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Angel Arena Allstars 1.69f

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
A mix of Hero Arena, Hero Sieg and RPG.
Kill thousands of creeps, level up as fast as you can, buy legendary itens, fight powerfull bosses, make some quests, increase you power and destroy your enemy to win the Angel Arena Tournament.

- 72 heros
- 19 special heros
- 5 Anime characters
- Max level 50
- All heros with unique abilities
- lots of game options(-ap,-ar,-sh,-ev,-do, -dm, -wtf, -life, -respawn)
- 21 Hero Bosses
- Over 400 creeps respawn.
- 2 Quest.
- Many itens and fusions
- Custon Loadscreen with players finish load.
- Command -score to see players score(MVP).
- Multiboard with all players(LVL, Kills, Deaths, hero icons, game mode).
- Camera system (change distance and angle of view).
- Many cheats to Single Player, can test all things.
Thanks for JJCP.
And, cheats only is loaded after 20 sec and if is single player.
It don't increase map loading time or anithing, and can't use in mult player game.

-cheat(activates cheats)
-gold #
-lumber #
-int #
-agi #
-str #
-lvl #
-xp #
-hp #
-mp #
-ms #
-charges# ### (First # slot 2nd charges)
-additem # (max is about 90)
-mana (Mana stays at 100%)
-invis (makes unit invisible)
-vis (visible)
-pathoff (walkthrough walls)
-pathon (normal)
-setcolor (red/blue/teal/purple/yellow/orange/green/pink/gray/lb/dg/brown)
-owner (red/blue/teal/purple/yellow/orange/green/pink/gray/lb/dg/brown)
-nocd (no cooldown)
-cdon (cooldown on)
-bindup/down/left/right (IE: -bindup -kill would make it so that when you hit up it kills whatever is selected)
-mh (Dispalys map, no server splits, hopefully)
-size #
-food #
-copy #
-ufast (builds/researches/train unit instantly, when hitting esc, must have typed all 3)
-share ##
-unshare ##
-ally ##
-unally ##
-soff (share off)
-spawn #### (List)
-ground ####
-add ####
-remove #### (removes the ability)
-g ## #### (gold)
-l ## #### (lumber)
-f ## #### (food)
-spa ## #### (Spawn unit)
-sn ## <name> (setname)
-sc ## (red/blue/teal/purple/yellow/orange/green/pink/gray/lb/dg/brown)
-dead (Sets units animation to dead)
-birth (Sets building to being built)
-attack (Sets unit to attack)
-stand (Sets unit to stand)
-hear (You can see what everyone is saying)
-nohear (back to normal)
-kick ## <message>
-tele (sets patrol to teleport)
-note (sets it back to normal)
-regmin (Click to set Minx and Miny)
-regmax (Click to set Maxx and Maxy)
-reg <kill/explode/red/blue/teal/purple/yellow/orange/green/pink/gray/lb/dg/brown> (Set rect to command specified)
-time ## (Sets time to that hour)
-float ### ### (first #'s is height 2nd are speed)
-stop (Disable unit commands)
-resume (Enables them)
-area #### #### (First #'s are size 2nd Rawcode, then click where you want it)
-loc (Shows X and Y location of selected Unit) (use with reg)
-autoh ### (Autoheals by precentage)(A little buggy)
-disable (Disable -reg)
-list# (1-8)
-cheaton ## (Turns cheats on for player specified)
-cheatoff ## (Turns cheats off for player specified)
-unit #### (Spawns specified unit at issued location)
-nounit (Disables -unit)
-act <activator> (Changes activator to whatever specifed, needs a - at the beginning)
-unitid (Shows the unit's rawcode)
-itemid (Shows the unit's item rawcode in first slot)
-destid (Shows rawcode of destructable in Reg)
-destroy (Removes selected units)
-revive (Revives dead hero and spawns at selected unit)

To know over Extra patch and 1.70+ versions: Click here

Click on screens to view full size. (Thanks to Scaler for this screens)

Terrain changes.
Many spelling fixes.
Fix bug in Deathmach(statue don't respawn)
New climate(snow, rain, sun)
Add blue fog on night.
Add sun/moon rays At 12 am/pm.
Slow down day/night cicle.
When player kill/dies the Hero say something.
New Icons.
New Naga ruined city.
New Boss(in naga city)
Change Creeps respawn Timer.
Change Lvl requeriment to Semi Gods.(40 and 80)
Add a small gold cost to teleports.
Remake South forest Creeps.
Change Creeps Respawn delay.

Heroes Remake/Changes.



Changes to 1.66b:
Add option to disable Death Mach(-dm)
Duel only start if have 2 players.
Fix bugs in duel.

Trent Protector(Remake)
Night Archer(Remake)
Add -r or -respawn option(change creeps respawn delay, can be between 1 to 60, default is 20 seconds)
Add cheats to Single Player(like -tele, -lvl, -str, -agi, -int, -gold, -lumber, -exp, -nocd)(Cheats can bug sometimes)
Fix spells framework(Ieti's Frost Sphere, Goku's Genki Dama, Jaina's Polar, Renegade's Black Hole)
Dimension Shield/Overgod's Armor Invulnerability change From 10 to 6 seconds.
Chaos Ultimate Changed(now create a 1,2,3 illusions with full attack/defend for 20 seconds, 90 sec cooldown)
Now Single Player ever can change hero(don't block -repick to test heros.)
Fix Bug in Panda Ultimate
Change range of Venomancer from 600 to 400
Add 3 new hero's history.
Fix some bugs in Game End.(Cinematic)
Nerf Merlin Ultimate from 10,20,30 to 5,10,15 times hero int.
Fix lag i Stone Nova(Horo 2° abilit)
Base effect now don't block heros.
Changed Special Merchant Area.
4 New Creeps in new area(Dragons and shade)
Fix soo many bugs and leaks.
Now can fusion Itens between Hero and stock.

Furion(2 New spells)
Rickmaru(New spells icon)
Doom Bridger(New ultimate)
Sand King(New Spells Icon and Frameworks)
Princess of the Moon(1 New Spell)
Jakiro, the Twin Headed dragon(3 New spells)
Miko, the Clerig(New ultimate)
Ufarr, the Ursa warrior(4 New spells)
Sentry, the Wacher (4 New spells)
Terrorblade, the Dragon Spawn (2 New spells)
Knight Davion, the Dragon Knight(2 New spells)
Demeter, the God of Nature(3 New spells)
Horo, the God of Wild(2 New spells, and fix lag)
Yunero, the Juggernaut(1 New abilit)
Dirge, the Undying(4 New abilits)
Groom, the Hellscreen(4 New spells)
Thanatos, the God of Down(1 New abilit)
Gargoyle, the Living Stone(2 New spells)
Pandarem, the Battlemaster(New ultimate, fix bugs)
Changes Goku Genki's Dama(New framework, now is better XD)
Changed Jaina Ultimate(Now it frozen nearby enemies for some seconds)
Changed Hero's Max lvl to 40
Now Stats bonus give 10 to all stats each lvl
More hard to lvl up(lvl 40 is same of old lvl 100)
Now abities requeriment lvl changed from 4 to 2(can buff one abilit)
If hero's don't get runes they are removed in 90 seconds.
Removed Hydra's Platinum
Fix some bugs in abilities descriptions
Increased Dragon(creeps) Bountry
Decreased New creeps armor.
Decreased Fenrir's Bountry(25 to 20)
Now show comands in load screen.
All runes have diferent colors.
Add new hero's Descriptions.
Changed heros Taverns(Agi/Int/Str)
Add Hotkeys to all heros(Q,W,E,R)
All heros have unique abilities.
Fix so many leaks.

Hero's Change:
Gabriel(3 new abilities)
Abigor(3 new abilities)
Hydra(1 new abilit)
Rock Smasher(4 new abilities)
Dragon Knight(Fix 3° abilit)
Pir Lord(1 new abilit)
Void(1 New abilit)
Dreadlord(1 New abilit)
Axe(4 New abilities)
Holy Knight(1 new abilit)
Hecate(2 New abilities)
Rexxar(4 New abilities)
Gilgamesh( 2 New Abilities)

Changes to 1.68b:
Better game balance.
Fix some bugs in duel.
Fix more abilities descriptions.
Increased time between events.
Now can use invis on duels.
Small terrain changes.
Add new area with all bosses.
Add new hero description
Add more creeps

Fix bugs in Flying Sheep.
Void 1° abilit Add cooldown.
Doom Bridger 3° abilit changed.
Ominiknight 4° abilit buff.
Axe 4° abilit buff.
Lanaya 4° abilit buff.
Gilgamesh 1° abilit modified.
Gilgamesh 3° abilit changed.
Cratos 4° abilit modified.
Hyperion 1° Abilit buff
Hyperion 2° Abilit buff

Changes 1.68c
Add colours to itens names.
Fix some descriptions.
Now -cam work with mouse scroll.
Now can use -r 0, -cam 0, -cam 100
Add more creeps(Now have over 600 creeps)
Fix the Gamble and Risk, now can't drop fusion itens.
Fix many leaks at mode -ev.(Eclypse)
Increased bountry of Demon Overlord and Warlock
Increased HP of Gates (to Ice and Semi-gods).
Decreased Font HP regen(From 10% to 6%)
Small change at team 2 respawn.
Fix bugs in fusion of some itens.
Changed value of ultimate itens.
Add more enviroments.

Fix lag in Jakiro 2° Spell
Fix lag in Chaos 2° ability
Fix bugs in Morphiling 4° Ability
Remove Kage Bushin from Flying Sheep
Nerf Trent Pulverize
Buff Apolo 2° Skill
Nerf Artropos 2° ability
Nerf Nerubian Flame Strike
Buff sentry 3° ability, and some bugs fix.
Now Chaos 2° abilit is based on hes STR and don't lag.
Nerf Merlin(increased Frost Nova Cooldown)
Nerf Void 3° abilit damage, Remove Cooldown, increased mana cost.
Hellscreen 2° skill now dels damage based on hero's Agi and stun enemies, don't knock.
Heavy optimization(only load picked hero's spells).
Fix -sh mode(All players get the same hero of player 1 red).
Fix -ar mode(now don't spawn heros of same type).
Fix -repick to only one time per player.
Fix some duel bugs.
Fix lots of descriptions.
Shadow quest now is one time per hero.
Improved all random start function.
Improved end cinematic.
Changed Multiboard descriptions.
Now if player red skip end cinematic finish game for all players.
Now show hero's icon in multiboard.
Now show creeps respawn delay in multiboard.
Now can change hero only one time(normal to semi-god/god).
Now every 5 mins show a table with "Players' Score".
Add command -score (show all players score).
Add command -ang # (angle 0-360 to set camera angle).
Cheats now automatic active if is Single Player.
Modified Loadscreen.
Otimized map size (reduced 100kb lol)

Add Venomancer's Description
Add cooldown of 0.5 sec to auto-cast skills of Artropos, Renegade and Void.
Buff Ichigo Getsuga Tenshow(increased damage and range)
Nerf Saber Excalibur(increased cooldown)
Nerf PofM Fire Arrow(Increased cooldown)
Changed Goku's KameHameHa(New framework and now damage is based on STR)
Changed Goku's Kaioken(Remake, and add framework)
Remake Flying Sheep

Changes 1.69b
Fix bug in -ar (Now can't change god, pick god only one time.)
Fix bug in drop itens when fusion itens with dead heros.
Fix bug in Multiboard (Don't show Leave players)
Fix Holy Wather Quest.
Changed Score(now score is multiplied by respawn time of creeps)

Lina 1° Abilit(Increased cooldown, Increased Mana Cost)
Lina 2° Abilit(Decreased Mana Cost)
Lina 4° Abilit(Increased Range)
Sheep 3° Abilit(Nerf Damage, now is 20% to 60%)
Lanaia(Increased Move Speed 330)
Lanaia 1° Abilit(Buff increased damage)
Lanaia 3° Abilit(Buff mana shield)
Lanaia 4° Abilit(Buff Increased Range and Decreased Cooldown)
Lanaia 4° Abilit(Buff damage is based on hero INT)
Dragon 3° Abilit(Buff Need less kills to bonus str)
Crusader 1° Abilit(Buff increased heal and range)
Crusader 4° Abilit (Buff, Decreased Cooldown)

Changes 1.69c
Add -switch
Add -d (Select Next Dueles).
Add AI to computers.
Add Effect to Selene.
Add Effect to Helios.
Change Boss Bountry to STR.
Change Max Level to 50.
Changes in some creeps.
Fix some bugs on duel.
Fix ending cinematic
Changed abilites terrain deformation effects.
Changed Apollo 2° abilit(Meteor)
Buff Apollo 4° abilit(Increased range, damage, stun and cooldown)

Changes 1.69d
Fix Fatal Errors
Fix ending cinematics
Fix bugs in -switch
Fix Bug when repick(invunerable)
Fix some wrong descriptions
Add protection to -d and -kick(don't crash game if use colors)
Now auto-kick to afk players after 5 mim of game.(if don't pick any hero after 5 mim)
Now can switch with red and green(but red and green can't use -switch)
Removed some unless creeps
Buff Warlock Staff(Increase damage and mana cost)
New loading and Preview screens(again)
Level Requeriment to Chaos now is 50.
Fix Warlock 4° Abilit(Lasts 8 seconds)
Nerf Naga 4° Abilit(Increased cooldown from 20 to 30 seconds.)

Changes 1.69e:
Fix to Warcraft III 1.24
Updated damage system, now it show the true damage dealt by each ability.

Naisha 1° Ability
Sasquach 2° Ability
Naga 2° Abilit(Increase cooldown)
Renegade 3° Ability
Jakiro 3° Abilit(Decrease damage)
Naga 3° Ability
Muradim 3° Ability
Rickmaru Ultimate
Lanaya Ultimate
Cratos Ultimate
Pudge Ultimate
Axe Ultimate

Changes 1.69f:
Fix Fatal Errors(crashs)
Increase Chaos stats.
Add bountry to Chaos kills.
Increase stats price(from 250 each to 1k each)
Increase Defense System(Rockets) attack and price.(attack cooldown from 2 sec to 1 sec and cost from 500 to 1.250)
Now can fusion 2 Defense system lvl 3 to get an Infernal Fist.
Decrease Infernal Fist attack cooldown from 2 sec to 0.5 sec.
Add 3 levels to infernal fist(increase attack each level)
Warlock Staff, changed itens recié and add 5 levels:
Warlock Staff = 2 Magic Stone+Mana Aura+Hammer of Pain
To increase warlock staff level buy more hammer of pain.

Add a new items:
Holy Blade = King's Blade+Holy Warfare
Divine Protection = Guardian Force+God's Diamond+Scale Armor

Terrain Remake(Now is arena, not Labirint).
Removed Many Bosses(Medusa,Judas,Quimera,Cerberus,Chaos).
Boss respawn time changed to 10 seconds.
New Effect to Boss Models.
Now bosses drop gold by his STR(Selene,Helios,Archangel).
Bosses bountry can up to 1.000.000 gold to all players of team.
Now have over 800 creeps.
New way to secret shop.
Max level now 50.
Changed arena creeps model.
Add -switch # comand(can use only one time in game and only can switch with leave players)
Add -d #(select the player to next duel)
Add Starting option -ng (or -no gods)
Show Player number on Scoreboard.
Don't Show creeps on minimap.
New Loadingscreen
New dumbass AI. (it don't use any ability or buy itens, only fight lol)

QoP 3° Abilit(Improved effect)
Apollo 2° Abilit (Changed)
Apolo 4° Abilit (Buff, Increased Damage and Range)
Apolo 4° Abilit (Fix requerimente lvl 12)
Fix -switch
Fix -d (Add a protection to don't bug if select a leave players)
Fix some leaks.
Fix lots of AI bugs.
Fix AI in -ar(if use AI in -ar bots stats grown up like crazy)
Add new comands -com
Add new comands to starting game.
Add a Delay to Hidden Island Passage, you only gan buy it after 5 mim of game.
Increase Delay to Replenish of Hidden Island Passage(30 seconds)
Now Red and Green can't use -switch.(it bug Deathmatch =/)
Improved some scripts(kick and switch)

Removed Beta Version because many bugs.
(imbalances, fatal errors, freezes, crashs).

Angel Arena Allstars

Angel Arena Allstars 1.69f (Map)

16:27, 27th Sep 2009 Rui: The map does not seem to be compatible with patch 1.24. Since it is unplayable, it is not worth having it up for download.
Level 3
Mar 9, 2006
youkaiz, maybe find someone who's good speaker? That person would fix all those spelling mistakes.
Level 2
May 21, 2005
Came back to have a look and see the last few posts...Just wanna say that as much as I want to help with spelling and grammar, I can't host game on Bnet and Garena players from my country dun play the map. Currently I check spellings when I'm feeling bored and will play single player for one whole afternoon.

So if any of u see some errors and have free time on ur hands, pls help us out by posting at the forums. Thx in advance.
Level 6
Feb 19, 2008
To 1.70 i will make so many things, i will try make the -switch and -sp and started to make a new terrain, with this i think is more easy to edit map and make new things.

New Map?

If someone can help-me to edit the new terrain thanks.
I made now a new way to secret shop.
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Level 2
Jan 14, 2009
Pls add walls...and Put shop somewhere where you can get to it... not get killed by enemy heroes that stay there...
Level 6
Feb 19, 2008
Hmm, i trying to remove walls XD. Don't need a labirint in hero arena.

Btw, this version have so much bugs.
Changes 1.70 Beta2(At now)
Fix -switch
Fix -d (Add a protection to don't bug if select a leave players)
Fix some AI bugs.
Fix AI in -ar(if use AI in -ar bots stats grown up like crazy)
Add a Delay to Hidden Island Passage, you only gan buy it after 5 mim of game.
Increase Delay to Replenish of Hidden Island Passage(30 seconds)

Starting a rework to 1.70
The new map isen't fun, because it i make a downgrade to 1.69b.
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Level 6
Feb 19, 2008
Released new version, now with new screens(i think now is better).
Thanks to Dust for new Loading and Preview Screen,
the map size is increased by 200kb but i don't think it is bad.

I fixed so many bugs from 1.69c and now can use -switch if red or green leave, but it work only one time in game.
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Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
I dont care about the models, really. And i dont think many people does.
The gameplay and balancing should go before model searching.
Im sure a lot of the ones on the pic could be just replaced with regular wc3 ones to be honest :/
I want to see more balancing updates insted of terrain/models.
Level 4
Jul 2, 2008
i only like the transferring item (from hero to holder or vice-versa) system, but the heroes are so imbalance. Over all 2/5. Unplayable map without balanced heroes.
Level 6
Feb 19, 2008
The old terrain is too limited and i want to make a new Epic Project XD

Because it i making a New thing for Angel Arena, not only New heros, it is All New
(I know many ppl talk the map is imbalanced when they lost, but they don't talk what is imbalanced...)

Btw, to 1.70 will have New terrain and some New Areas, i remaking the most part of map creeps now more worked creeps with spells and mana.

I think the new version will need more time to make a nice balance.
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
The old terrain is too limited and i want to make a new Epic Project XD

Because it i making a New thing for Angel Arena, not only New heros, it is All New
(I know many ppl talk the map is imbalanced when they lost, but they don't talk what is imbalanced...)

Btw, to 1.70 will have New terrain and some New Areas, i remaking the most part of map creeps now more worked creeps with spells and mana.

I think the new version will need more time to make a nice balance.

All the terrain isnt actually beggin remade.
The arena still looks the same.
the systems still work kinda the same, and i guess some of the triggers isnt even touched im not sure though. Better redo it all from the base (or maybe keep the arena) and redo everything else. Thats what im doing with my currently AA project.
Im redoing everything expect the arena that will be edited.

And we know what imbalance is, imbalance doesnt have to be one hit KO.
Imbalance can be very small but makes a huge adventage through the game.
I mean, i played versus my friend a few time, and some heros wasnt able to kill be a single time and he does know how to play.

This version is better then the others i have played but it still needs some work.
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
Another shitty imbalance ass Angel Arena/ HvH arena...I will rate it tomorrow if I feel like this shit deserves it..
PS: Anime heroes make a game WORSE not better...

Even if you dont like the map you dont have to insult and such things, just say that you dislike the map and tell him what to improve.
Try to be a human and not an asshole.
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
Well I am sorry LTGH, but its like DotA, you think after a few years this shit would be good with all the knock offs they had... t.t

I like dota -.-'
Only becouse you dont like dota you cant tell everyone that it still havent got better, someone have to have everything. WoW is like the most successful game ever but it is still many people that HATE IT.

So dont come and compare with dota as if that map sucked as well becouse it doesnt, its just not your taste.



Level 4
Feb 27, 2009

Btw EPW compared AA Allstars with Hells x heaven,
he never played AA Allstars and only tryed to flood here because it is the second most downloaded map.

Sorry kid, but I played both...
AA Allstars and Hell vs Heaven use the same terrain...
I must agree, I like the new items, heroes, and modes, ect...
But, you really have crapped out with the balancing, it's so gay....
This game is basically based on your ability of gaining an item, not on skill, and I HATE, absolutely HATE, imba games...ask anyone, I will degrade any map because of balance problems...
I suppose you want some pointers to make this map more better :)P, yes I know it was a grammatical mistake, don't care :p):

~First Off, in the description, please describe the modes. It is so lame that I have to read the modes, bam! they are gone, then i put down like 2 modes and trying to think about the ones that I just read, and by then, only two of my modes will work...

~Second Off, phoenix fire is pretty rigged, (forgot what hero it was); he can pretty much nearly kill a hero until late game (and even then do hefty damage) with phoenix fire alone.

~Third, Summons like the bear are RIGGED at the beginning (and past that pretty rigged), please add like a level requirement or nerf them...I had to kick someone because he camped his summon at my base...

~Fourth, add a mode which turns risk and gamble off, because that will help knock things down a notch, for instance, with that alone, I went from the best to the worst player in a matter of minutes because they got rigged shit and I got two angel shit...

~Fifth, there are many more heroes that are rigged, FoD is pretty rigged, I kept getting one shot out of nowhere with it...

~Sixth, it will say, "[Host's name] killed [Player being killed]" when I was nowhere around, fix that...

~Seventh, people can base, and that is dumb, add a base killer for queers...

~Eighth, if someone gets kicked or leaves, make their items drop from the hero and stash....

~Ninth, yes, Anime heroes might SEEM cool, but lets face it, anime has no place in Warcraft, and no place in this map, please change the models to warcraft like. I know the 12 year olds might get mad that I say this, but come on really, Anime is overdone and overrated, so get over it :grin:...

~Tenth, I notice that duels weren't based on the strongest players, you should make it like that...

~Eleventh, make a mode where we can get rid of the damn statue...

~Twelfth, sorry about me flaming ya, I was just pissed because the assholes that I was playing with were pissing me off, and their imba ass heroes wasnt helping...I mean, I kept kicking them, but still...I shouldn't have degraded this map....

~Thirteenth, balance before models, like everyone has been saying, and please like I noted above, get rid of anime models, it degrades us all...
Level 1
Jun 19, 2009
i play AAA map from i think version 1.4 and you have made alot progress since then. I love this map and dota alike. AAA have some(alot) imbalancing heroes as you heard from others. I cant wait till version 1.70 comes. From pictures i saw it will be awesome. Keep up the good work and tell meis version 1.7 coming out this summer or after this summer. 5/5.
:fp: :thumbs_up::mwahaha:
Level 2
May 21, 2005

1st - be more clear.....I dunno abt now but description of modes used to be at the loading screen.
2nd to 5th - basically balancing...if you are that irritated about the problem, give more detailed suggestions... Youkaiz has always been trying to balance the map but there's not enuf feedback.
6th - that's a known problem but not a major one....I'm sure he'll work on that.
7th - yeah, that's a problem he's trying to fix....there's so many thinking abt how to exploit and only 1 to think abt solving.
8th - no comment...I'm neutral on this topic
9th - I believe it's up to the map maker to include what ever heroes... It all comes to individual point of view and preference.
10th - Youkaiz is thriving for randomized duels rather than the same peoples duelling over and over. Your idea will more likely be the latter.
11th - I believe this has already been implemented.
12th & 13th - remember to give constructive comments.

Yes, Youkaiz is spending more time in modelling etc rather than balancing. But pls review ur post, like many others, you didn't give him any constructive idea than those he already have/tried.

In short,
ideas > comments > complains
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Level 3
Jul 13, 2008
btw i trying to make the game most fair, have no many custon abilits (only 47 trigered abilits more than 300 abilits of map) i will don't make new heros before finish make all custon heros.

I think the no HP/Mana regen make the game more competitive you need buy itens to have HP/Mana regen. and u can use itens to regen HP/Mana(the life potions can be used at stock and give effect to hero.

Yes the no Regen by stats is how all maps with buyable timbs should be. Very good idea and i will dl and host on B.Net for a bit and see how i like it, imma post a short review here once i am done.

The game is very well put togather. The terrain was nicly done, the the flexability the map gives to the playes is amasing!
There was some minor flaws though. I found it very laggy at one point while playing God of Nature at around 58 mins in.
Also the map takes a very large amount of time to finsh. I was only on the Death City boss when my team decided to end the game, at some were around 1:30:00. Other then these i find the game very addicting!

side note: A few more items would also be a great add, and a better Info (quest log) for noobs.
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