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Blind Beast

A little more threatening than the last, this creature is rather beastly. It is completely blind and senseless, it just kills stuff without knowing it.

Crazy Cow;1486155 said:
Created by Yog'sarron as the next generation of warriors for his army, the blind beasts serve as elite support for his Faceless armies. Originally common domesticated dogs, Yog'Sarron's dark magic has turned them into powerhouses of destruction going far beyond their previous lives and bonds. There have been scattered reports of their powers, from breathing fire to reincarnating soon after death, but they are so contradictory that none can be trusted.

Thanks to Crazy Cow for a nifty little story, you can find the rest of it here.

561 Vertexes, 754 Faces. Probably best used as a rare creep or a cave boss or something. Also the walk animation is pretty fast, you might want to slow it down a little in the WE. It uses the Faceless One texture; there's plenty custom skins in the resource section, you might just be able to get some gnarly tones out of it if you pick them right.

Stand - 1: Stands normally
Stand - 2: Looks to the side ominously
Stand - 3: Stretches his muscles
Walk: Walks
Attack - 1: Attacks using both claws
Attack - 2: Swipes both claws independently
Attack Slam: Whacks his face tentacles at the foe
Spell Channel: Cannibalism spell
Portrait: A portrait of the creature
Portrait Talk: Communication between beast and user
Death: Dies
Decay Flesh: The body sinks into the ground, the bones remain
Decay Bone: The bones dissolve and disappear

I'd suggest the dragon hatchling soundset, it seems rather appropriate for some reason.

EDIT1: Added death sound and bloodspats. I think.

EDIT2: Ok I'm still not quite sure about the death sound and bloodspats, but if they don't work this time i'll just remove them completely. Also added some particles.

EDIT3: I forgot to change the deathsound. I think it works now, i tested it in the word editor but that's as far as i can go. Hope it's all good now, otherwise i'll weep. Also cleaned up the description :)


Alien, Monster, Beast, Blind, Melon, Claw, Purple, Faceless, Horror.

Blind Beast (Model)

20:06, 24th Feb 2010 DonDustin: awesome little creep. The mesh is really creative and the animations are well done. They remind me very much of the ghoul ones. The unwrap is also almost perfectly chosen as even custom textures look really good on it.




20:06, 24th Feb 2010
DonDustin: awesome little creep. The mesh is really creative and the animations are well done. They remind me very much of the ghoul ones. The unwrap is also almost perfectly chosen as even custom textures look really good on it.
Level 23
Nov 17, 2008
Wow, amazing! Awesome for underground maps!
How about this story:
"Blind beasts are said to be poor creatures of earth, assimilated by the dark whispers from the deeps of the earth. They are dark and twisted, with their neural tentacles they can sence you in complete darkness and their razorsharp claws were the cause of death of many of those who ventured into the caves, becoming food for those creatures. It is said that they dwell in the same deeps as faceless ones do."
Level 1
Aug 9, 2009
Nice 1, first thought was Diablo tho, not summet like a beast created by an old God :D Anyway, nice model + anims
Level 4
May 20, 2009

I could see this going into use on a runescape map for slayer :D if it were pink i know what it would be :thumbs_up: cool
Level 7
Feb 9, 2010
I don't know why but I can't make it work.
Is there only one .mdx file there? (because I've got only this: Blind Beast.mdx)
Pls help anyhow.
Level 13
Mar 13, 2010
Strange i tried it again but it's a error. I can't be installing it wrong I'm doing it like any other model.

(sigh) If the model appears as a green box in the editor and then as shadow ingame, or dosn't appear at all, then you are probebly importing it wrong. If you usually import stuff without changing its file path, then yes sometimes it wont work. And besides this isn't the right place to talk about such things, go see some tutorials or somthing for more.

(P.S. If you're already importing this correctly then sorry I can't help you; I don't know what else the problem could be, it seems to work fine with me.)
Level 13
Mar 13, 2010
Dude, its all in the object editor, you don't need triggers. Just look for the Movement speed, Attack speed, or the Model animation speed, then decrease them ^^