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Blood Bolt v1.3

Because of the lack of blood spells I decided to make one and upload it.Hope it might be useful for someone.Description:
Exchange 5% of the caster`s life to create magical orb and launches it.If the orb hits an enemy it will deal damage equal to % of his max life.If the enemy unit has more hp than the caster he will get aditional damage.If the enemy dies from the spell,the caster regenerates 30% of the target`s max hp.If the orb hits an ally it will heal it for % life.If the ally has more hp than the caster,the caster will regenerate 10% of his max hp.If the ally has less hp than the caster,the ally will be healed for a bonus% of his max life.
Level 1-Enemy takes 5% of HP as damage(50 bonus).Ally regenerated for 5% HP (1% bonus).
Level 2-Enemy takes 10% of HP as damage(100 bonus).Ally regenerated for 10% HP (2% bonus).
Level 1-Enemy takes 15% of HP as damage(150 bonus).Ally regenerated for 15% HP (3% bonus).

Don`t forget to give credits if used in your map.

v1.1 Spell can`t be cast if the caster`s hp is less than 100
v1.2 Changed spell description,hotkey and changed some actions.
v1.3 Changed the code-added new indexing system.Credits to Hanky for that,changed bolt`s collision and movement so it will move on it`s proper location.


Blood Bolt v1.3 (Map)

20:03, 19th Sep 2009 Hanky: Your spell is ok, but there are some points that should be improved. - The spell looks abit boring maybe using some different special effects whould let it look more interessting. - Can it be that the missile don't...




20:03, 19th Sep 2009
Your spell is ok, but there are some points that should be improved.
- The spell looks abit boring maybe using some different special effects whould let it look more interessting.
- Can it be that the missile don't move the exact way it should? You should disable the collision of the missile.
- Maybe improving the tooltip by making it shorter. But don't know if it's not possible then keep it like it is now.

Ok this is my second review. Some points can be still improved. But Im glad that you have decided to use an other indexing system. So this will increase the rating about one point.
Level 9
Aug 2, 2008
Triggering looks fine as far i can see and it also has documentation. The spell seems to be MUI and leakless. I can´t fin much to complain about but i have some suggestions.
I think you shouldn´t be able to cast the spell if the caster´s hp is too low so he would die upon casting. Or just give the users of the spell the option to check if the caster has enough hp. The blood orb can exit the playable map and on some computers this can cause a malfunction, so i think you should fix that. A last thing, you could improve the special effects, you can hardly see the orb for example. But all in all it´s a decent spell !


About this 'unit leaves playable map' issue, it sometimes happens that a unit leaves the map but i have never experienced that this causes the game to crash. So whats so bad about units leaving the map ?
Level 7
Sep 8, 2009
Thanks for suggestions Thanathos,especially for the low hp,I`ll make sure to do that.About the leave map hm if you can tell me how to fix that,the only think I know is because it has the locust ability and this turns it`s collision off,but I don`t know how to change that.
Update:Here ya go,I made the spell can`t be cast if the caster`s hp is less than 100.
Edit:About the orb well there is a lack of "red balls" ingame,but I`ll break the rules if i put imports so I can`t do anything about it.
Last edited:
Level 7
Sep 8, 2009
I changed the things i could but about these 2:
1 Special effects-well this is a blood spell so it can`t be a big eye candy.
2 I use kingz`s Dynamic Values Storage,I know it is old but if someone can give me information or tutorial about new indexing system i`ll change the code,or if it is needed i`ll remake it with hashtables.
Level 14
Jan 15, 2007
Sure it will clear up everything after the index[1] is again 0 but just imagine, a guy would shoot in a short duration 30 missiles, after every missile he shoot he wait like 3 seconds till he shoot the next missile, it would pretty much suck to much performance and old computers will maybe lag. Because also when the objects aren't active anymore they are still in the loop till really every object is inactive. So Im just saying in my opinion the system need an index recycler. Already made one before for Kingz but it seems like he never used the system in his tutorial... So I'll make one now so you'll maybe see what's the difference...
Level 14
Sep 1, 2008
When I cast the spell, the missile collides with the caster, so it flies a little to the right/left and not accurate... It made the spell become uncool... To fix it :
- Set the Collision type of the Blood bolt to "Fly"
- Set the Height and Height Minimum to 50

And yeah, if the additional effect ( the "If targets HP more than caster's HP" or whatever thingy ) triggered add a special effect, so we do know that the additional effect is triggered. Btw, the spell is really nice, but there is not much eyecandy... 3/5
Level 7
Sep 8, 2009
Ah finally I fixed it thanks s4nji.Even with collision off it still had problems but now i think it will not turn on the wrong location.About the SFX there is one but it`s slightly visible.It`s like a blood and is only if u hit enemy.I changed it to more bright blood i think it should be noticed now.Well the only thing that has left is to change the tooltip to be shorter.
Edit:Well I can`t find way to make the tooltip shorter.
Edit2:If you can give me suggestions about the SFX`es because I don`t know what should I add to make it more interesting.