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This icon i made for my map Warhammer 3rd Storm of Chaos.
Its for an the ability "contact with the dark" for a hero called the ritualist.
Its some possesed chaos acolyte. His ultimate kinda looks a bit like this icon too.
I suggest to use this as icon for some kinda ritual-ability.
Well use it 4 whatever u whant...
Credits and critique would be nice.

Oh yeah and this is more than 50% handdone.

Update: did everything like it was @ the begining, but lighet up the lower bodypat a bit. hope it looks a bit better now.

Chaos, Warhammer, Storm, Ritualist, ritual, channel, channeling, acolyte, lich, fire, circle

BTNcontact (Icon)

10:13, 19th Jul 2009 zombie2279: Pretty basic, but I could only imagine this being better with overall reworking. Might be useful.




10:13, 19th Jul 2009
zombie2279: Pretty basic, but I could only imagine this being better with overall reworking. Might be useful.
Level 9
Jun 3, 2007
ye as i said im not happy with the results too.
there is one big problem: without glow u couldnt see his lower body part. with purple or blue glow u cant see the fire anymore as a fire, with other color is doenst fit the sheme. well i tried the alternative chains too, but that looked stupid too...

i think im gonna upload the original version again

The Panda

Icon Reviewer
Level 59
Jun 2, 2008
This is a very unique icon slayer, good job, but here are some suggestions i didn't have on my review.
-Take off the glow of the lich, then re-size him and maybe clear him up a bit.
-Then, maybe add a glow on his hands as he is making some sort of ritual at the moment.
-And last id like you to maybe add something in the background looks a bit empty, just maybe a light glow not to heavy just a light one.
(Also, you don't have to use these if you don't want, Thank you.)
Level 9
Jun 3, 2007
i think im gonna follow voids suggestion first, and gonna see how that looks.
and yeah the idea about the background is not bad, the point is i kinda lay the focus on that burning circle, but its not enough to fill an icon. im thinking of maby redoing the whole icon... it kinda doesnt fit my awesomeness standarts