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Pant icon, maybe to be used as a passive ability?

Credits to Kimbo if used, thanks :)

EDIT: Updated to be more realistic and warcrafty. Press f5 for a refresh to see the new icon.

worgen, pant, wolf, beast, bear, gnoll, creep, monster, animal, dog, bite, smell, scent, tongue, attack, bite, howl

BTNPant (Icon)

20:35, 10th Dec 2013 enjoy: Looks very neat.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
I am not sure how well this fits into WarCraft III since there are no worgen models in the game.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
That point makes no sense to me. It can be used for gnolls. Also you can just download model of worgen from hive . So yeah

You're right, I'm sorry. Still it seems like it's not an icon many would have use of, that's not saying that it isn't good.
Level 45
Jun 3, 2005
The way you paint it this time, looks like you cropped a picture from a very old anime/cartoon. Im not even sure I am criticizing or complimenting.

Yeah, I do admit the tongue and nose are cropped unfairly :eek:, the style I used was quite rough and quick, as it was a test for to see if my tablet/photoshop works properly again (I get brush lag). if I have time, I will make it more warcraft 3 like. I normally try to avoid "black linework" as it makes things look to cartoonish, but really, it was an experiment, all of my works are, hence why I have a huge problem with consistency :(

Thanks for your comment :)

You're right, I'm sorry. Still it seems like it's not an icon many would have use of, that's not saying that it isn't good.

I think it can have many uses, pant could be a passive ability for maybe a survival game? could be used as hunger, scent or many passive ability. But in truth it was just a test icon, I couldn't think of much else at the time :p

The usage it isn't just defined by the snout and tongue of a canine like creature, or even up to what I said and mentioned, but it's really up to people to decide in what they "could" use it for. I'm sure people are creative enough to give this poor fellow icon a home and a context :p

As for their being no worgens ingame, there are wolves, bears and gnolls present in wc3 which have a canine like snout.

The reasoning for me doing these icons, is because I notice there is a lack of worgen icons (there are enough worgen-like custom models though), especially gnoll icons present in the wc3 modding community. Plus, I LOVE to draw them and having people use them in their maps :), it makes me happy ^_^ I'v always had an affinity for gnolls and worgens :)

EDIT: Updated, what ya think? :)

Hope you prefer the new one
