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An undead hand. Urgh. I have no fucking idea what this can be used as.

Update: I3lackDeath gave me a few tips on how to fix this icon and an example:


... but since I am a sucky artist I couldn't make it as cool as he did so I give you his icon.

So here's the updated version (I changed the colours a bit to purple)

All the credits and rep go to I3lackDeath. (don't give me any please).
Also, I believe he won't mind if you edited it, but, still, ask him before you do it.

And, BD, thanks for the tips I really appreciate them :) I hope someday I will be able to make icons, with special effects following the advice you gave me.

Undead, Hand, Rise, Grave, Dead, Upgrade, ATT, ATC, BTN, PAS, UPG.

BTNUndeadHandUpdateFinal (Icon)

Orcnet 20:57, September 1, 2013 total kudos to I3lacky for helping you out, and since he's alright for letting you upload this, I'd also say you also did a good job for the base and concept. Approved to be recommended.




20:57, September 1, 2013
total kudos to I3lacky for helping you out, and since he's alright for letting you upload this, I'd also say you also did a good job for the base and concept. Approved to be recommended.
Oh, right. 'Glows'...
Try to come up with an actual effect, not just some shiny light.
Compared to glow effects, that will result in ~ +50% quality/uniqueness.
The current one is really dull and makes the icon look very flat, because you placed it behind the hand only. You can create depth when you play around with perspective for the effect aswell.

The hand itself looks great (reminds me of Dark Samus's birth), but you should try using the same resolution you used for the PAS/DISPAS for BTN/DISBTN.
As far as I can see, you could use the middle between both versions, so nothing will be cut off while the viewer can enjoy the full beauty of this icon.
Level 28
Aug 7, 2011
Oh. About resolution. I just noticed that in Blizzard's icons the Pas is bigger. But I guess you are right. it would look better.

and.. under glow effect. At first I wanted to add purplish (more to left) - red (more to right) effects or greenish-blue effects to represent "Birth", "ressurection" and such. I am just.. not sure how to make it. PErspective in effects is kinda hard ;D

I guess I could add some.. smoke-mist stuff. Green. Or purple. Like. lines. lines going around the hand. That will have perspective and all. About the light on the hand - true, I should focus it from Upper Left or Downer Left. At first I had the right part of the hand darkened but it was barely visible (since we have no atmosphere (mists and magic and such) behind. After I add magic it would be easier to darken the hand as whole and to Lighten certain areas)

Too bad I can't make the magic xd




@About update 2, Very nice, Background is very stunning including the shading!

I'll Rate this Resource: 100/100 - Very Elegant! Morbent the Moose!