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Battle Royale Dynasty 1.75

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Reactions: ACdestinydream
This game is based off of Will-Kill`s Battle Royale!

Twelve players select their champions and do battle against one another in this FFA fight for survival.

The game features an auto-rematch function and will only end when players decide it to.

Currently has 24 characters.

Several of the characters are based off of Will-Kill's but have some nice twists and added abilities.



-Added a vote option for Items on or off.
-Fixed the tactics text for the Undying
-Made AI occasionally buy items if items are enabled
-Changed Maiden's illusion to create a copy at the target point, copying the unit closest to the point. Allowing it to be used more offensively, Maximum of 2 illusions at a time, no longer last as long.
-Changed Maiden's Illusionary Explosion to now activate on cast instead of on target
-Changed Maiden's Invisibility to Relocation, swapping her with the closest illusion within 1000 yards.
-Maiden's Eye no longer reveals invisible units, but Illusion will copy a nearby target regardless of visibility.
-Added Mode Modifiers vote, to enable or disable.
-Mode Modifiers: Player 1 may select one at the start of game, then the winner of each game may select one upon each rematch. If the game is tied or a computer player is the victor, a random player will be selected to choose the modifier. Some Mode Modifiers will not be available in certain game modes.

-Added "Starvation" mode modifier, periodically spawns collectible foodstuffs across the map, grabbing one will provide 50 hp and increase your "hunger" stat, which diminishes over time, upon reaching 0 your character will periodically lose hp until raised. (Survival and DM)
-Added "Undeath" mode modifier, spawning a wandering skeleton upon any non-ward unit death. Skeletons are immune to most magical effects and all danger zones. (Survival, Daimyo and DM)
-Added "Juggernaut" mode modifier, randomly selects a player and grants them the juggernaut buff, greatly increasing speed, damage, and providing a passive hp regen. Upon slaying the juggernaut, you are granted the buff. (Survival and DM)
-Added "Swordmaster" mode modifier, granting all players a random equipment upon unit selection. These items can be any of the basic items, or a legendary item only available with this mode, all items granted this way will drop on death, upon respawn a random consumable will be given. (Survival, DM, Daimyo)
-Added "Assassination" mode modifier, randomly assigns each player a target, and a bounty. Upon killing the target, they will be granted gold and health, then a new bounty will be assigned, in addition, the player may hire Assassins to hunt their target, a new building will be made available where the hirelings can be purchased. They are permanently invisible until they attack, and will hunt the target until killed. (Survival, DM, Daimyo)

-Added "Daimyo" mode, places all players into two teams, each serving a Daimyo, Danger Zones are removed, and players respawn at their team's base. Any players unplaced are given "Ronin" status, which grants them a slight buff and alternate win conditions. Daimyos will periodically send soldiers at one another. Players will take longer to respawn the further from their main base they are upon death. Respawn timers will also periodically increase over time. Upon time limit completion, all players are killed and the highest score player is chosen as the victor, or a random player if tied.

Players under a Daimyo faction must slay the other team's Daimyo to win, the player with the highest enemy kills will be chosen as the victor (and given the option to choose the next modifier) Enemy kills are granted as follows: 1 for slaying a unit, 5 for an enemy player, and 15 for the enemy Daimyo.

The Ronin is granted increased stats, and will win with either team, but is hostile to both. Having the highest score grants them personal victory.

-Redid the way the voting system and options work, they're now all set by Player 1 red, with a "option select" unit available during character select time. This is both to reduce setup time and allow for easier mode changes in-between rematches, as well as make the other options more available for new players, a second "Mode Select" unit is visible to all players for the mode variables, when enabled by player 1, only the "winning player" will be able to apply the variables though.

1.74 -1.75
-Tadakatsu's Shoulder Charge should now properly be affected by Frost Prison
-Temporal Rift should now properly grant vision of the caster to it's target for the duration of the spell, if the target is a champion
-Actually reduced Frozen Prison's duration this time around instead of just the duration of its added effects :S
-Changed the animation effect of Kotara's Temporal Rift, it will now create a frozen shadowed copy of the target at the point of cast, purely for aesthetic reasons. The shadow figure will have purple effects swirling around it. This is both to improve the look of it and to allow players to be more aware of what's going on. The duration was also reduced from 15 to 10 seconds.
-Reduced cooldown of Soul Smash by 7 seconds.
-Fixed Samanosuke's God of Death spell, it will now move a bit faster, more fluently, and have a bit of animation to it. Also, when it gives you an error, it will provide you with the mana again.
-Samanosuke now passively heals 10 hp for every spirit portion he steals.
-Shade Form will now "dash" up or down cliff levels if the caster is within 700 range of the target point.
-greatly reduced cooldown of Soul Copy from 20 to 3, making it vastly more efficient in combat.
-Added some lore logs for the characters (mostly due to boredom)
-Samanosuke's Spirit Blade passive effect (the spirits around his sword) will now deal more damage every two stacks of mana he has, in addition to hitting more frequently.
-Both this and his raw damage bonus will update when casting a spell or after gaining mana, instead of on attack, this should keep it a little more accurate.
-Replaced Osamu's shockwave with Shadow Surge, upon casting any ability Osamu will create a shadow copy at the casting location, this shadow copy is invulnerable and cannot attack, grants slight vision, and will last for 6 seconds. When Shadow Surge is cast, all currently spawned clones will get a shadow immolation (damaging nearby enemies) and charge to the location of the caster, upon reaching the caster they will do a 10 damage AOE around the caster, per shadow. A maximum of 6 shadows can be summoned at any one time, and summoning a new shadow will refresh the expiration timers of the older shadows. If there are more than 6, a shadow is randomly replaced
-Replaced Osamu's Net with Shadow Hold, which will effectively do the same thing with different animation and effects, useful for lining up a deadly combo
1.73 -1.74
-Updated the information tab with the new champions
-Changed the text slightly on the victory trigger
-Reduced overall damage of Nouhime's auto-attack
-Sandayu can no longer cast Dirty Tricks while in a danger zone
-Tadakatsu's overall damage was reduced on his auto-attack
-Tadakatsu's max life reduced by 25
-Fixed Unblinking Eye
-Fixed Shade Form
-Reduced the overall damage Osamu deals with his auto-attack
-Reduced damage dealt with Masamune's Bullet Barrage
-Reduced damage dealt by both Earthquake and Demonic Wrath, lowered the movement speed reduction of Earthquake to 50% from 75%
1.72 -1.73
-added the ability to go under the bridge from the lower portion (in case a champion gets stuck there)
-Gave Gunslinger a passive bonus to Tracking, it will now reveal the location of a dead non-champion unit for 2 minutes, and a dead champion unit for 8 minutes.
-Fixed a bug that registered Nagamasa as dead when he resurrected an enemy champion.
-Changed Silent Step to grant a slight move speed bonus to Ayame
-Changed Samanosuke's shade form to also increase movement speed
-Removed move speed increase from Soul Consumption
-Changed Samanosuke's God of Death spell to be triggered, so it can no longer be blocked by Ranmaru's dodge ability, or any ability that grants invulnerability.
-God of Death can now be "redirected" by the chased target, by causing the god of death to move close to an enemy champion of lower health than yourself, cannot be redirected to Samanosuke (I don't have to outrun it, just you!)
-Added Tadakatsu the Undying
-Changed Nagamasa's Promotion ability, it will now deal damage in a cone in front of Nagamasa, and will cause nearby allies to attack 25% faster for 5 seconds.
-Reduced the movement speed bonus from Forward!
-Added the Calvary unit for Nagamasa, much stronger and faster than Ashigaru but costs 3 food, for a max of 2.
-Reduced the max hp of Samanosuke slightly
-Made Samanosuke and Yoshimoto regenerate faster but only on blight, (Joining Kotara)
-Ranmaru will now regenerate faster, but only during the night (joining Ayame)
-Nouhime and Yukimura will now regenerate faster, but only during the day
1.71 -1.72
-Hotfixed a bug that rendered Ayame unable to move while invisible
-Reduced Nobunaga's base damage
-Hotfixed a bug with Musashi's bladestorm that caused it to deal obscene amounts of damage
-Buffed Samonosuke by increasing heal potential, speed of God of Death, and damage of soul steal.
-Fixed a hotkey issue with Magoichi's new Scattershot
-Lessened the duration of Toshie's stun on his channeled tremor ability
-Lessened the duration and increased the cooldown of Toshie's Sand Attack
-Reduced the duration of all of Keiji's stuns, and lowered his damage slightly
-Reduced the damage dealt by Nagamasa
-Removed "Search Area" from Nagamasa's soldiers
1.70 -1.71
-Hotfixed a bug with the Ronin and Ruler
-Hopefully fixed the order of danger zone fog
-Removed Check Area from Ashigaru
-Added Samanosuke the Shinigami
1.65 -1.70
-Added a "death match" mode available with the -votemode command (most kills before the time limit)
-Updated Frost Prison's tool tip to accurately display the proper damage, as well as reduced overall damage and duration.
-Fixed Mitsuhide's Turncoat ability, it will now also apply a debuff to a recently turned unit, to provide a visual indicator of the cooldown upon that unit
-Updated game start up text display to alert players to stay away from danger zones and to inform them of the Auto-Rematch function
-Fixed a bug that killed all players inside a dangerzone instantly when the area became a dangerzone (Hopefully)
-Kojiro can now be selected
-Keiji and Masamune's health value lowered slightly
-Mitsuhides health increased slightly
-Replaced the Marksman's Bombardment ability with a Scatter Shot ability, an ability that shoots a jet of fire forward and launches him backward, can be used to jump over cliffs or obstacles
-Hopefully stopped the bridge from dying
-Added a few buyable items, the buying of items is very limited and so are their effects
-Musashi's Grappling Hook now deals damage upon hitting an enemy
-The time of day now goes by a little faster, adding more night opportunities but for less of a duration
-Bright Bullet now deals a little more damage
-Star Rain will now temporarily reveal the location of the Maiden to all players when cast
-Temporal Rift now grants vision of the location, and of Fuuma for it's duration.
-Chakra Blow now has unlimited range and flies slightly faster
-Greatly improved the layout of the Information tab (F9)
-Added a bonus ability to the Gunslinger's Acid Bomb, units under it's effect will now leave a trail of acid behind them, purely visual, but can assist in following hidden units.
-Ayame's poison passive now grants life steal as well, but cannot be used in kick stance.
-Ayame's regular and kick stance have lower max damage, but higher base
-Musashi's abilities now get bonuses based on buff amount, but have reduced base damage
-Testy Decoy now lasts longer, takes less damage, and has a shorter cooldown
-The Ritualist's dark minion now has a different model, lasts longer, and is invisible, but has a greatly reduced maximum hp.
-Added Osamu the Ronin
-Kojiro can now cast Surge Strike on a ward, exploding the ward and dealing 25 damage to surrounding units.
-Added Nagamasa the Ruler
1.64 -1.65
Kojiro the Rival has been added as a secret random-only character until v1.7
Made Dirty Tricks no longer target illusions and will no longer cast if no one is within range, instead giving you an error message.
Changed Star Rain to no longer damage wards or traps
Added alert messages telling you how much longer you can remain in the danger zone before you suffer.
fixed a bug with Nobunaga`s portals that caused them to spawn indefinitely.
Fixed a bug with Sandayu`s slumber ability that allowed him to retain the heal while no longer sleeping
Reduced damage of Star Rain by 15
1.63 -1.64
Combined Ranmaru's Hide and Evade abilities and gave him Explosive Shot, a single target ranged knockback
Fixed a hotkey issue on Ayame's Leg Twirl
Updated Danger Zone timers to correct themselves with the Time Limit changes
Added a vote option to instantly resolve a winner when only computers remain
Fixed a bug with "Max Lives" that caused the game to continue forever
Fixed a bug with Nobunaga's Spiraling Barrage no longer working properly after the previous leak purge
Fixed a couple triggers involving max lives, game leaving, and voting
changed the text alert display on deaths
1.62 -1.63
Reduced damage of Muneyosi`s Frozen Slash by 5
Decreased the duration of Toshiie`s Sand Attack by 2 seconds
Added basic AI that becomes slightly harder with higher difficulty.
Implemented Vote Options to select arena size, time limit, and even max lives
Fixed a bug with Ranmaru's Arrow Volley not spawning arrows due to faulty triggering after the previous trigger leak purge
1.61 -1.62
Changed Motoko`s shunpo effect colour to match the caster`s colour
Removed roughly 43 trigger leaks that were slowing down the game after repeated rematches
Reduced Yukimura`s max hp by 35
1.6 -1.61
Reworked Kotara's Shadow Tracker to use more triggers, making it more stable
Changed Oichi's Star Rain to now deal damage to all visible units after the channel is completed
Fixed a major bug involving players 11 and 12 not being registered in triggers
Nerfed Nagura`s chain lighting and lightning shield damages
Changed the colour of the minimap preview`s text to red to suit a colour scheme



Ideas, Inspiration - Will-Kill
Unit models and icons - Black_Stan
Spell FX - JetFangInferno
Map Optimizer, SimError - Vexorian
Fade FX (Shunpo), DUMMY model - Paladon
User Interface - Unwirklich
Parabolic Function (Used In Leap Strike) - moyak
Quick Colourizer - Pyritie
Shadow Hold Model - Shamanyouranus

Author's Notes:

The game may have balance issues and bugs, feel free to send me pm's regarding them or post here.

Battle Royale, Dynasty, Black_Stan, Teldrassil, Samurai, Warriors, Survival, FFA

Battle Royale Dynasty 1.75 (Map)

00:38, 18th Jun 2010 VGsatomi: A well rounded map. You created a good theme using the imported material. The text and UI really enhanced the setting. Some of the spells appear to be pretty powerful compared to others, particularly with the ranged...




00:38, 18th Jun 2010
VGsatomi: A well rounded map. You created a good theme using the imported material. The text and UI really enhanced the setting. Some of the spells appear to be pretty powerful compared to others, particularly with the ranged characters. The map is fairly small for this sort of Hero Arena-type map, but that can also be a bonus in that it allows for short games. The rematch feature adds a lot to the replay value and the AI makes solo gaming compatible. My only advice is continue to spice up the terrain and maybe adds a bit more playing field so players don't bump into each other so easily.
Level 6
Oct 10, 2009
Description has a good length, but,
[rainbow]Go here for codes to help with your description good sir, because beleive it or not, that's the only thing keeping me from downloading and reviewing this map.

If you'd like some examples of a good description try the following links, and maybe give rep to the authors for being so awesome :)

Shining Waters by R.Gaming_Strike

Avatar by dj0z

Feel free to let me know when description is updated so I may review the map. :)[/rainbow]
Level 10
Feb 7, 2005
Because that means I would have to press the update button on the map even when all I'm doing is changing text. I'm fairly certain that using the update button when I'm not really updating is a hassle for the mods, but I could be wrong, either way, simply editing a post is easier.
Level 6
Oct 10, 2009
no it's not. It won't even put your map at the top of the maps list unless you put a map into the area where it asks for a map. Just updating the description won't do anything. :)

EDIT: well, here's the review.

CWeener's Review {Protected maps} V2.98 Review # 14

Reviewing the map "Battle Royale Dynasty 1.61"

Rating System (in weener points:)

1-10 Originality
1-10 Replayability (discounted for cinematics*)
1-10 Triggering (discounted for protected maps*)
1-10 Terraining
1-10 Object Managing (custom items and destructibles etc...)
1-10 Spells (if applies**)
1-10 Description
1-15 Engaging a.k.a. fun to play
1-15 Misc (size, system implementation, laginess etc...)
-100 or +100 for abiding by THW rules.
* = when one is discounted then other sections maximums are raised, and those sections are judged harder (if your map applies then it will show you what i raised later)
** = some maps dont really need spells so this section is discounted and given an automatic 10.
Rating System Scores

Less than 100 = FF- (Reported, You clearly didnt abide by all of the posting rules, and i have reported you for (not) doing so.)
100-150 Points = F- (Rancid and Needs major work. Vote for Rejection and no +rep.)
151-160 Points = F (Bad and Needs work. vote for Rejection and no +rep.)
161-170 Points = D (Below Average and Needs much updating. has potential. vote for rejection and no +rep.)
171-180 Points = C (Okay but Needs updates. has potential. vote for rejection* and no +rep.)
181-190 Points = B (Good but still not reaching full potential vote for approval but no +rep)
191-199 Points = A (Great and probably has reached full potential**. good job. vote for approval and +rep.)
200 Points = A+ (Amazing, you did everything right and went all out, approval and +rep)

* = depending on the map really, and what categories it scored low in
** = not always but most cases.
Battle Royale Dynasty 1.61

Triggering scores not available, so other maximums were raised(see rating system*)

1-11 Originality *9* while this map has unique aspects, it's main concept is has been done on occasion.
1-11 Replayabilit5 *9* Fairly fun with friends, and the UI amazes me everytime :)
1-11 Terraining *11* Very nice in every aspect.
1-11 Object Managing *10* Good work on tooltips being accurate.
1-11 Spells *10* All are fully functioning
1-11 Description *8* Nice, could use screenshots however.
1-17 Engaging *15* It engages you for a few games +
1-17 Misc *16* The UI was wonderful, gd I wish you could show me how to do this. My complaints were it's sheer size, but you only got points off, for no AI.
-100 or 100 Rules *100* :grin:
0-200 All-in-all *188* B (Good but still not reaching full potential vote for approval and +rep was given)

Author's Note,

Amazing. Simply amazing. I wish you could show me the UI thing, and custom text though :) Good job. 5/5
Nothing that I could see.

my dislikes say it all.


Custom UI
Custom Font
Custom Models
The Japanese anime feeling to it:grin:
The Execution
Effort that was clearly put in.

[didn't like]
Needs an AI though... :/ AI just sit there after game start.

If any map I've reviewed has been updated, feel free the ask me to re-review it. or if I haven't reviewed YOUR map, feel free to ask me. :)
Last edited:
Level 9
Dec 8, 2009
Review by ACdestinydream

Score system

your map would be given points as in the following criterias. The number at the side are the total score you can get from that aspect.

Description [10]
Creativity [15]
Triggering [15]
Playability [5]
Object Managing [10]
Terrain [15]

Overall [70]


Description [10]
This aspect determines how much work you have put into your map's description.

1~3 You did not put enough work into it.
4~7 It looks good, but it lacks screenshots etc.
8~10 It is just that perfect! Keep it up!

Creativity [15]
This aspect determines how much creatvity you have put into your map.

1~5 This map is obviously copied.
6~10 This map lacks some creativity.
11~15 You have thought of many ideas and it is quite creative with many different things which others do not have. Good job!

Triggering [15]
This aspect determines how much triggering work you have put into your map.

1~5 This map is full of leaks and it have many bad triggers.
6~10 This map have quite alot of leaks yet it is still playable.
11~15 This map have little leaks and uses good triggers.

Playability [5]
This aspect determines whether your map is fun to play or not.

1~2 Boring game with little/no help given.
3~4 Quite a fun game yet the playability is not there yet.
5 This map is fun and enjoyable.

Object Managing [10]
This aspect determines how well you have put in custom models/icons to fit your map.

1~3 Wrong usage of custom models/icons and bad tooltips/missing tooltips.
4~7 Custom models were used correctly but there are still some bad tooltips.
8~10 Little/no mistake in tooltips or icons.

Terrain [15]
This aspect determines how well did you terrain your map.

1~5 Bland terrain/doodad spammage/bad looking places/wrong usage of tiles
6~10 Some of the doodads were used correctly and some of the terrains were bad looking.
11~15 Great usage of doodads with good placement of different buildings etc.

1~10 1/5 map rating with a Reject. [No rep]
11~20 2/5 map rating with a Reject. [No rep]
21~30 2/5 map rating with an Approve. [No rep]
31~40 3/5 map rating with an Approve. [No rep]
41~50 3/5 map rating with an Approve. [+rep]
51~60 4/5 map rating with an Approve. [+rep]
61~70 5/5 map rating with an Approve. [+rep]

My review of Battle Royale Dynasty

Description [6/10]

It does not describe this map very much. However, u placed credits which many maps will forget to.

Creativity [12/15]

This map is very creative as it does not copies any other maps.

Triggering [11/15]

Many skills were custom made (nearly all) but some of the skills were too strong and some characters just pure own.

Playability [2/5]

It gets boring really quickly as it lacks the length of a normal game.

Object managing [9/10]

All the charaters were custom and all icons and tooltips were properly placed. I only dislike how big the map is D=

Terrain [7/15]

There were many areas, but those areas were flat with many trees.

personal comment:
Battle royale Dynasty is a fast-paced survival game where players kill each other and the game will end. However, there are many un-balanced heroes such as the legend which have those stunning skills. He just kills the game. The maiden too. She have a map dmg (wow?) which is painful and long ranged. This makes her really unbalanced. work on it.

Overall = 6 + 12 + 11 +2 + 9 + 7 = 47/70 (3/5 rating with approve and rep)

Final rating: 47/70 (3/5 map rating + approve + rep)

Reviewed by ACdestinydream. Please contact me if you disagree with my review or you want me to review your map again.
Level 10
Feb 7, 2005
Thank you for your reviews and taking the time to bother with it, I was thinking of adding in game options to decrease the size of the arena or decrease the countdown timer. I have been working on AI, it just isn`t completed yet and will be available in future versions.

I`ll try to add some nice screenshots into the description, maybe play with the height fields on the terrain to make it a little more interesting. I however don`t much believe in height levels that vary too much on playable terrain, as it leaves units standing awkwardly and causes dummy units to fly in odd angles. I would enjoy more feudal styled doodads to make the terrain suit the theme a little more though.

I am most eagerly trying to balance the map, however it is hard to know what is "overpowered" when the only person you have to test with is yourself, hopefully I can improve the balance as the game progresses.
Level 1
Jan 2, 2010
love this game. few imbalances, of course, legend and sensei really really need to be nerfed, and of course ai needs to do something better then just stay in one place, in order for host to be able to fill up empty slots with them. but otherwise i really really like the idea and the concept, keep it up ^^



Level 1
Jun 15, 2010
Yo, this map has cool ideas

though you should nerf some heroes , some of them are crazy.. but in original Battle Royalle movie nobody was equall either :p

my suggestion , make danger zones smaller , and more of them, and make them appear randomly, not in same order game after game, that would be much better , cuz games allways end around fountain atm
Level 1
Jun 20, 2010
For some reason I am unable to play it when I select it. It did this on other maps as well that I have downloaded. Any one know what might be the problem?
Level 10
Feb 7, 2005
Well there could be any number of problems, common ones being:

There is a problem with your installation of warcraft
Your version of warcraft is not up to date with patch 1.24
(some maps are incompatible and others have too large of file size)
The file name of the map is too long for warcraft to recognize

as well as many others, try updating your game, shortening the file names of the maps that wont work, or even reinstalling.
Level 1
Jun 20, 2010
It was probably the patch. I didn't notice mine was 1.18. Thanks for the input now i can enjoy playing more maps. (x3)
Level 1
Jun 20, 2010
I'm curious if you can add a team mode to this game unless it already has one that I didn't notice or death match or AOS. I would actually love that. >.>
Level 10
Feb 7, 2005
haha fair enough, surprisingly though its never that bad when I host it, I have a couple games (like azeroth wars) that take for friggin ever to dl and load, and this dl / load is nothin compared to them. Tis a shame though cause the maps only getting bigger.
Level 5
Dec 20, 2007
Your maps is so fun.

but one big disadvantge is it quite slow for running this game

make some boring to wait , all of heroes have to died first until next game will start again.

maybe this map is not match to me because i am a hothead person.

but some ppl may feel like me too.

do you have any opinion?
Level 9
May 14, 2008
This map is so great !
Battleroyale is normaly made with random powers, so you should add more random luck, like items at start (some got ubber items, some don't), why the danger zones are not "pinged" on the minimap ? Make them randomly selected too !
I'll post later when i'll test v1.65
Level 9
May 14, 2008
Mitsuhide the betrayer can't use more than once his Turncoat spell, after using on one ennemy, it cn't be used forever on this ennemy. It's also written "30 sec" for the duration but it's more like 10 sec. Without being able to use this spell, Mitsuhide is useless and can't play.

Is it normal that Sandayu randomly teleports with someone ?

When the first time the danger zone activate, anyone there die instantly, and not after 10 sec.
Merchants with no items ?
You should write some tips about dangers zones during game and about restart (before they die).
How to choose a hero randomly ? why 5 of them can't be picked ?

Using the sensei (ice mage), it's written that the iceberg spell does 200 dmg but it's wrong, it's 100 dmg.

I also hope it's made on purpose those imbalances, cause it's fun, it's battle royale !!

I don't remember everything but i'll tell you what's wrong :p

When will the new version come out ?
Last edited:




Awesome map, I am a great fan of random arena maps. And the models here are not just awesomely made, but all the animations are flawless. Well, from the player's eye that is, excuse me I know shit about modeling. I tried almost all heroes in about 9 matches so I'll comment on what I saw and what I played with or against

-Extremely fun, repetitive (in a good way)
-All heroes are unique
-Damage heroes do is dependent on the type
-A great hide and seek map, with shops that have just what you need
-It has AI! I love maps who have AI, no matter if the bots are really really mentally challenged

-90% of the spells are just the same effects, with little change
-map is too large, and heroes movespeed is slow compared to that, it takes ages to go from one end to another
-hero imbalance, compared to damage all do and overall spell

1. The first hero I tried was the one who could hire a peasant and build stuff. Sorry for not remembering the name or the type, the names are too long either way. Well when he uses his (Deathknight's 4th spell) to bring back invulnerable dead to fight for you, I used it near two slain heroes. I got them, and after the spell was done, both of them died and it told me that I was dead and I should wait when infact the two summoned units were dead. So the map was revealed for me and I still had my hero, even though in the leaderboard I was dead. You should trigger a solution for this
2. The Assassin's windwalk gives movespeed in one stance but not in another? I couldn't catch to a hero with it
3. The banisher hero? Its spell to completely remove someone from the map both confuses the user and lasts too long. I'd say put some sort of indicator when your being removed from the map to help you know where you are. Also, reduce the time your being sent to Mars :)

1. More items, with more diversity. Like armor for instance is a good stat I'd like to have, but instead only found to pick from boots, claws and hp armor. A lifesteal potion would also be great, could be the most expensive item on the map, still its a choice
2. Increase the natural movespeed of each hero by atleast +30-50 so that running across the map wouldn't be one hour trip (not literally of course, but heroes are slow even with boots)
3. Trigger more double effect abilities for other heroes. The gunner hero for instance has all default spells. Not bad, but you could make it lot better.

Overall I give the map 5/5 even though there are bugs and imbalances. Love to play it. Good job!
Level 10
Feb 7, 2005
First off, thanks for the review!

I'll be working to improve the AI as time goes on, for now, by putting them at a higher difficulty (normal or insane) they will actually behave a little differently.

-90% of the spells are just the same effects, with little change

I'll be slowly replacing these spells once all the characters are in the game, I want to work on getting a decent balance before I go around making any big changes to their gameplay

-map is too large, and heroes movespeed is slow compared to that, it takes ages to go from one end to another

I've never really had a huge problem with this, and I don't want to change the movement speed too much right now, as some heroes are purposely slower than others. I might end up giving them all a generic move speed buff, but by doing so it messes with the fly speed of skill shots (as they will be easier to dodge) as well as many other spells, some of the move speed bonuses will get pretty disproportional pretty fast.

-hero imbalance, compared to damage all do and overall spell

I am working on balancing them, I haven't had too much of a problem with any one character right now, it's not like one champion will always win against another, also certain champions have different play styles that will suit them better, for example if the gunslinger uses hit and run tactics she can deal major damage while keeping her health high, whereas a champion like Keiji is all about a straight up fight.

1. The first hero I tried was the one who could hire a peasant and build stuff. Sorry for not remembering the name or the type, the names are too long either way. Well when he uses his (Deathknight's 4th spell) to bring back invulnerable dead to fight for you, I used it near two slain heroes. I got them, and after the spell was done, both of them died and it told me that I was dead and I should wait when infact the two summoned units were dead. So the map was revealed for me and I still had my hero, even though in the leaderboard I was dead. You should trigger a solution for this

I will definitely fix this, thanks very much!

2. The Assassin's windwalk gives movespeed in one stance but not in another? I couldn't catch to a hero with it

actually it didn't give move speed in either stance, in fact it actually decreases move speed. And her kick stance naturally moves slower than her dagger stance, but deals more damage, so its best to switch between them when chasing or attacking. I changed it to give a slight move speed buff for the next version though.

3. The banisher hero? Its spell to completely remove someone from the map both confuses the user and lasts too long. I'd say put some sort of indicator when your being removed from the map to help you know where you are. Also, reduce the time your being sent to Mars :)

I could do this, I'll probably replace it entirely at some point

1. More items, with more diversity. Like armor for instance is a good stat I'd like to have, but instead only found to pick from boots, claws and hp armor. A lifesteal potion would also be great, could be the most expensive item on the map, still its a choice

I will be making more items eventually, I'd prefer to keep them to consumables so I'm not sure how many more permanents there will be, the goal is to give a slight edge but not to the point of imbalance. I just might give a vampiric potion, but I think the just straight hp potion is more useful.

3. Trigger more double effect abilities for other heroes. The gunner hero for instance has all default spells. Not bad, but you could make it lot better.

will do eventually, thanks!

Overall I give the map 5/5 even though there are bugs and imbalances. Love to play it. Good job!

Thank you very much glad to hear it :)
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I've never really had a huge problem with this, and I don't want to change the movement speed too much right now, as some heroes are purposely slower than others. I might end up giving them all a generic move speed buff, but by doing so it messes with the fly speed of skill shots (as they will be easier to dodge) as well as many other spells, some of the move speed bonuses will get pretty disproportional pretty fast.

Well, just saying that if you add +10-30 movespeed to all heroes, you can also increase the dummy unit skillshot's movespeed or flyspeed so dodging would be hard as it was before. You might not have had problems, but I find it hard to pick a slow hero, survive till the end and then search the entire map to find the remaining bot by foot. A small movespeed boost wouldn't hurt

actually it didn't give move speed in either stance, in fact it actually decreases move speed. And her kick stance naturally moves slower than her dagger stance, but deals more damage, so its best to switch between them when chasing or attacking. I changed it to give a slight move speed buff for the next version though.

Ah so it decreases move speed. My bad, misunderstood that one

3. The banisher hero? Its spell to completely remove someone from the map both confuses the user and lasts too long. I'd say put some sort of indicator when your being removed from the map to help you know where you are. Also, reduce the time your being sent to Mars :)

I could do this, I'll probably replace it entirely at some point

You don't have to remove the spell, I'm sure its good. But it lasts too long and you get pretty confused with "WTF HAPPENED!!!" once you get hit by it. Just place an indicator, like idk, some effect, unit with locust for the time being while your being removed so the player knows he is still in game just being disabled.

I will be making more items eventually, I'd prefer to keep them to consumables so I'm not sure how many more permanents there will be, the goal is to give a slight edge but not to the point of imbalance. I just might give a vampiric potion, but I think the just straight hp potion is more useful.

There are enough consumables, with lifesteal being an idea. What I am saying is, since you have each hero can carry one item max ( do you, or I didn't notice properly ) you can also add a diversity so the player can pick whatever he thinks will help him slightly, whether it would be, armor, hp, hp regen, damage...
Level 9
May 14, 2008
can't play this no one comes when i host :x

i tried the soul stealer but he kind of sucked or maybe u can only play him one way : you steal souls, u run, you regen, you steal souls, etc..., then you wait till everyone is dead but the last one and you use the shinigami spell which does 200 damage and kill the last character alive

i tried the shinigami spell against a girl computer controled in melee but it did no damage dunno if i've been stunned during the process
Level 10
Feb 7, 2005
can't play this no one comes when i host :x

i tried the soul stealer but he kind of sucked or maybe u can only play him one way : you steal souls, u run, you regen, you steal souls, etc..., then you wait till everyone is dead but the last one and you use the shinigami spell which does 200 damage and kill the last character alive

i tried the shinigami spell against a girl computer controled in melee but it did no damage dunno if i've been stunned during the process

The comp you used it on was probably Ranmaru, who can dodge spells. This is fixed now and shouldn't happen, the Samanosuke should also be better as a whole, got buffed a lot.

also the hosting problem isn't something I can help you with. War3 is pretty much dead, it's overpopulated by bots and if you're not using a bot you may never get people to join.

Most of the games you get to play on war3 are bad imbalanced ones that haven't been updated nor will be updated.

Play with friends, is all I can recommend.

Oh and sentry, the game currently allows for all 6 inventory slots to be used, also, as a slower character buy one of those pots of omni to find the last comp, I'll look into the move speed thing anyway though. Not sure if 15-20 move speed will make a noticeable difference so I'll see how high I can go while keeping it not super imba.

Keep in mind that the faster you move the faster someone can get to a fountain and the longer they will have to heal, all sorts of different factors I need to take into consideration when adjusting move speed.
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Level 9
May 14, 2008
the new heroes are very fun
i found a bug, the computers went into the danger zone forest and scar and they didn't die (there were 2) so i voteskiped

also you should add an indicator when the danger zone is becoming a danger zone (i mean before it becomes dangerouse) because my frenchies players don't understand a shit xD

and we could have a little time to read our spells before the fight starts

in F9 the two last heroes described got the same strategy text (lol)