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Basketball Post

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Reactions: deepstrasz
And once again, I've uploaded another model. Remember to comment and rate!
In game looks nicer. ^^

Model - Basketball Post
Size - Small
Skin - Custom

v1.5 - Made material two-sided

v1.4 - Changed pole back to box due to model size

v1.3 - Now uses same texture of Basketball, changed pole to cylinder instead of box

v1.2 - Changed aiming board texture a little bit

v1.1 - Changed pole metalic texture, changed aiming board texture

v1.0 - Made and uploaded model
basket, ball, basketball, court, sport, play, post

Basketball Post (Model)

17:53, 17th Oct 2008 Pyritie: Make the material of the net two-sided. 18th Oct 2008 Pyritie: Changes made, resource approved.




17:53, 17th Oct 2008
Pyritie: Make the material of the net two-sided.

18th Oct 2008
Pyritie: Changes made, resource approved.
The markings on the board which the basket hangs from are not just their for decoration. They acually have a purpose. Thus I recomend you make them more accurate to a real basket ball net thing.

Also the skin on the pole looks poor.

XD ..I know that actually .. I'll update it when I got time.
Btw, why do you think the skin on the pole looks poor? Can you give some suggestion how should I make it like?
Level 5
Jun 27, 2008
im actually gonna use this. I was searching for exactly this.

Rep for you:wink: