.
Redo the character creation system
Rework the Charge ability. (Make sure it works accurately accordingly to the WoW site I sent you that provides you with Spell/Class info)
Should be easy. Essentially just an altered knockback.
Remove the Standard Game Camera (The original WC3 RTS camera)
I thought it was already removed?
Make hero auto-retaliate to attacks ONLY when the target is directly in front of the hero. This is to avoid the hero from turning to attack someone/something, causing the camera to move when you don’t necessarily want it to. (Should be enableable and disableable)
Give mobs a scripted wander system so they don’t flee for no reason during combat.
To imitate groups, make some NPC heroes spawn in two up to five units. From these spawns the group members will follow one specific hero who will do their own thing pretty much; running around the map grinding and questing.
Sorry, but I don't understand what your asking.
Update group HP/MP bar system from TKoK.
Where would I get this?
Make healer classes’ main priority to heal friendly heroes and keep them buffed.
No comment
Make healer classes flee a short distance when they take damage from a melee class.
Should be easy to do.
When a Rogue in Stealth comes very close to a hostile unit, make the Rogue exit Stealth.
How close were you thinking? Like 175?
Increase maximum group members to 5, like the real WoW. (Currently is set to 3)
Basically done. I will probably only need to change like 1 value which would take 3 seconds once I find it within the map's script.
Add a “-sit” command to regenerate health and mana faster over time. When sitting, the unit must not move or else the health and mana regeneration process will return to normal regeneration rate.
Done, but I may add a few special effects.
Make Stealth an enableable/disableable spell.
Make Rogue Energy System
It is now like WoW. Rogues have 100 energy, and it regenerates at a rate of 10 per second (actually, it might be 1 per .1 seconds).
Remove Hero Glow
I'll have to look into how to do this. You should be able to overwrite the hero glow file with a blank one.
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Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
1. When a Rogue in Stealth comes very close to a hostile unit (190) for at least 3 seconds, make the Rogue exit Stealth.

2. Remove the Standard Game Camera (The original WC3 RTS camera) [It isn't exactly removed, but put somewhere else. When toggling through cameras (Escape or - + keys) you have a third person camera that follows the character and auto moves (allows arrow key movement), one that is the same but instead of arrow key movement it allows you to adjust the camera, and last but not least is the RTS camera]

3. Update group HP/MP bar system from TKoK: Unfortunately, Vexen has either been very busy or feels disinclined to provide an updated version for us to use. SO, you'll have to improvise. I strongly recommend you play his TKoK RPG project though which is hosted at this site.

4. Custom Bar System Thing
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