• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!


Made based off on Archdruid model submitted by Dmitry Rommel

This is again a edit of a screenshot of the model, but don't have any progress pictures worth posting since I was rushing it and didn't make much save points. Quite happy with how this one turned out. Hope you guys like it and find use for it!

Edit: Added option without blue border.

BTNArchdruid (Icon)

BTNHeroArchdruid (Icon)

Level 22
Jan 6, 2017
May I see some work in progress or big pictures of this, thank you.

I explained my work process on other icons I've made. This icon was created by editing the 54x54 model screenshot with pixel art methods. Working on this small scale and as I am just editing a screenshot I don't see a point in making save point images since I can easily revert any mistake I make in such small scale, so sometimes I get carried away and forget that I might have to provide evidence of my effort.. And as mentioned above, this is one of those cases, as I was in a rush to create this image I didn't think of making save point images to show the process.. I hope this doesn't tarnish my accomplishment, and hope it is enough that I provided detailed evidence of my process in majority of the icons I've made.
Level 50
Mar 22, 2016
Pixel editing is allowed practice, but one that requires work in progress images to be attached, at least until section gets familiar with author and his displayed style.

This one and this icon are your best works so far. I see you are going after wc3 feeling with your icons quite successfully. I often say that distinctive style of outlines and shapes play major role in looks of in-game icons. These icons for example:

Notice the contrast value and the outlines that are subtle, but still give a great definition to shapes, with contours being sharp. I also suggest you to study the textures and analyze the ones with similar style to icons.

Level 22
Jan 6, 2017
Pixel editing is allowed practice, but one that requires work in progress images to be attached, at least until section gets familiar with author and his displayed style.

This one and this icon are your best works so far. I see you are going after wc3 feeling with your icons quite successfully. I often say that distinctive style of outlines and shapes play major role in looks of in-game icons. These icons for example:

Notice the contrast value and the outlines that are subtle, but still give a great definition to shapes, with contours being sharp. I also suggest you to study the textures and analyze the ones with similar style to icons.


It's amusing that you say that yet you go ahead and approve the only icon I didn't provide any process for! hehe :)
Thanks for approving it!

I'm especially glad to hear that a skilled artist as you considers my attempts of matching the style successful since you're much harder to convince than the standard Warcraft 3 player is.
I appreciate your suggestions, it can be quite difficult for me to make textures similar to original icons since it's hard to hand pick that many colors. I'm more used to color limited palettes and have just recently started playing around with adding "crazy" amount of colors for pixel art standards, so even managing the colors can be a struggle at times.
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