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Bosses Of Agedorm v3.2

Note*: It seems i have lost my unprotected map, and i dont know if its allowed to de-protect your own maps, or to find some one to do it good, so please if any ADMIN can contact me about the issue that would be great! I really want to reopen the map and fix so many thing about it, Thank you!

Looking for some one to put a save/load system in the map, id be very grateful if there is such a person and of course +rep for you :)

The Map now has it's own subforum under my friend's forum: Click Here! Please join the Community and help the Forums Grow!

Bosses Of Agedorm is a boss killing map , but i gues you would know that from the name , any way there are 5 difrent zones , and 5 difrent classes.In each zone you will find a boss that you will need to defeat before begining the battle with the next boss ,
you will have to search the entrance for the boss that your searching to begin most entrances are in the same zone that the previous boss was. Among the bosses there are 5 different classes :

-Dreadnought - A power hero thats made to take many damage. Abilities: Taunt ,Thunder Clap , Devotion Aura , Battle Itimidation ,Heart of Stone.Gains mana when geting hit or he hits his target.

-Shadow Shaman - The shaman can heal and dps at the same time a realy powerful hero you can play it on difrent tactics. Abilities: Chain Heal , Chain Lighning , Tiger Form, Critical and Bash.

-Shimmering Oracle- mainly a healer hero truly one of the most important heroes. Abilities: Heal , Chain Heal , Stoneskin Totem , Manaspring Totem and Heavenly Elemental.

-Minotaur - A very good dps hero , gain mana when using his spells. Abilities: Dark rage , Death Coil , Shadow Strike , Shadow Frost Blast and Battle Hunger.

-Cryptstalker - A unit whit very hight atack speed and slaming atacks. Abilities: Berserk , Dirty Tricks , The Beast Within , Fist of Fury and De coup De Grace.

This is the order you must kill the bosses to unlock each one of the they are all linked.

-1.Crazy Profesor
-2.Natures Guards
-3.The Devourer
-4.THe Naga Ruler
-5.Dark Emprisoner
-6.Fire Lord
-9.Meat Giant
-10.Abu Ruller
-11.The Queen
-12.And finaly the ultimate boss
(All boss discriptions and tactics are in the F9 menu)

The goal is to proove your skills at tactics and i added in the end just a bit of simple adjustments when you defeat the boss.
To lvl up each time you kill a boss you must go to the start and when you go to your circle of power you will level 1 lvl up.
The Game is filled with tactics,adventure and many difrent events.
Each boss has his own tactics written in the F9 menu.
So the bosses cant be abused when ever a new unit enters the region the bosses hp will return to maximum
There isnt any save system on the map but still you can normal save if u die on a boss and load again.

All imported filles were downloaded from thehiveworkshop.com

This is my 1st map i post here(and make from this kind of scenario) so please dont give me much cr*p about it , i hope you enjoy please rate and leave a comment

Here are some screenshots from the game.

1.1 - made some bosses easyer.
1.2 - fixed some buggs in the spells and change the name of a class
1.3 - changed some terain and fixed some items.
1.4 - changed the discription of some spells.
1.5 - changed the names of the heroes and ballanced even more.
1.6 - changed the hp of 2 bosses fixed some buggs with the devourer and fixed the hot keys of every single spell
1.7 - Fixed major abuse and fixed major buggs with hp fill.
1.8 - Fixed Tavern Aded New Triggers And New Ending ( Credits for Ideas to Sir_Astral )
1.9 - Added 2 New Bosses , Changed Terain ( Credits for terain to trolman )
1.9(clean) - Fixed Major Bug That You wont like.
2.0 - New Events On bosses New items and a new spell on one of the heroes.
2.1 - Aaam Fixed one of the bosses he didnt do any thing and the ult didnt do normal damage of one of the heroes.
2.2 - 100% Bug Free.
2.3 - New events on almost every boss , and new items and more % for them.
2.4 - More Events...
2.5 - Tavern Pick is longer... fixed the Meat giant.
2.6 - ???????????????????????? Mystery event ?????????????????????? u see it only.
2.7 - Made the new mystery event even harder and messed a bit with the terain
2.8 - Queen Is moderned , As well the king of Abu
2.9 - New Boss Was Created No Need For Killing A Other boss to unlock him this time u just have to seek him out your self the battle is realy interesting i hoppe you enjoy it.
3.0 - Polished The map (adlist i think i did) And realy fixed all bosses
3.1 - Fixed the entrance to the battle field event
3.2 - 4 new bosses and bug fixes.

Warcraft.Bossmap.Boss map.DimoHell0o0o.Bosses of Agedorm.Boss.Bosses.Agedorm.Crazy Profesor.Natures Guards.The Devourer.Adventure.fun.

Bosses Of Agedorm v3.2 (Map)

17:41, 13th Aug 2010 ap0calypse: Approved
Level 9
Apr 11, 2008
Fix invalid author name. Also make the description better as it is now it is not very interesting and didn't give me the feeling of wanting to play it.
1. Add some screenshots.
2.Give some more info about the kingdoms as in what can you do there for example. Also give some info about the classes
Level 10
Aug 10, 2008
Well, better to fix those mistakes in the description:
- ultimate reward that you can achieve in the land of ...
- put a "," between the words [bosses] and [each boss] in the sentence:
You travel defeating many different bosses, each boss is ...
You mean Order in the sentence:
There are several kingdoms each represent a season or a element of nature , to get to each kingdom you must defeat the bosses in this oder
- each boss has (not haves) his own tactics written in the F9 menu.
- I hope (no double "p") you enjoy.
- please rate and leave a comment (this one has double "m")
And I don't think normal save can work in an ORPG, except when there is only one player (user)
Will Edit this after playing.

EDIT: Well it's good but the abilities and items would appear green while in Main Menu or something, and that's because the Icons were not imported correctly and you didn't Import them to the correct paths. To find out the correct path, go to each Icon's thread in THW and see what should you copy and paste to the imported icon.
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Level 13
Oct 31, 2009
-Unoriginal hero names.
-Bad description.
-Horrible grammar in-game: "IL GIVE YOU HELL."
-As pointed out, author name.
-Agedorm? Is that, perchance, an old dorm?
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Level 5
May 12, 2009
Please improve description, use hiden tags, give proper credit for EVERYTHING and don't write excuses like I am lazy or something, and judging from the screenshots(not ss. but SCREENSHOTS) please remove the uber spam of enviroment(doodads and etc.).

I am going to test this map soon but furst I want to see an improved description(so improved that it can be called "proper" description)
Level 3
Jan 18, 2010
Please improve description, use hiden tags, give proper credit for EVERYTHING and don't write excuses like I am lazy or something, and judging from the screenshots(not ss. but SCREENSHOTS) please remove the uber spam of enviroment(doodads and etc.).

I am going to test this map soon but furst I want to see an improved description(so improved that it can be called "proper" description)

beter now? or worse :slp:
Level 2
Oct 6, 2009
Perhaps have a changelog up? Also when I played this it was a constant pain and caused a few problems when the bosses regained full health (later learned that there was a certain spot that caused that) but perhaps mention in the quest log about it?

Maybe make the professor a little easier as the only way we could kill him was by managing to pull him back to where our melee could get healed by the circles. Made us feel a little uneasy about continuing with the rest of the game considering how long and painful the first boss was.

Do something with the plant boss because as it is now, the range just solo the whole thing without any problem.

Change the names of the characters a lot of them have warcraft human names, I think "
Zann the Defender" is a pally name (judging from the last comment this may very well have been changed now, in which case just forget this :) )

Also the naga boss "Bout" or whatever, the dark emprisoner seemed pretty impossible as whenever he cast the bladestorm thing, he seemed to get full health.

Perhaps a little better loot? I wasn't able to tell if there was a random generation as I only played it once but from what I saw the only loot dropped from the first few bosses was tanking items and a scroll or two. Later on there was a few caster things but didn't really compare with having no real dps items. If this is also done, can I ask for a -roll command : ) not trying to be unreasonable though will all my suggestions.

Spelling errors!! Doesn't really effect gameplay but fixing them would be great, not to mention that they look kinda bleh.

Perhaps make it to where you can get control of a player after he leaves? I still managed to do fine with only 4 players but the extra damage from the minotaur would of been welcomed.

One last thing, I noticed there was a few pathing problems especially in the forest area near the "forest's protectors" where when I wanted to go inbetween two little trees, I had to go around and managed to pull them all after me...didn't end to well.

In all though, I did enjoy the parts I could finish and I look forward to more when this is more refined.
Level 3
Jan 18, 2010
Perhaps have a changelog up? Also when I played this it was a constant pain and caused a few problems when the bosses regained full health (later learned that there was a certain spot that caused that) but perhaps mention in the quest log about it?

Maybe make the professor a little easier as the only way we could kill him was by managing to pull him back to where our melee could get healed by the circles. Made us feel a little uneasy about continuing with the rest of the game considering how long and painful the first boss was.

Do something with the plant boss because as it is now, the range just solo the whole thing without any problem.

Change the names of the characters a lot of them have warcraft human names, I think "
Zann the Defender" is a pally name (judging from the last comment this may very well have been changed now, in which case just forget this :) )

Also the naga boss "Bout" or whatever, the dark emprisoner seemed pretty impossible as whenever he cast the bladestorm thing, he seemed to get full health.

Perhaps a little better loot? I wasn't able to tell if there was a random generation as I only played it once but from what I saw the only loot dropped from the first few bosses was tanking items and a scroll or two. Later on there was a few caster things but didn't really compare with having no real dps items. If this is also done, can I ask for a -roll command : ) not trying to be unreasonable though will all my suggestions.

Spelling errors!! Doesn't really effect gameplay but fixing them would be great, not to mention that they look kinda bleh.

Perhaps make it to where you can get control of a player after he leaves? I still managed to do fine with only 4 players but the extra damage from the minotaur would of been welcomed.

One last thing, I noticed there was a few pathing problems especially in the forest area near the "forest's protectors" where when I wanted to go inbetween two little trees, I had to go around and managed to pull them all after me...didn't end to well.

In all though, I did enjoy the parts I could finish and I look forward to more when this is more refined.
Dude thank you so very much please try out the new version its more improoved pls test it and if u find more buggs tell me im very gr8full for that :)
Level 5
May 12, 2009
Well, it's it's better now but can you fix the difrent thing(it's spelled different).
Level 5
May 12, 2009
This is of-topic but I have spelled it DIFFERENT!!! So stop giving lessons to people how should they talk, I can talk whatever I want, I can PM Rui to FHMSHTSD!!!
Level 5
May 12, 2009
Well, furst the arena's are soo small, it's annoying if you ask me.
Terrain is nice but there are too much flowers and such and could you make levels or rounds(e.g. You kill a boss and unlock another one and so to the last one)
Love all the imported modells :p
I don't know what to write more(the other dudes have these walls and there's nothing left to talk about), I vote "thumbs up" and maybe give you a 3/5 usefull.
Level 2
Oct 6, 2009
I suggest changing "Chain lightning" to a single target spell, there isn't any real boss encounter that has more than 3 bosses so it seems a little wasteful to the spell to have it, if you do this, I would also suggest giving a fair damage boost as well a long with a small speed reduction, maybe purge speed debuff? Also change "scourge strike" to where it can't kill trees, I was able to get many places I wasn't supposed to before just using that.

Doing the solo play and using the vision cheat, I saw many unimportant things, like the furbolg hut and the alchemist or whatever was over there. These would be less bothersome if they actually led to something....mini bosses or something, I dunno, might also give a reason to have scourge strike kill trees still.

Plant boss still seemed solo able, wasn't able to test Obut solo but I will try to sometime soon. Loot drop is still bleh but it has been increased a little, it still lacks a good amount of +damage items.

Still plenty of spelling errors I noticed.
Level 3
Jan 18, 2010
I suggest changing "Chain lightning" to a single target spell, there isn't any real boss encounter that has more than 3 bosses so it seems a little wasteful to the spell to have it, if you do this, I would also suggest giving a fair damage boost as well a long with a small speed reduction, maybe purge speed debuff? Also change "scourge strike" to where it can't kill trees, I was able to get many places I wasn't supposed to before just using that.

Doing the solo play and using the vision cheat, I saw many unimportant things, like the furbolg hut and the alchemist or whatever was over there. These would be less bothersome if they actually led to something....mini bosses or something, I dunno, might also give a reason to have scourge strike kill trees still.

Plant boss still seemed solo able, wasn't able to test Obut solo but I will try to sometime soon. Loot drop is still bleh but it has been increased a little, it still lacks a good amount of +damage items.

Still plenty of spelling errors I noticed.
Mmm idk how can that be he haves 650 range now
Level 5
May 12, 2009
What gives you the right to say that his map sucks or that he's a dumb ass, you're in violation with the rules so sorry but I'm going to report you, if he hasn't got 8mb he can put a 7.5mb loading screen if he wishes so STFU.

Anyway the map is good, not very original but deserves a rating of useful in my opinion. Just keep updating and more people are going to be interested in it :)
Level 13
Oct 31, 2009
Stop raging.

Here, this is how you do it:

Mr. Mapmaker, please extend the time during which players can pick heroes, no one gets time to read their abilities or descriptions etc.
Level 5
May 12, 2009
Lol, dude you can't even wright properly, I can't understand a word you're writing.
TwistedImage is right, just stop typing vulgar words and learn a little more english so you could write properly, no one has to spend time trying to understand what you're trying to say.
Level 7
Dec 28, 2009
Here is a review P:

Well I was recently asked to review this map and as it looked good I decided to give it one.

So here is the review, Hope you enjoy and use my ideas and criticism to help improve your map.

*NOTE I PLAYED AS Dreadnaught*

  • Epic Terrain
  • Loading screen
  • Preview image
  • Custom Icons/items

  • No Bugs
  • No Glitches
  • All the main parts of the game worked fine

  • Can't get up levels by fighting (You randomly get up levels which doesn't seem logical)
  • Can't seem to get gold unless you sell items that heroes drop (Means no shop items can be brought)
  • Heroes are a bit strong (Maybe this was because I tested it in single player) Although some heroes seemed strong for their level.
  • Helm of forsaken says left click to activate and when you left click on it, it does nothing.
  • Bad idea making it that you have to walk through a waterfall, as most people wouldn't bother to try to walkthrough it and get lost thinking there is no where to go. (I only found out I could walk through the waterfall with "Iseedeadpeople" on).
  • Boss combat levels messed up. (Boss Ajen Boss is lvl 1 but has 25k health 225 damage)

  • Include credits in the f9 quest menu in game and how to play.
  • Include the credits in the description and you could also include a Youtube video to spice up the map before people download it.

  • More custom spells, icons were good though.
  • A better ending, as being teleported to a pit of lava and being told "thought you could get away that easy" isn't a very good ending (If you are going to have a sequel then make it into a campaign - see Suggestion The Future of the MAP below -

Maybe you could make it that we get minor amounts of xp/gold for fighting and killing bosses, because randomly getting up levels seems a bit odd.

How this could work:
Well say you hit a 10 on a boss, maybe you could get 1xp and 1gold whereas if you hit a 100 you would get 10xp and 10gold. Also you could get 100xp and 50gold for each boss killed. Just an example to try and make the leveling system better and to actually be able to use the shop.

Maybe you could turn the map into more of a campaign type map as the whole map doesn't seem to fit into much and the end is a bit random. Also with a campaign you could embed cinematic before and/or after each boss fight to make it more interesting. Plus as campaigns can be any file-size it means you could have room for more bosses/heroes/items and spectacular surprises. Plus I wouldn't mind seeing an opening and finishing cinematic for this map.

Overall, the map is fun and enjoyable to play for the first time, then it tends to get a bit boring and repetitive if you play it more than once.
Although all in all the map had no bugs or glitches and seemed to work. I would suggest this to friends who like playing a map just because it looks good.

I Vote for Approval and would give it a 2/5 as there are a few things that still need to be removed/fixed/tidied.

All in all hope you liked my review as much as I enjoyed playing your map,
Lag_Reviews P:

PS: I'd love to replay your map once you have fixed up/tidy/remove a few things.

EDIT: Why does the map when in game have the default blue background yellow question mark as the preview image?
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