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Bear Cubs

Very cuddly bears, includes both a baby polar bear and baby brown bear. This is my first model, so please be gentle :D It is scaled quite largely, so I'd recommend setting the scaling value in WE to around 0.6, and collision size to around 20.

Make sure you change the file paths in the Import Manager as followed:
war3mapImported\PolarBearCub.mdx --> PolarBearCub.mdx
war3mapImported\PolarBearCub_Portrait.mdx --> BrownBearCub.mdx

I am still learning, so all constructive criticism is very much appreciated!

EDIT: fixed the holes and smoothed out some of the anims a bit, and made it a little less box-like. Added attack animation too.
EDIT2: Added decay flesh and decay bone.
EDIT3: Fixed the last hole in the groin, smoothed walk and decay flesh, and added an alternate brown bear cub.
EDIT4: Gutz and Fur textures are now transparent, and not quite sure about the death anim but i've done what i could. Also added team color and made the walk anim a bit faster and less *zzz*ish.
Made him not bounce while standing. sorry bout that.

polar, brown, bear, cub, baby, young, snow, ice, land, forest, animal, mammal, warm, cute, cuddly.

Bear Cubs (Model)

Bear Cubs (Model)

18:41, 15th Jul 2009 Cavman: Good idea. Custom animations are always a plus. There are still a few problems though. The fur tuffs on the shoulders and the bones aren't using the transparant materal key, that can be fixed quickly in magos. Also, the...




18:41, 15th Jul 2009
Good idea. Custom animations are always a plus. There are still a few problems though. The fur tuffs on the shoulders and the bones aren't using the transparant materal key, that can be fixed quickly in magos. Also, the death animation is a bit weird. Make it so that all the bones start the animation in the same position as they are in the stand animation, currently looks like it falls from nowhere. Would not suggest doing that in magos.

Fixes made. The deatyh animation looks much much better. I would suggest to anyone using this model to scale it down to between 0.40 and 0.50 percent, but other than that there is no reason to not approve. So, approved.



Level 6
Feb 20, 2009
Well, I will try to ge gentle but I do congrats you on your first model but the moderators will tell you not good enough because you need more then scaleing now because it is 2009 where the good modelers get all the credit meaning you must UV/retexture, reanimte if you can, anything else I have missed...

I do give you a 3/5 acceptable because this is a rare idea and you did a good job on scaleing it down and putting it together again.

Try to ignore all the bad comments if people do flame you.
The UV mapping is kinda good, but what really bugs me is that some vertices have a very strange bone assignment and create holes in the mesh during some animations, especially the walk animation. Fix this and you can be sure it will get a higher chance to get approved. Also you should fix the animations too, because they're kinda stiff.



Level 6
Feb 20, 2009
Nah its no stupid question, it means you scale/size the model down or up and you did a good job on the UV, I am surprised because many people don't get there first model accepted here so you are very close.
Level 7
Mar 12, 2008
Aww...It is so cute I could just eat it up.. And I think I WILL!

Anyway. It looks sorta blocky as said before. I havent tested it because Im too lazy, but from what Ive heard, fix those things and it should have a higher chance of being approved.
Level 3
Jul 2, 2009
Looks alright, as other people said it looks a bit blocky, the file size is alright, try not to get such a high file size with models like these cos people will just use a normal polar bear and scale it down, 5/10.
Level 2
Jun 17, 2009

I know this question has nothing to do with the ressource!!
But, how do you change the colour of a team colored attachment?
Level 16
Jan 17, 2006
there are really some things you have to change.
First of all. i dont see decay animations, nor is the gutz.blp
in the list there only 2 reasons not to insert them
first would be its a hero: Hero glow? nope, dissipate animation? Nada.
so the other thing means he explodes on death. havent seen the animations
(i looked in the more details part) but it would be the only thing i would
exept as reason to approve this model in this points of view.

At first i just thought you took the polarbear model and scaled the body down
to 75% and the head up to 125%.

what else to say?

better luck next time. and i wouldnt rate it until
you made and upload a version that gets approved.
Level 16
Jan 17, 2006
Rizz? Hero Glow ? At a polarbear cub? do you live somewhere where bears are heroes or what? all your arguments are.... senseless?

Its a good model, may be good for survival maps, to represent young polarbears.

wouldnt say senseless.
the decay animations are a needed part for unit models.
all i did was mentioned that and maybe i gone a bit far with my
jokes, but you cant ignore the fact that these are missing.
Level 4
May 20, 2009
For a cub you could just change the scailing size on a regualr polar bear but i like this model because its different...If i can remember the cub didnt hav any tusk like things..and its head was big which looked cute to me :thumbs_up:
Level 8
Dec 19, 2007
I think this is your first model; it's a nice try and a nice idea. But the thing is that by making the head bigger doesn't make the model look more baby-like. Try to probably make the head slightly more proportional to the body, yet slightly bigger than normal.
And fix the ass, there's a hole in it. (This sounds like a joke but it's true.)
Level 2
Oct 25, 2008
The UV mapping is kinda good, but what really bugs me is that some vertices have a very strange bone assignment and create holes in the mesh during some animations, especially the walk animation. Fix this and you can be sure it will get a higher chance to get approved. Also you should fix the animations too, because they're kinda stiff.

Oddly enough, I've seen the "Holes" problem on a few other attempts at cub models. There was this really nice one, taken from WoW, but I couldn't bring myself to use it because as it moved, its head would become separated from it's body on one of it's animations.
As it seems to be a common problem, (I guess making tiny bone structures is a pain in the ass, or just it being a bear) I give it a 4/5.
Level 13
May 11, 2008
Wow, if someone put these in a game Id have a very hard time killing them if its part of the game......

my map uses bear cub. i wanted to use it for a critter. and actually, some of the players control demons and those players are supposed to use their demons to kill the bear cub, or other critters in order to let their demon player ally get a new demon(like killing the blackened(ashen) trent in tree tag). i just saw this today and i suppose i should probably add the model to my map, since as was mentioned i was using a scaled down grizzly bear.

EDIT: you say it includes brown bear but i only see 2 files, there should be 4. it says polar bear, so where is the brown bear?

do we have to modify the model so it uses the brown bear skin? or is the model like some kind of tranformation model that has animations for both colors?

well, the readme is how i guessed. both files were same size, which was suspicious. the file that says it's a portrait mdx isn't a portrait mdx, it's the brown bear.
to quote it:

Make sure you change the file paths in the Import Manager as followed:
war3mapImported\PolarBearCub.mdx --> PolarBearCub.mdx
war3mapImported\PolarBearCub_Portrait.mdx --> BrownBearCub.mdx

ok i compared the units and there is some different marking in the fur but other than that they're pretty much the same as the regular bears. but all the animations are different. they're baby animations, i guess. which is interesting. since the baby bear in my demon hunt map just sit there at the middle of the map and don't do anything, this model is unnecessary. but if anyone has a need for a bear cub with bear cub animations, this is what they need!

oh, i didn't look at it in game, there may be more differences in game, but i kinda doubt it. at any rate i just noticed that the faces are different, but i guess i already knew that from the original screenshot.

yes, i just compared the polar bear versions and the differences are a lot more pronounced. maybe it's mostly the darkness of the fur on the brown bears.

i guess that's why i chose the brown bear model for my bear cub in my map because the difference is a lot less when looking at a small unit from afar. i guess if i wanted to i could add the white bear cub to my map, maybe i'll just add some for scenery purposes, so that they'll be unkillable. of course all critters in the map are unkillable by the good guys, anyways.
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Deleted member 212788


Deleted member 212788

Those eyes, just look at them. I'd feel like a monster if i killed one of those EVEN in a game, so well made. Please, don't hurt the poor babies in your maps :)