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Battle of Ashenvale v.0.6

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.

General Information :

Battle_of_Ashenvale is a Hero-Arena like map, where the goal is, to kill the enemy king. Players can choose one of the two faction, in this map : the mighty Horde or the noble Alliance, and pick a hero and fight for them. The game also has 3 original Quests with some nice bountys ( new Hero, loads and loads of gold, items and more :D). There are 12 Shop Types in this map. ( examples : Potion Shop, Pet Shop ).

Resources :

In BoA the main resource is not only gold, like in other maps, but you also need wood ( which can be gained by killing units) to buy powerfull items or hire allies that help you in battle.

Battlefronts :

There are 3 ways to get to the enemy base/king. north way, middle way and south way. They are all different from another. ( Other units, etc.).


There are 3 quest in this map. In the first one you need to fight against a mad centaur king. In the second one, you need to kill a horde of wolfes and fight your way through a old cave to save an old allie. And in the third one, you will face a giant demon. Every quest has of course an unique bounty. So play the map and get that bounty ! :)

Training Grounds :

If you are the type of guy that don´t like to go to the front of the battle and fight against other players, you can spend some nice time in one of the 4 training grounds.

The Heroes :

There are 39 playable Heroes. There is always at least one new heroe in every single update :)

Arena :

The Arena is a new feature in BoA. This Arena is not like other arenas where you NEED to join the battle, here you can choose if you want to enter or if you don´t want. However, you need to pay 100 gold coins to enter the arena. But if you survive till the end of the battle you will receive 200 gold coins. Now you are sure thinking : Will should I risk my life for 200 gold coins!? Well, if you kill a hero, you will get 100 gold coins + 300 gold! (arena kill reward). Then if you survive the whole arena battle you get more +200 gold coins. Total = 600 gold coins or more ( if you kill more heroes). Not much for you? Okay now "hear" this, there are 4 Creeps in the Arena that give a total of 200-300 coins, and there are other 5 Soldiers of the Horde/Alliance that give you a total of 50.
If you are smart ( or strong ) engouth you can make much money in the arena + kill the enemy heroes taking them out of battle for some time!
Now go and join the arena fight!


Battle Time : 3 minutes

Hero Kill + Arena Hero Kill: 400gold

Arena Survive Reward : 200gold

Total Creep Kill Bonus : 100-250 gold

Items : Rune of AOE-Healing, Rune of Speed and 50% Chance of Rune of Rebirth in every creep

Minimal Reward/Bounty : 200 gold - 100 gold = 100 gold

Maximal Reward/Bounty : 400 gold x 5 + 200 gold + 250 gold - 100 gold = 2325 gold coins!

Here :

Models : General Frank/ Burning_Dragoon5 / Miseracord/ TurieL/ Sellenisko/ Xazuki/ Sheyd/ republicola/ RightField/ WILL THE ALMIGHTY

Icons : Dionesiist/ SkriK/ L_Lawliet/ Mc_!/ kola/ bigapple90

Terrain/Triggers/Spells and the rest : WarCoelho

Autor : WarCoelho

Important!!!:All these people are from The Hive Workshop, including the Autor. You can ONLY find this map in The Hive Workshop,if you find it in a other site,please contact me at The Hive Workshop. Sincere thanks, WarCoelho

Resume :

- 18 Alliance Heroes / 20 Horde Heroes !
- 12 Types of Shops!
- 4 Training Grounds!
- 3 great unique Quests and 4 crazy bosses and 9 mini-bosses!
- An Arena!
- More then 40 purchsable Units!
- At least 50 items!
- Teleports in you base!
- Funny events! ( examples : Dragon attacks! , creep invasions! , undead plagues! )
- and much more :D

[self="http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/members/156381-albums4386.html"] SCREENSHOTS[/self]

Well that was the description. I hope you like the map and that you and your friends have a lot of fun with it!

Any hint, tip, critic or suggestion will be honestly aceppted.
It would be nice if you guys rate the map or vote in that poll i´ve made :)
Sincerely thanks, WarCoelho.

Thank you <3 :D )

Version 0.6.:

- New Hero for the Alliance : Space Marine

- New Hero for the Horde : Space Orc

- The Spell "Mirror Image" produces now only 1-2 mirror images
- The item "Gem of True Seeing" costs now 200 gold and 600 lumber
- Now if you kill a catapult / demolisher you will get 10 wood
- New Shop : Murloc Merchant ( 10 Blizzard items / 1 custom item )
- New Shop : Troll Merchant ( 11 Blizzard items )
- Changed the model of the hero "Demon Hunter" from "Illidan" to "Default"
- Removed the following apells from the boss "Green Dragon" : Roar, Devour and Firebolt
- Added a new item to the Book Shop, its is Grimoire of Souls
- Changed the model of the unit "Elite Raider" from "Fel Orc Raider" to "Fel Orc Rampager"

Version 0.5.:

- New Hero for the Horde : Alchemist
- New Hero for the Horde : Banshee
- New Hero for the Horde : Naga Royal Guard
- New Hero for the Horde : Naga Siren
- New Hero for the Horde : Doom Guard

- New Hero for the Alliance : Pandaren Warrior
- New Hero for the Alliance : Runemaster
- New Hero for the Alliance : Priest
- New Hero for the Alliance : Sorcerer

- Changed the bounty of the second quest
- Now all bosses ( including Furion and Thrall ) have useful items that make them harder to kill
- Now there can be 6 death knights per team
- After 12 minutes, all gates will be destroyed, freeing all creeps
- Added an Arena System
- Added Hero Kill Rewards ( first blood, etc. )
- Many items have now a new model.
- Added +10 Attack Points to the following units : Sorcerer, Summoner, Shaman and Necromancer
- The Towers of the Horde and the Alliance have now 8.000 hit points and both towers have the Magic Sentry abilitie
- Added the item Ring of Agility ( +3 Agility )
- The Barricades from the Hero "Elite Rifleman" now have the abilite "Devotion Aura"
- The abilitie "Shadowmeld ( Hero )" has been removed
- All heroes have now the same life regeneration rate in the beginning. ( 0.25 )
- All heroes now always regenerate life. ( Not only at night/day or while on blight )
- Added the hero spell "Attribute Bonus" to all heroes
- All spells from the hero "Pandaren Brewmaster" can now get to LvL 4 / LvL 2 ( Ultimate )
- Removed "Flame Strike" from the Hero "Dark Shaman" and added the abilitie "Doom"

Version 0.4b.:

- Added more 20.000 hit points to Green Dragon
- Added "Staff of Reanimation" to the shop "Second Hand Shop"
- Suff´kar is no longer bugged
- Added the abilitie "Phoenix Fire" to the Green Dragon

Version 0.4.:

- Forgotten/Secret Cave are now larger/bigger
- Changed "Sea Witch" voice
- Added 10.000 hit points to Green Dragon´s life
- Now Undeads regenerate life like other units
- The unit summoner is no longer an undead
- Green Dragon can no longer flee
- Now ground can attack the Green Dragon
- The Bases are now heavier defended
- Moved the place of some towers ( Alliance/Horde )
- Beserker Trolls ( Horde ) have been replaced by the old non-upgraded troll ( RoC Model )
- Abilitie "Destroyer Form" has been removed
- Upgrade Peons/Peasants are now invunerable
- Removed some abilities from Green Dragon
- Item "Teleport Staff" now costs 2.000 gold and 2.000 wood
- Now, you can only enter the forgotten/secret cave after "Wau Wau the Wolf" is dead
- The Green Dragon now stays on the map till he is dead
- Removed 1 Summoner from the Middle Alliance Wave and replaced him with 1 Sorcerer
- Item " Greater Replenishment Potion is now buyable
- Added 2.000 hitpoints to all types of towers
- Changed the model of the alliance catapult
- Now, units can no longer leave the secret/forgotten cave. You will need to leave without them...
- After the Deeplord Revenant is dead, the undead transformation triggers are going to be disabled
- "Black Arrow ( LvL 4 )" has now longer duration but it creates only 1 Skeleton Minion

Version 0.3b.:
- More Creeps
- Fixed the green dragon route and spawn time
- Added lots of new dropable items

Version 0.3.:

- Changed Green Dragons life to 20.000
- Added more spells to Green Dragon
- Added more 150 attack points to Green Dragon
- Green Dragon has now an even better attack route
- Changed Honor Tavern´s Owner to Horde Forces
- Removed Peasant and Peons from the map
- Horde/Alliance Scouts call only 1 time for help now
- Now, only heroes can start the cinematic at the secret/forgotten cave
- Fixed a bug that completed the third quest before it were even done
- DarkSkull´s reinforcements are now limited
- Summoned Skeleton Warriors / Mages now attack the enemy base instead of just standing at their spawn point
- Pandaren is now invunerable, he turns vunerable after someone start to be his owner
- Players have now an invunerable chest, were they can store items for later use.
- Changed the place of the first alliance south tower.
- The forgotten/secret cave now close after the 2. quest
- Mountain Gigants and their evolution now dont have the abilty "War Club"
- Added more creeps
- Added a new shop called "Second Hand Shop"
- Removed the ability "Doom" from the Hero Dark Shaman
- Changed the Missile Art from the Unit "Summoner"
- New Hero, named "Sea Witch" ( Horde )
- Changed the name of the second boss from "Samuro" to "Wau Wau the Wolf"

Version 0.2.:

- Fixed Undead Razormane Transformation
- Green Dragon has now a smarter "attack route/plan"
- Added a description to the hero spell "Encourage"
- Peons can now build other types of towers
- Added a floating text over the teleports
- Player units can now use the teleports
- Added "Drop Items" to many units
- New Hero for the Horde : Fire Mage
- New Hero for the Horde : Firelord
- The Hero "Icelord" is now at the side of the Alliance
- Changed the icon and model from the hero "Demon Hunter"
- Corrected (again) some "writing" errors
- The Green Dragon is stronger now.

Version 0.1b.:

-Corrected some writing errors.
-Now these heroes are buyable at the beginning of the map. ( Warrior, Elite Militia and Paladin )

Version 0.1.: First Version

Thanks :)

Ashenvale, Hero, Night Elf, Alliance, Horde, Orc, Warsong Gulch, Warsong, Battle, AoS, Heroes, Heroes, Arena, WarCoelho, War, Forest, Furion, Thrall,

Battle of Ashenvale v.0.6 (Map)

17:09, 29th Aug 2011 -Kobas-: Status: Rejected

What do you think about my map?

  • Total voters
Level 5
Sep 3, 2008
Hello friend.
Well I have noticed that the name is wrong.Im changing this right now.

"Created by Rafael Fernandes Coelho ; Uploaded by: WarCoelho"

Hell thats strange. Rafael Fernandes Coelho is my name...

And thanks for the BB Codes Hint


EDIT : Hided the Description, wrote the map name right this time and corrected the Autor Name.

EDIT2 : Just corrected the Map Description.

EDIT3 : Maybe you guys also noticed that this is marked as War3 Roc Map, but you will need TFT to play. I dunno why its been showed as a RoC Map
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Level 9
Sep 18, 2010
Hello friend.
Well I have just posted that name is wrong.Im changing this right now.

"Created by Rafael Fernandes Coelho ; Uploaded by: WarCoelho"

Hell thats strange. Rafael Fernandes Coelho is my name...

And thanks for the BB Codes Hint

Good.. and no problem,
EDIT : Hided the Description, wrote the map name right this time and corrected the Autor Name.

EDIT2 : Just corrected the Map Description.

EDIT3 : Maybe you guys also noticed that this is marked as War3 Roc Map, but you will need TFT to play. I dunno why its been showed as a RoC Map
The description needs more BB Codes just one hidden or a few Bolds won't do:goblin_sleep:

btw also put in a few screenshots.
Level 1
Oct 7, 2008
I have just downloaded your map. I must say it made fun to play it. It would better if you had more custom heroes...

Anyway its a good map, should be approved :)
Level 5
Sep 3, 2008
I meant here on the Hive; I did not check in-game yet.

Okay, im checking it...Could take some time to correct it.

And thanks for telling me that the description is full whit gramatic errors :p

EDIT : Well, i hope its better now.

EDIT2 : Im working on a little update right now.Im going to update it in some time.
Its ready. Have fun with Version 0.2!

EDIT3 : Screenshots are now avaliable.
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Level 30
Jul 31, 2010
this is a nice map, but how come both factions share the same "Demolisher" unit? because that catapult is really defined for Horde use instead of the Alliance, maybe try replacing it with the steam tank or the glaive thrower unit.

even without the use of importing some customs you just made your map really nice! I hope their is more modifications your going to make, keep it up! 10/10! :grin:
Level 5
Sep 3, 2008
this is a nice map, but how come both factions share the same "Demolisher" unit? because that catapult is really defined for Horde use instead of the Alliance, maybe try replacing it with the steam tank or the glaive thrower unit.

even without the use of importing some customs you just made your map really nice! I hope their is more modifications your going to make, keep it up! 10/10! :grin:

Hello :)
Well, actually the alliance should actually have the old horde catapult ( from RoC ). But somehow its turn into a demolisher cO. Steam Tank?? hmmmm yes that is very good idea , the alliance is in need of more dwarfs xD
Customs models will come very soon ( next version maybe ;)
Anyway i thank you for playing my map :DDD

By the way does somebody know the name of the Night Elf King?
Thanks ;D
Level 30
Jul 31, 2010
By the way does somebody know the name of the Night Elf King?
Thanks ;D

There is a way to return back the Catapult model from Reign of Chaos Patch, here's how it goes:
go to your units section from the World Editor and look for the Demolisher unit, inside of it you can see "Art - Model File - Extra Version" like this one for example:


Go tick it. and then you will see 2 classifications for the unit/model, just go tick the ROC version and there you can return the old models from the Frozen Throne Expansion, here is an example:


I hope this helps, by the way, about an Night Elf King? hmm, not sure if there is one, I only know 1 Leader named "Furion Stormrage", he's not a king but a elder druid for their race.

EDIT: my anti-virus pop out. god dammit! :alol:
Level 5
Sep 3, 2008
Ooook, You are going to see a catapult at the side of the alliance in the next update ^^
And thanks for helping me :grin:

Yes I know that Furion is a leader of the Night Elfs, but I want to know the name of the boss ;). Im thinking about taking Thrall and Furion out of the Map and putting Garrosh and the Night Elf Leader in their place ( or maybe the actual leader of the warsong clan and the leader of the silvermoons )

EDIT : oh, im sorry orcnet but i forgot to change the catapult model :/
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Level 7
Feb 12, 2010
i dont think there is really an official leader of the NE though tyrande and furion are the ones that would be imo

EDIT: you might want to add credits in the description on the hive, also the paths are too straight, in real life the path would be much more winding.
Level 30
Jul 31, 2010
Yes I know that Furion is a leader of the Night Elfs, but I want to know the name of the boss ;). Im thinking about taking Thrall and Furion out of the Map and putting Garrosh and the Night Elf Leader in their place ( or maybe the actual leader of the warsong clan and the leader of the silvermoons )

I'm not sure if I'm breaking the balance between the time lines of Warcraft, but I think its better to use the aggressive leaders of both factions such as Admiral Daelin Proudmoore and Grom Hellscream, even though their already dead. but If you want the present-time leaders, I guess Garrosh Hellscream and King Varian Wrynn can fit the position?

EDIT : oh, im sorry orcnet but i forgot to change the catapult model :/
Nah! Its okay! just go and go until you find your tone dude :cgrin:
Level 5
Sep 3, 2008
i dont think there is really an official leader of the NE though tyrande and furion are the ones that would be imo

EDIT: you might want to add credits in the description on the hive, also the paths are too straight, in real life the path would be much more winding.

Ok, im gonna add credits in the description here on the hive. Well i think the paths are large engouht. Im planning to make some curves...

I'm not sure if I'm breaking the balance between the time lines of Warcraft, but I think its better to use the aggressive leaders of both factions such as Admiral Daelin Proudmoore and Grom Hellscream, even though their already dead. but If you want the present-time leaders, I guess Garrosh Hellscream and King Varian Wrynn can fit the position?

Nah! Its okay! just go and go until you find your tone dude :cgrin:

Hmmm, i like you may have noticed the Alliance base is a NE base , so its would look kind of strange if i put king varian as a boss there ;D

And thank you both for testing my map and giving me advices :)
Level 5
Sep 3, 2008
LOL! I forgot the NE race :alol:
maybe furion can be the good fit for the game, sure no prob, just keep it up the good work!

yeah i think furion is going to stay ^^

In the moment im working on 3 new heroes:grin:

Have a nice day guys,


Here the first hero and some spells:

Paragon (its a worgen with 2 swords, model made by General_Frank)

Ready Spells

1st :

LvL 1 : 200% Speed bonus for 10-12 sec
LvL 2 : 260% "
LvL 3 : 320% "
LvL 4 : 380% "

2nd :

Magical Net
The paragon creates a magical net that damage and captures the enemy for some time.

I´m in need of ideas for spells and hero classes! Any help is welcomed ! :D
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Level 30
Jul 31, 2010
yeah i think furion is going to stay ^^

In the moment im working on 3 new heroes:grin:

Have a nice day guys,


Here the first hero and some spells:

Paragon (its a worgen with 2 swords, model made by General_Frank)

Ready Spells

1st :

LvL 1 : 200% Speed bonus for 10-12 sec
LvL 2 : 260% "
LvL 3 : 320% "
LvL 4 : 380% "

2nd :

Magical Net
The paragon creates a magical net that damage and captures the enemy for some time.

I´m in need of ideas for spells and hero classes! Any help is welcomed ! :D

well I don't know much of triggering spells, and I'm guessing no one can hear you, if you want someone to help you with your spells go to this section: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/world-editor-help-zone-98/
there are tons of helpers and professionals alike that are willing to help people from their work, go try it dude
Level 5
Sep 3, 2008
well I don't know much of triggering spells, and I'm guessing no one can hear you, if you want someone to help you with your spells go to this section: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/world-editor-help-zone-98/
there are tons of helpers and professionals alike that are willing to help people from their work, go try it dude

Hmmm, okay im going to take a look, thanks again! :)

Put the screenshots in a hidden tag. Dont hide your description in a hidden tag. From the screenies it looks good.

Okay, the screenshots are going to be put in to the description ^^

"Dont hide your description in a hidden tag."

Well, the other guys said i should hidde the description :p

Thanks guys, for your help :thumbs_up:
Level 3
Feb 17, 2011
Just tested the map and i must say very entertaining gameplay :D
However there were a two things that bothered me..
The catapults have longer attack range than the towers, so that when all the creeps are dead the catapult fires at the tower for like 30 seconds until the next wave comes:/
Also the armor merchant sells items that give +3 str and +3 Int but no +3 agi :O
But still very nice map :)
Level 5
Sep 3, 2008
Just tested the map and i must say very entertaining gameplay :D
However there were a two things that bothered me..
The catapults have longer attack range than the towers, so that when all the creeps are dead the catapult fires at the tower for like 30 seconds until the next wave comes:/
Also the armor merchant sells items that give +3 str and +3 Int but no +3 agi :O
But still very nice map :)

Hello there and thanks for testing :D
The catapult attack range is meaned to be so. So the catapult are more important in the battle :ogre_haosis:
Okay gonna add the +3 agi item ;D

Thanks again for testing :thumbs_up:
Level 6
May 9, 2010
Played 20 minutes
Took Priest
Cheats used -> Map, Gold and Daddy

Not quite good, blizzard cliffs all around, square-ish map Poorly terrained.
I'm not here to tell you what you have to do, but I think you need to improve
the terrain a whole lot.

Seemed to be varied and useful with working skills.
Towers have a lot of hit points and it's long to go to the final boss.
Creeps are in bunches, which makes it hard to farm them.

RoC Items, you should make a shop area, not split it from one side to the other (even with the teleport).
You probably want to make the pricing of your items better. Gem of truesight at 200g is cheap.

I only tried the priest and it wasn't that cool. I didn't try all the lanes, I kept the top one of the elven side and
it was as if I wasn't there really. Couldn't keep anything alive and protection weren't effective.

It needs improvement, I see that's the version 0.5 so it's far from completed.
So keep improving and make games less long by increasing movement speed of units and reducing tower health.

Level 5
Sep 3, 2008
Played 20 minutes
Took Priest
Cheats used -> Map, Gold and Daddy

Not quite good, blizzard cliffs all around, square-ish map Poorly terrained.
I'm not here to tell you what you have to do, but I think you need to improve
the terrain a whole lot.

Seemed to be varied and useful with working skills.
Towers have a lot of hit points and it's long to go to the final boss.
Creeps are in bunches, which makes it hard to farm them.

RoC Items, you should make a shop area, not split it from one side to the other (even with the teleport).
You probably want to make the pricing of your items better. Gem of truesight at 200g is cheap.

I only tried the priest and it wasn't that cool. I didn't try all the lanes, I kept the top one of the elven side and
it was as if I wasn't there really. Couldn't keep anything alive and protection weren't effective.

It needs improvement, I see that's the version 0.5 so it's far from completed.
So keep improving and make games less long by increasing movement speed of units and reducing tower health.


Hello there.
First of all thanks for testing and commenting :D

Terrain :

I know the terrain isn´t perfect but its acceptable don´t you think so too? Of course I could improve the terrain and try to make it better with every version. And what do you mean with "Blizzard Cliffs" ?

Units :

A Tower with 8.000 hit points is not easy to take down but its not impossible! Keep your catapult alive and protect your units and take another hero with you and the tower is gone be destroyed easy.

"The creeps are in bunches." Well maybe the wolf area (60 wolfs ;) ), but the other ones are full with spawn points so that never 10 creep would stay side by side.

Yes its hard to reach Furion/Thrall but if it would be to easy it would be boring ^^. Another question, have you played alone? The game experience is differtent if you play with more people.

Items :

Yes you are right about that :)
My map needs more custom items. Thanks for the advice and I m also gonna check the prices ^^

Heroes :

Its sad that you only tested the priest :/
Im gonna check his abilities. But you said that it was as weren´t you there...Maybe the priest is in need of boost in his heal abilities ;)

Again thank you for reviewing my map :thumbs_up:
Last question, why did you used cheats to test my map o_0 ?

Level 10
Dec 12, 2010
Hmm... This looks interesting... I'll check it out.

Btw, I really don't think it is such a good idea to put so much of your description in hidden tags, since it makes all of the letters really small and everyone has to go through and click all of those buttons.
Level 5
Sep 3, 2008
Hmm... This looks interesting... I'll check it out.

Btw, I really don't think it is such a good idea to put so much of your description in hidden tags, since it makes all of the letters really small and everyone has to go through and click all of those buttons.

Hmmm, do you think it would be better if I put every single "Description Category" in its own hidden tag?
Level 10
Dec 12, 2010
Uh, no, not really. I was saying that you shouldn't use that many hidden tags. Just use them for screenshots, not everything. I'm actually one of those people who dislike a lot hidden tags unless you have screenshots, triggers, really long quotes, really long explaination, etc. What you have under these hidden tags isn't really much to hide.

I just recommend you don't use them for a few sentences and what an ordinary map description should have. It could be OK to hide the credits though.
Level 10
Dec 12, 2010
My review...

A Slayer Review: Battle of Ashenvale

Good Points
:thumbs_up:Every lane has different unit types in it.
:thumbs_up:Custom models for icons. Unusual.

Bad Points
:thumbs_down:The heroes take forever to revive!
:thumbs_down:A very, very powerful Dragon appeared in my base mid-game and started killing everyone.
:thumbs_down:Gold comes in way too slow.
:thumbs_down:None of the abilities I saw had descriptions that told what they did at level 4.
:thumbs_down:The Alliance can raise skeletons and the Horde have Undead Necromancers. I found that kind of odd.
:thumbs_down:No camera pan when your Hero dies.
:thumbs_down:Not many item drops, at all.
:thumbs_down:Custom heroes that had the exact same spells as melee heroes.
:thumbs_down:The "lanes" of most AoS maps have room to move around a little. This map limits you there. Not much room to move and using walls makes the terrain look kind of simple.
:thumbs_down:The base guards are completely blocking some of the ramps, so it isn't even usable.

Did not find any bugs.

Overall Opinion
Overall, I've seen better. Please improve the gameplay by fixing my Bad Points. I'd say [highlight]2/5[/code].
Level 5
Sep 3, 2008
First of all, thanks for reviewing the map Slayer14.

My Questions and what im gonna do thanks to you :)

1 : The Heroes take 1 minute and 30 seconds to revive.. Is that too much ?

2 : The Green Dragon is an event...and I don´t think that he can destroy the whole base in 2 minutes. ( He changes place every 2 minutes btw. )

3 : Good... What you suggest ?

4 : Oh, just checked that. Gonna improve ALL spells descriptions.

5 : Yes I find that odd too, but I haven´t found a good model that can be used as summon unit for the Summoners.

6 : Its going to be made

7 : Same as point 6

8 : Gonna add more custom spells

9 : Im working on the terrain :)

10 : Im sure that you meant the "royal" guards defending Furion / Thrall. You don´t really need to go to your King in the beginning and you can use the teleport to get to north / south of your base.. And if your king is attacked, the guards around him move/attack so that you can get to him and also defend him...

Thanks again and please review it again when I improve the gameplay by fixing all those "Bad Points".


Edit :

Information :

Im working hard on the terraing right now. All other bad points have been removed / fixed!
Because of that HUGE changes, i´ve changed the name of the map, description, history, factions , etc. The name is now Forest of Naturz ( FoN :D ). In the previous versions it was called Battle of Ashenvale and the map was "based" in the eternal battle of the Horde and Alliance in the Forest of Ashenvale ( Warsong Gulch ). Now it is based on its (my) own fantasy world. So expect huge changes in the map when the next version come out! New unique heroes, items, quests, units and more:D

Good bye for now (;
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Level 7
Apr 11, 2011
Official Basic Review of V3H -

Terrain 3/10 - Basic AoS
Concept & Idea 4/10 - Try to separate from the common AoS.
Triggers 0/10 - Need the uncorrupted version.
Object Data 6/10 - Could use better description and work around the spells and units.
Overall Map Data 5/10 - Could use more custom resources and better placement.
Estimated effort spent into this 7/10 - You did spend time on this =)
Playability & Improveable 5/10 - It is fun and has some good events but could be better.

Overall Mark - 30/70 - Close but not approved/didn't pass my review.

Any questions about the review, just ask and I will answer.

Suggestions -
Update more often, maybe add a video?
More events and better customized items and spells.
More object data.
Better triggers.
Clean up the map.
Level 13
Mar 6, 2008

A little bit flat. Some regions are realy empty and the lanes are little bit stuffed. The tiles need some variations.

I played the "Defender".
He is just the mountainking with a different icon for the hero and a different icon for the avatar ability.
Icon and model does not fit together.
--> Lame

I don't find any custom item - just one or two with slight changes.

The tooltips are generaly good, but you have to change all tooltips. Because the tooltips you did not change are in a diffrent language if the user has no english version of warcraft.
Global experience is realy disturbing.
Why are there billions of units stuffed between the lanes? It looks like you had no idea to fill the rest of the map.

The file name is too long. This map is not playable for many people.
My suggestion: BoAp0.6

You have a lot of work to do.