• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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Based off of Gelbin Makkatorque model created by RavenBlackbird.

I don't mess much with World Editor and am mostly just a lurker here, I like to see the new models and icons created for Warcraft 3. I liked this model and decided to give it a shot to create my very first icon, I am totally inexperienced with this so I'm expecting to have done something wrong - let me know!

I made the icon by screenshotting the model, resized the picture I selected and color reduced it so I'd get basic blob shapes, polished it by pixeling in Paint. Here's my process picture. I applied a layer of blue border to make it match with the original hero icons like Archmage, Paladin, Mountain King etc..

Added version of the icon without the blue inner border.

BTNGelbinMekkatorque (Icon)

BTNHeroGelbinMekkatorque (Icon)

For future, if you plan to edit screenshot icons: keep more process pictures, especially if you work on 64x64 pixels size it would be good to notify model's author you made icon for his model be sure to make significant change to screenshot icon...
Level 50
Mar 22, 2016
For future, if you plan to edit screenshot icons:
  • keep more process pictures, especially if you work on 64x64 pixels size
  • it would be good to notify model's author you made icon for his model
  • be sure to make significant change to screenshot icon
This particular icon is very well done edit of screenshot and could be an example for those who want to make screenshot icons how it's done. Very nice and approved.
Level 22
Jan 6, 2017
I like it! Seems very true to the original in game icons. I'd like to see you try one of my models. :)

Thanks, I tried making the icon as similar style as I could to the originals. I noticed your models before, but sadly haven't had the chance to test them ingame, they do seem amazing though and I'll gladly give it a shot to make icon for one if not more of them when or if I find the time!

For future, if you plan to edit screenshot icons:
  • keep more process pictures, especially if you work on 64x64 pixels size
  • it would be good to notify model's author you made icon for his model
  • be sure to make significant change to screenshot icon
This particular icon is very well done edit of screenshot and could be an example for those who want to make screenshot icons how it's done. Very nice and approved.

Thank you for your feedback!
  • Reason there's no more process pictures is because I did this in one go, took me about a hour+. I didn't feel like I needed to make "save points" of the process as I was going since working on such small scale I could easily revert any mistake I've made.
  • I am not sure how to notify the model's author, I was thinking linking their profile or mentioning their name might alert them, I tried doing @ before the name but it didn't seem to make a change in the post so I assumed that feature doesn't work. Did you mean I should've sent them a message, or wrote a post on their profile?
  • I'm not sure if you're making this point just generally or letting me know I should've made more significant change from the screenshot? The method I used helps me keep up with the style of the original art as much as I can, and I think as long as a screenshot is polished enough and fits the ingame model well, it should be fine.
Phew I was expecting that I screwed up heavily, thanks for the approval and your compliments, I am glad that my work can be an example!
Level 50
Mar 22, 2016
I am not sure how to notify the model's author, I was thinking linking their profile or mentioning their name might alert them, I tried doing @ before the name but it didn't seem to make a change in the post so I assumed that feature doesn't work. Did you mean I should've sent them a message, or wrote a post on their profile?
Well, you can notify them by writing on profile or by starting a conversation. It is the usual practice because that way author gets a notice someone made icon for his model.
I'm not sure if you're making this point just generally or letting me know I should've made more significant change from the screenshot? The method I used helps me keep up with the style of the original art as much as I can, and I think as long as a screenshot is polished enough and fits the ingame model well, it should be fine.
It is a general point. This icon is significantly edited.