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This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
An icon I made for my map. It's for a spell in the spellpack JASS Spell Pack 1 called Wild Sand. I couldn't find an icon that fit the spell, so I made just made one myself. (In the map, the creator used the Cloud upgrade icon)

A link to the Jass Spell Pack:

Sinking, Sand, Hole, Dirt, Whirl, Whirlpool, Wild

BTNSinkingSand (Icon)

14:57, 30th Apr 2009 Paladon: Appears very simple.
Level 35
Dec 10, 2007
I think redscores can make himself an icon like this if he wants to aswell. I highly dount he hired you to do icon with this lacking quality for his pack as it consists of nothing more than a yellow blob, a black blob and a filter in its middle.

I wonder when people will stop submitting vortex'd icons like this one >.>