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Artha's Revenge

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A cinematic about a mix of my own fantasy and 50% of warcraft LORE.I am using a cinematic style at this map and i hope you will like it.I am not known in the community and i accept all the comments:)

Artha's Revenge (Map)

Earth-Fury: not half bad. The cliff cave bugs out for quite a while, which is verry bad. (appears as a black space) other than that, not bad.




Earth-Fury: not half bad. The cliff cave bugs out for quite a while, which is verry bad. (appears as a black space) other than that, not bad.
Level 2
Aug 22, 2007
Thanks for your comments, i told i am new in the community so i accept all the comments cause they will make me better. Many will notice that music sucks and i know it too >.<, but i was lazy to put something it fits . Also the ending part is a bit ..sucky.., i could make a fight i mean but i couldnt think of something. Thanks all for comments again and feel free to post more.
Level 2
Sep 4, 2007
I think that they some good ideas (I've liked the moment when Arthas is in the forest with the solar rail :p) But i think it was my computer but i has lagged a lot.
Moreover i think that fighting are too easy won and when there are Balnazzar vs the Lich, i didn't why the lich died because the flammes where on the ice not on the lich...
Level 2
Aug 22, 2007
Thanks for the comments. Sorry for the lag but you must have a medium-to-fast-quality of proccesor cause the map has lot of effects and lights, taht is causing you to lag. At the Lich scene it was supposed to burn the ice with the fire and the small effect of flamestrike. that looks like quicksand to grab the lich in the ground and then burn him again. Well wasnt so much of success xD. Anyway i plan to update this map for music ++some other fixes.