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Battle For Erebor 2.0


Battle For Erebor 2.0 (Map)

Level 2
Sep 17, 2005
Hey buby7. I've played the game and have found tons of things that could use some fixing. First of all, you might want to have a friend go through and fix the billions of spelling errors. Second, I played the game all the way through with some friends and there was no ending!!! Absolutely no victory message for anyone! I made a point of whiping out every enemy on the map, except for Shelob because there was no way to get to her. Aside from thse things, the game was very nice. I liked the fact that you did your research on the characters from the hobbit and the Lord of the Rings.
Level 4
Oct 25, 2004
Well tell me Everything I should fix after trying the new version (1.5) I added a Leaderboard, fixed the Blocker beside Esgaroth, Smaug is a lil bit weaker, Sauron 2, I added a Ring trigger (If Sauron get the ring, he'll become the lord of the ring. South Spider now belong to Light blue, Caras galadon is no more laggy, naz as better cooldown, Carrock have mana, Pink and grey have less unit at starting and you can build worker/slave in Worker house OR slave pit.

Thx, I did LOT of research English is not my first langage :? ... I'll need your help, Email me ([email protected]) to tell me my spelling errors

I'll have to fix the Victory/defeat Thing, Thx alot