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Blue Dragon Nexus

I had some problems with choosing High Elf Ultimate Unit Production building 'cause there are no ultimate units for them in any map I played. I decided to give them blue dragons because of their association with arcane magic. So, Blue Dragon Nexus, in architecture style connecting Nexuses found in WoW in Northrend and High Elven buildings.

dragon, magic, arcane, temple, silvermoon, ice, malygnos, mana, blue, nexus, energy, nest, elf, night, highborne, silvermoon, fly, air, palace, tower,

Blue Dragon Nexus (Model)

11:27, 9th Jun 2016 The_Silent: Looks good and performs well ingame. Good job.
Level 11
Aug 24, 2012
Love the model, fits the Elven theme quite nicely :)

Just an idea/concept, perhaps a Pheonix would be more suitable as an ultimate unit for the High Elves (though they might not have used them before becoming Blood Elves). A Mage Tower could also serve as an ultimate unit production building - but this current model could very well pass for one:)
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
This is a great little model, but what I like most of all is that you strove to put some thought into an actual race design in order to inform your modeling (i.e. "what would the High Elven T3OD be?").

It's a tricky question; the T3OD can generally be seen as the "epitome" of the faction, but which "epitome" do you pick? Elves love magic, prize beauty, PRAISE THE SUN \|T|/, value wisdom & age... Bonus points if it's a flying unit (3/4 of them are). And there are loads of ways to fulfill that. I disagree with the Phoenix, but a "sun-bird" maybe... Alternatively some super-advanced sun-warrior...

But to give it thought, the High Elves entire raison d'être could be considered to be (Arcane) Magic; it's why they split off from the Night Elves in the first place, and what (fast-forwarding) causes their crippling downfall as a race in TFT. So a magically-focused, giant flyer... With loads of age/wisdom... Well, you couldn't do much worse than picking Blue Dragons. So kudos to you, man!


On to the building. Like I said, I like it. It's definitely patterned after the WoW Blue Dragon Nexus's's's's.... But it's still generic enough that it could go for almost anything Arcane & magical. In fact, I think it'd make a stellar "Arcane Waygate" or whatever; a series of tower-portals that connect Elven settlements.

Keep up these buildings, man. And let me know if you feel inspired to flesh out the Trolls, mon. ;P
Level 15
Jun 12, 2012
This building is very elegant. It looks not only as part of the Nexus, but also as those wonderful soaring academies of magic in Quel'Thalas, for example, Duskwither Spire. A great addition to the previous models.

What would the High Elven T3OD be? Elven culture, based on the magic, was required to give rise to magical creatures that capture the imagination. Arcane wraith like Vexalius in MT; "zerg-rush" of mana wyrms or upgrading them into arcane wyrms: http://www.wowhead.com/npc=26322. And don't forget about mechanics - I doubt that the arcane golems are the pinnacle of magic-technological progress in Quel'Thalas (pinnacle which could be lost during the Third War, unfortunately).
This looks awesome, but there is one thing I'd change.
I think only the roof as TC is not enough, it would be nice if you changed the texture of the outer side of the rings into a TC one, like in your altar model (see pic below).
Also I'd lower the speed of the stand animations and increase the speed of the work animation, but that is not so essential.
4/5 +rep

Quite Beautiful, however:
Blue is usually associated with ice. Silver or Gold is usually associated with the arcane.
My opinion though.
Actually the blue dragonflight is associated with ice and magic, so blue runes are quite alright there. And arcane (mostly in the warcraft universe) is purple.


  • suggestion.jpg
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This is a great little model, but what I like most of all is that you strove to put some thought into an actual race design in order to inform your modeling (i.e. "what would the High Elven T3OD be?").

It's a tricky question; the T3OD can generally be seen as the "epitome" of the faction, but which "epitome" do you pick? Elves love magic, prize beauty, PRAISE THE SUN \|T|/, value wisdom & age... Bonus points if it's a flying unit (3/4 of them are). And there are loads of ways to fulfill that. I disagree with the Phoenix, but a "sun-bird" maybe... Alternatively some super-advanced sun-warrior...

But to give it thought, the High Elves entire raison d'être could be considered to be (Arcane) Magic; it's why they split off from the Night Elves in the first place, and what (fast-forwarding) causes their crippling downfall as a race in TFT. So a magically-focused, giant flyer... With loads of age/wisdom... Well, you couldn't do much worse than picking Blue Dragons. So kudos to you, man!


On to the building. Like I said, I like it. It's definitely patterned after the WoW Blue Dragon Nexus's's's's.... But it's still generic enough that it could go for almost anything Arcane & magical. In fact, I think it'd make a stellar "Arcane Waygate" or whatever; a series of tower-portals that connect Elven settlements.

Keep up these buildings, man. And let me know if you feel inspired to flesh out the Trolls, mon. ;P

A much better option could have been the Nether Dragons, creature wich they particularly have contact and friendship with in Outland.